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Photoshop CS5 freezes

New Here ,
May 14, 2010 May 14, 2010

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Have been using PS CS5 since the trial became available. But seems CS5 responds a lot slower than CS4. Sometimes, it just freezes or slow the whole computer down when I tried to open a many-layer file. I had to force quit the application, It's really frustrated because the system responds very slow even I tried to quit PS. Once it's quite, everyting's back to normal. Does anyone have this problem?







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Jun 24, 2010 Jun 24, 2010

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I've seen the odd color flashing in Safari on a MacBookPro running 10.6.4. Nothing to do with any Adobe app and it happens.





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Jun 28, 2010 Jun 28, 2010

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Is anyone else using a Wacom Tablet when photoshop is freezing? Has anyone tried using photoshop in Safe Mode and not have any problems?





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Contributor ,
Jul 02, 2010 Jul 02, 2010

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I just updated my Photoshop CS5, and I LOVE IT!

it totally fixed my freezing problem and its even more faster.






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 02, 2010 Jul 02, 2010

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Well, I just updated PS5 earlier today  to12.0.1 and the speed hasn't changed - plus, my Mac Pro just froze again whilst transfering TIFF files from Photo Mechanic to PS5. So same as usual for me. I'm now shifting to Bridge, in case there's an extra problem with Photo Mechanic.





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Contributor ,
Jul 02, 2010 Jul 02, 2010

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Ok, Im sorry to report that after using photoshop all day I got a few freezes.

Not sure now how to trigger it since it have nothing related to the type tool, it just freeze randomly.

Yet, the program is more stable, I still having issues.





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Jul 02, 2010 Jul 02, 2010

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Well, the only freezes and slowdowns we currently know about are font and FontAgentPro related.  (remove the FAP plugins to get back to normal)





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Jul 02, 2010 Jul 02, 2010

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I do not have FAP or FontAgent Pro on my computer, so the problem is not related to that as far as I'm concerned.

I've checked http://forums.adobe.com/message/293989 (FAP removal), have searched my Mac for FAP or FontAgent Pro - nothing. I've never installed extra fonts as I only work on images. PS5 still freezes when I drag and drop files into CS5, is genrally slow and at times unresponsive.







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New Here ,
Jul 07, 2010 Jul 07, 2010

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Been useing Photoshop from version5 just 5 not CS5. I have 16 computers to take care of at my place of business. As a result I have learned a few things about computers.The down side is that I do not have an answer. I would like to tell you that the problem is not isolated to Mac alone or to Photoshop CS5 alone. I had installed Photoshop CS4 on a (Windows7) 32 bit operating system with a Nvidia 9600GT graphics card, a quad core intel 9300 2.5 GHz CPU and 4 gig of ram when I experienced the first time that the machine froze up and a few short weeks after that I had the first file become so damaged by the lock up that weeks of work was gone in a flash. I called tech support and they told me to wave bye bye to that file and all that work. I had to admit that I ruglarly worked with very large files with multiple layers, channels and paths. We came to the conclusion that I need to run large files like this on a 64bit system that could utilize more ram. I purchased a system with windows 7 professional 64 bit operating system two Nvidia 9600GT graphics card with Sli support 1 gig of DDR2 ram on the cards-board, the video cards are (approved cards on Adobe website with open GL support) with the latest drivers, the system has a Quad Core 2.5 GHz Intel CPU that has a 4gig cache and 8 gig of ram memory, two 750gig Sata 3 hard drives, additionaly I purchased a Wacom Intous4 tablet and Photoshop CS5. the only installed software on the system is the operating system, PhotoshopCS5 and the drivers for the wacom tablet, no anti virus software and it is worse then the old system when it comes to the locking up or freezing. I cannot use the Wacom tablet at all with the 64 bit version of CS5. If I leave the drivers installed for the tablet Photoshop CS5 will not recognise or open any PSD file, yes thats right an illustrator like me is going to use a mouse as big as a bus to do the precise manipulation of pxels. No if I want to use the tablet Yes you guessed it I have to use the 32 bit version of CS5 (this came directly from the Adobe tech support line). can you visualize Photoshop released without Wacom pen tablet support? Wacom Tablets are only the most popular pen tablets for the professional illustraters. I got my first Wacom pen tablet over ten years ago. when either of these syetems freeze, CS4 or CS5 the Key board and the mouse lock up and on windows we would normally do a control/alt/delete to get to the task manager in order to force a shut down but because the key board is not responding to input I  have not been able to force a shut down. Admittedly I have not tried hitting the control/alt/delete and going to lunch and checking the computer when I come back from lunch and see if the task manager is then available. but I will surelyl try that if I venture down the path of a freeze up again. I would also like to let every one know that this freeze up happens when ever it feels like it, all I know is that it mostly happens when I have acomplished a fair anount of work only to have the entire file possable damaged beyond repair. I have resolved to copy the file before I open it in Photoshop how sad is that





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Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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Paragraph breaks might make that a little easier to read....

Have you reported the Wacom driver issue to Wacom?

And remember that applications cannot cause a machine to lockup, shut down or reboot -- the most they can do is trigger existing bugs in the OS, drivers or hardware. (in your case you found it to be in a driver, mostly)

But if ctrl-alt-del doesn't work on Windows, you're looking at hardware problems - usually bad RAM, and sometimes bad motherboard components.





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New Here ,
Jul 09, 2010 Jul 09, 2010

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First of all let me thank all of you who have tried to help.

Yes I have put in a support request ticket but the 48 hours that they requested has not expired yet.

I do have a 1 800 number that I will try today around 12:30 PM, they are on pacific time I am on eastern.

I would of tried Yesterday but Adobe tech line told me that the wacom tablet will not work with the 64 bit version.

I am aware that sounds suspicious seeing how Wacom tablets are the preferred tool for a majorty of Photoshop users.

I take in to consideration your point about hardware issues. I have run the windows (on board) diagnostics, for the ram memory, it reported that the ram passed. I am aware that this diagnostic cannot fully test the memory. I have  a local computer shop that can load test the memory.  Good diagnostics is a step by step elimanation process. The memory will have to be load tested if the problem is not found else ware.

the motherboard is a Asus P5ND a very reliable and proven motherboard. I have had very poor tech support from Asus. My submitted tech support tickets are unanswered. I do believe that the reason for this is my fault I had not been able to find the serial number and I think they will only return tech requests for people that have regestered and to prove it you need your serial number. I now have found the serial number and supporting documents and a phone number. I will call them today maybe the bios needs to be updated.I am mostly self reliant on this kind of thing. In the past the only problems that I have had with motherboardes is heat and age(that is if the motherboard did not have any problems from the get go). I monitor the tempture of my system and my tower has 7 fans and CPU is water cooled. There is plenty of clean power (a source of problems often overlooked) with a ULTRA 750 W power supply.

I only buy premium ram memory (Corsair) admittedly even premium memory can be faulty but largly my experience with ram has been good. building systems for 11 years and haveing 14  computer stations to maintain at work, I know I have purchased a hundred modules and have only found two of them that I could prove were bad and they were the cheep stuff and that is why I only purchase premium ram for now on. It is hard to diagnose only a load test will prove its reliability.

Chris, you mention The term (SAFE SAVE) I am unfamiliar with that term can you please help me with an understanding?

I mention this because another  indevidual (davisdont) Said " oh, I'm being an idiot again, Photoshop saved correctly but my system is set to copy the file to another folder and leave a duplicate. It was the duplicate that was BROKED during the file copy. *Photoshop unjustly accused*".

I have slected different folders to store my work in, but if I do not elect a different folder (I assumed that it was photoshop) by default, that always placed the file that I had been working on, back in the folder that it came from.

Having said that let me provide an additional observation; when I had the last freeze up, that caused corrupted files, I noticed something additionaly strange. Let me explain, I also had a word document open with a number of links that I had gathered for a project that I was working on.

I often do this kind of thing, lets say I want to do a graphic story about two friends taking a trip to Japan, I will do a google search of places to visit while in Japan and I will copy the links to a word document. when I am doing the illustrations I will go to the word document in order to get some insights into what I might see if I were really there and then I will try to put some of what I learned into the illustration to give it a sence of realism. When the computer froze up this word doc (that I had previouse saved months ago) and now had open at the time of the freeze, was also doing somthing strange.

When I  finally got the computer back up, the first thing that opened was a dialog box that said in order to save this file it needed to convert the file. at first I thought that it was trying to convert a word document into the current version of word this is often the case, sometimes I will do the research on an idea, on an older computer that I have and when I try to save it on this computer it will at that time want to convert it to the newer version of office) but this is not what it was doing, it was trying to encode the file, I went with the flow and let it do its thing. when it was done I took a look at the file to see if my word document was there and what it looked like to me was that two different files had tried to merge with neither one of the files content remaining. It had the name of the file I had open with a few symbols in front of what I had named the file ($~Japan trip links(1)) my file name was (Japan trip links).

In addition let me report that my file was saved, intact, in the file folder that it came from. There it was (Japan trip links (1), at first I thought it was another document that I had done an additional Google search on, but no they were both there (Japan trip links (1) and (Japan trip links (2)

I can only conclude that It may be the load that Photoshop is pulling with these large files but the process of saveing is inerfered with when the freeze takes place and I have to force  shut down

There was a suggestion to shut off open GL support and I thought I would try it. I can report that with the open GL support turned off I was able to work with a 222MB file for over 5 hours before the screen froze up and after a forced shut down I found to my delight that the file had been saved intact.

I will check back. Thanks again for all of help POBOX119 signing off .





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Explorer ,
Jul 09, 2010 Jul 09, 2010

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you might have better luck in the pc forum rather than the mac one





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New Here ,
Jul 09, 2010 Jul 09, 2010

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Thanks davisdont

I googled my problem

and this where it took me for people

having this type of problem if you would direct

me to the form I would also post there Thanks


signing off





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Jul 09, 2010 Jul 09, 2010

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Well, you're in the Photoshop Macintosh Forum, go up one level to the Adobe Photoshop forum, then down to the Photoshop Windows forum.

Safe saves are a way of saving over a file that avoids damage to the original file as much as possible.

Basically:  save the new file to a temporary filename, and only once the save is complete replace the original file with the new one.

This way if the save fails partway through, the original is still intact.





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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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i use hazel http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/22694/hazel to auto backup and name versions of psd's i'm working on (if you set it up right you can have a folder full of versions just like the history pallet in photoshop, except they don't consume ram and won't be effected by a crash)

the only time i've had photoshop destroy a file is a crash during save.

i'm sure photoshop used to save files by making the old one invisible and only trashing it on completion of a successful save of the new version- has this changed?





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Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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No, Photoshop still uses a safe save.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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I did an Adobe Master Collection upgrade and it upgraded PS CS5. I still have the freeze problem.

I am still using CS3 which works just fine.

Is there a fix for this problem? Or, is the solution to simply not use the program that I paid a thousand dollars to get?





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Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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Which freeze problem, exactly?

And did you update to 12.0.1?

Did you update your third party plugins?





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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The same freeze problem that I've had since I installed and outlined in an earlier post.

I did upgrade to 12.0.1

I did not upgrade any plugins, but I have added no plugins that didn't install with the program because I have not yet been able to use the program...at all





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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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when the freeze happens make an exact note of the time, and let the computer sit for a couple of minutes. then reboot. on reboot what are the console log messages for that exact time? any opengl errors or windowserver crashes?





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Explorer ,
Jul 09, 2010 Jul 09, 2010

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Well, the situation for me has improved-- I installed the update and after an initial crash/freeze/whateverchriscoxwantstocallit, it seemed to be running fine-- a little slow when the text tool was selected, but no crashes/freezes/whateverchriscoxwantstocallits.

But then, just now, a full crash/freeze/whateverchriscoxwantstocallit.  It became a system hog and had to be killed, with much waiting, using force-quit.

So-- problem remains.  Shrug.





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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2010 Jul 08, 2010

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oh, i'm being an idiot again, photoshop saved correctly, but my system is set to copy the file to another folder and leave a duplicate. it was the duplicate that was borked during the file copy. photoshop unjustly accused





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New Here ,
Jul 09, 2010 Jul 09, 2010

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I'm not sure if this is going to help anyone, but I have solved the freeze issue on my system.

For other reasons I had to replace my hard drive with a new one, so had a truly fresh install of Snow Leopard (updated to current version). I also reinstalled all of my fonts (I have thousands). Font management software and other scripts referenced in this thread found no font problems whatsoever. And there were no console errors associated with Photoshop (type tool or otherwise).

By chance I had console open alongside a finder window (icon view) showing my user font folder. Photoshop was not running. When the first screen of font previews loaded in finder, up popped an error in console. Surprising, since the font never caused any problems, and none of the other suggestions/methods picked up on it. I scrolled to the next block of fonts, and more errors popped up. These were all font table errors, which in fonts I didn't want to lose I then fixed in FontLab Studio. With the finder window open, I simply scrolled down through the folder contents one block at a time, letting the previews load for every font and noting the fonts logging errors in console.

Once all the "problem" fonts were either deleted or repaired, I shut down, booted up, and no more freezes. Even with font previews on in Photoshop.

Whether this is the result of fixing/deleting these fonts or not, I don't know. But I thought I would share, just in case it helps others.





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New Here ,
Jul 16, 2010 Jul 16, 2010

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I've got a similar problem on my MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 3 GB Ram running OS 10.6.4. I've been using InDesign successfully for months, and finally launched Photoshop. I got an error message stating that Photoshop needed to be reinstalled. Thinking that I'd reinstall it later, I stupidly used Photoshop CS5 anyway. After a few minutes my computer screen started jiggling around and then my computer froze. I ran the Disk Utility and repaired errors. Then my computer wouldn't even boot -- it would go through the startup routine with the round twirly and just freeze. Booting off of another hard drive or CD worked just fine.

I ended up having to reinstall the OS.

Then, I started up InDesign and everything was working fine. I then launched Photoshop CS5 and after 1 minute I had the same exact symptoms again and my computer wouldn't boot. After 2 hours of trying everything under the sun (Disk Utility, safe boot, reading blogs, resetting the PRAM) I had to reinstall the OS for the second time.

I won't be using Photoshop CS5 on this computer again! It does run fine on a different Mac in my office.

Cyndi Reese

ACE Illustrator and InDesign

Adobe Education Leader





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Jul 16, 2010 Jul 16, 2010

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After a few minutes my computer screen started jiggling around and then my computer froze.

You have MacOS 10.6.4 and an NVidia card, right?

See the other threads on the bugs Apple introduced in the 10.6.4 update, and how to downgrade to 10.6.3.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 17, 2010 Jul 17, 2010

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System or application crash when using Photoshop CS5 and CS4 after updating to OS X 10.6.4


Mac OS X 10.6 Help: Reverting to a previous Mac OS X version






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