Photoshop CS5 freezes
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Have been using PS CS5 since the trial became available. But seems CS5 responds a lot slower than CS4. Sometimes, it just freezes or slow the whole computer down when I tried to open a many-layer file. I had to force quit the application, It's really frustrated because the system responds very slow even I tried to quit PS. Once it's quite, everyting's back to normal. Does anyone have this problem?
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Yes Wade.. been there done that. The fact that the issue occurs with an absolutely clean OS10.6.3 install indicates it's not a setting or conflict that I can adjust. At least that's what it indicates to me.
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I have managed to get the program to work smoothly on a MacBook Pro by disabling OpenGL (relevant or not, I don't know) and ALL fonts except the most basic (leaving me with about 12 fonts activated). Obviously this is not ideal.
Adding fonts back in increases the likelihood of a freeze concurrent with the number of fonts activated - if I activate a handful, it only freezes once in a while, or for a short period. If I reactivate more than 200 or so, it freezes immediately and irrevocably. It does not seem to matter which specific fonts are activated, so the problem does not appear to be with any individual font file.
Installation history on this particular machine is CS3 Master Collection, followed by CS4 Design Premium, followed by CS5 Master Collection (with proper cleaning done between upgrades). There are no additional monitors attached. The only peripheral is a Wacom Intuos4 tablet.
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After reading all of the input so far I can only add that I agree with whoever said that both companies (Microsoft and Adobe) are at fault.If Photoshop CS5 freezes. . . have fun with Adobe Contribute CS5. All you have to do is pan over a section and it "automatically" freezes, and comes out of it when it damned well pleases. Click save and what you get is a 30 second to 3 minute beachball display which seems to get nowhere. Closing down out of frustration means you lose all the work done in th last half hour. I run a huge, well taken care of Windows 7 PC with all the bells and whistles that are constantly looked at by my tech services (given that Adobe favours paid support seekers, I'd rather pay those who have an allegiance to me ) The CS5 series is therefore NOT what it is purported to be and shouldn't be touched with a 10 foot pole. At least I tell that to anyone in earshot who seems interersted in the "latest and greatest" from Adobe". .
To solve my problem, I never get rid of an old "well running" computer. I've resorted to rebooting my old XP PC and its Contribute 4. That way, I can get work done while I await the seemingly non-existent interest at Adobe to rise and take care of business.
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good to know adobe isn't playing favorites between mac and pc
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A complete wipe of my startup drive and Time Machine user account restore, along with brand new Adobe installs fixed my Type tool freezing problem.
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Finally, someone actually offering a helpful suggestion. Thank you.
Unfortunately, Photoshop CS5 still freezes our systems like someone's poured molasses into the HD - even when I have nothing but Photoshop open, with one small, flat JPG file loaded. Running Leopard 10.5.8 on MBP and Mac Pro with no corrupt fonts, preview disabled (which I am REALLY not happy about), and plenty of RAM and free HD space for scratch.
For professional grade software at this price point, users who exceed the advertised system requirements should not be so consistently running into problems like this. With so many having the same problem, this is clearly a bug in the software that has rendered it unusable - if a proper fix isn't offered very soon, we will be asking for our money back.
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Hi CDPritchard,
I wonder if you have fontworker problem or not...
You can find it from: HD/Users/<user name>/Library/logs/DiagnosticReports/Fontworker_xxx
Do you have any reports?
Potoshop QE
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No fontworker problems, but thank you for responding.
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i hate to sound dumb, but what is a fontworker problem? matter of fact, what is a fontworker? i've never heard that term or word before. is it only in adobe cs software ? i use elements 8 and lightroom, and have no trouble at all with either. i want to upgrade to cs 5 but there is so much negative feedback on cs5, maybe i'll wait. i would appreciate it if you would let me know about that fontworker thing. thanks.
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barbsman wrote:
…but what is a fontworker problem? matter of fact, what is a fontworker?…
It's an Apple thing. Snow Leopard has a new System Daemon for fonts called Fontworker. It offten crashes. Google it if you need more information than that.
Wo Tai Lao Le
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Thanks Tai for the info.
We received few bugs from our customers.
This is Apple issue and this URL may help if you have CPU usage problem.
Topic : SNOW LEOPARD - fontworker process eating up CPU usage
Photoshop Type QE
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Several of us in this forum are not using Snow Leopard and still having the same issue.
I do not have this issue while using CS4 on this exact same computer, only when using CS5.
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I have similar problems and have 10.5.8 so not sure how it could be fontworker, since that appeared in OS 10.6, correct?
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i was going to upgrade to cs5 from elements 8 on my imac, but after reading all the problems people are having with cs5, i'm going to wait. for 600.00 i don't need the aggravation.
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I also have some freezing problems. It was fixed by reinstalling it for me, I haven't had any problems since... let me know if it worked for you!
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I am also getting these system wide slowdowns - Photoshop CS5 is unusable for me. So far the slowdowns have been triggered by opening the Layer styles dialogue box, using the 3D tools, using Content Aware fill, or just rotating an image. My entire system becomes glacially unresponsive, but there *is* still life there, it's just that everything slows right down and runs incredibly slowly. PS can usually be force-quit from the Dock if I'm patient and wait for the OS to catch up with my mousing, but it can take up to 30 minutes to get any kind of control.
My system:
OSX 10.5.8
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro4,1
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 2.26 GHz
Number Of Processors: 2
Total Number Of Cores: 8
L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
L3 Cache (per processor): 8 MB
Memory: 16 GB
Graphics Chipset Model: ATI Radeon HD 4870
Display: Apple 30" Cinema Display
Wacom Intuos 3
Reverted back to CS4 until this mess gets resolved. Very disappointing as PS CS4 was hardly the poster child for stability and reliability.

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We have exactly the same system except for the monitor and CS5 behaves exactly for us as it does for you. We did install it on a separate user account where it ran as advertised in both 32 and 64-bit modes. All our 32-bit plugins from Nik, Imaginomic, Alien Skin and even some from OnOne ran without a hitch in that separate user account. Go figure
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Does this only happen when working on document with many layers (and maybe layer groups)?
Do you get the slowdowns and freezes if the layers palette is hidden?
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I'm seeing this behaviour on flattened images, not just those with layers. I never use layer groups.
Hiding the layers palette with Tab didn't help - still getting the system wide slowdown.
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I'm seeing this behaviour on flattened images, not just those with layers. I never use layer groups.
Hiding the layers palette with Tab didn't help - still getting the system wide slowdown.
Ok, that rules out the one suspect I've found so far (an update problem in the layers palette).
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I'm having the freeze problem too. I generally have a bunch of windows open and it seems to be while using the type tool or doing anything else. It's hard to tell, it generally happens about a minute after I launch the program. No problems in CS4, so I'm just using that. Hate that I paid $1000 for the suite when it can't be used...
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro1,1
Processor Name: Dual-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 3 GHz
Number Of Processors: 2
Total Number Of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per processor): 4 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 1.33 GHz
Is there a solution? Mostly what I'm seeing on this thread are insults.
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We still don't know the cause, and have not been able to reproduce the problem.
We're trying to visit a few people reporting the whole system slowdown/freeze.
The fact that some people see this shortly after launch and with the text tool means that it might be font related -- so disabling font previews in preferences might help, along with verifying fonts using FontBook.
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It does seem to happen almost exclusively shortly after launch and when activating the type tool, so that's likely your best course of focus to start. I'm not sure if it will help or not, but several times now I've noticed that after selecting the type tool for the first time, the progress bar for 'initializing type' will load to about 25%, and then will disappear altogether... leaving the freeze in its wake.
For us the bug does not discriminate between 32 vs 64 bit mode, flat vs layered files, or small vs large images. No other tool or panel has caused the freeze for us - it's been the type tool, working with text layers, or (seemingly) nothing at all. There are no corrupt fonts here, plenty of RAM & space on scratch, with 3000 verified fonts activated, and font previews disabled. Running latest Leopard (NOT Snow Leopard) on MBP and Mac Pro.
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Strictly bare-bones fonts on my machine as it's only used for retouching and imaging - nothing installed apart from the standard Leopard system fonts and whatever CS5 installs. We've tried disabling font previews and verifying fonts with fontbook - no dice.
Chris - thanks for your help and time, appreciated.
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Ok, we're either going to have to get one of these systems in our hands, or get a shark or sampler report of what is happening on the system during the slowdown.