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Photoshop CS6 does not open or create files

Community Beginner ,
Jan 01, 2013 Jan 01, 2013

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I am using Adobe Cloud. And have downloaded Photoshop CS6. Using it locally.

It was working fine.  For weeks. The application still loads without error. But if I open a file nothing happens. No error message. But no file appears. And if I try to create a new file the same thing. No error message. But no new canvas to work with. In both cases nothing appears in the layers panel.

The Help menu gives me the option of deactivating. So I am assuming it is not an activation issue.

Fireworks works fine. Illustrator works fine. Only Photoshop has this problem.

I am running Windows 8. 64bit. 12gb. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 2gb. Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64. No optional 3rd party plugins.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Jan 01, 2013 Jan 01, 2013

Photoshop up to date - Yes

Windows 8 up to date - Yes

Cleared prefs - Already tried

Uninstalled. Re-installed. Now it works.


Community Expert ,
Jan 01, 2013 Jan 01, 2013

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Are Photoshop and OS fully updated and have you performed the usual trouble-shooting routines (trashing prefs by keeping command-alt-shift/ctrl-alt-shift pressed while starting Photoshop after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed, 3rd party plug-ins deactivation, system maintenance, cleaning caches, font validation, etc.)?




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 01, 2013 Jan 01, 2013

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Photoshop up to date - Yes

Windows 8 up to date - Yes

Cleared prefs - Already tried

Uninstalled. Re-installed. Now it works.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2013 Feb 09, 2013

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I just started having the same issue just last week. I open photoshop with or without 3rd Party plugins and I can't:

  • Create a New File
  • Open any existing file

No idea, what the cause of this is. Everything is up to date.

System Specs: Asus Rampage IV Extreme, i7-3930K, 64GB PC-2400 DDR3, Intel 520 Series SSD, RevoDrive 3 X2 Adobe Drive and a few other SSD's. Running windows 7 x64.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 09, 2013 Feb 09, 2013

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The only thing that fixed this for me was a reinstall. I am sure there is an easier way. But I wasn't able to find it.




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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2013 Feb 26, 2013

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I still can't open or create new files after I use Photoshop once.


1. Restart Computrer

2. Open Photoshop (functions normal)

3. Close Photoshop

4. Re-Open (No Longer can Create or Open Files. However you can open bridge and drag and drop the file into PS and it will display it's just uneditable)

5. Restart Computer

6. Cycle Repeats

Graphics Card: EVGA GTX680 4GB

Driver Version: 314.07

Windows 7, x64


i7 3930K 4.2Ghz

Attached System Info Files

Adobe Sys Info


Nvidia SYS Info





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Feb 26, 2013 Feb 26, 2013

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Have you tried resetting preferences?  Start PS and immediately hold down Ctrl alt shift keys.  If fast enough you will get a reset window.




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Explorer ,
Feb 28, 2013 Feb 28, 2013

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Yep.. Just did a complete re-install. Same thing open PS6 after a reboot and everything works fine. Close PS6 and Re-Open it and Can't Create New Files or Open Files.




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Feb 28, 2013 Feb 28, 2013

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A re-install will not affect the preferences file.  If there was corruption in the file before it will still be there after re-install.




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Explorer ,
Feb 28, 2013 Feb 28, 2013

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I'm sorry I should have been more clear the preference cleanup/reset I tried the very first time. I notice it started after the last PS6 update. So last night I did the following.

  • Uninstall Creative Cloud
  • Ran Creative Cloud Cleaner
  • Deleted all preference files in \users\documents\X\appdata
  • Re-installed to another drive in the system (Creative Suite)

Like clockwork I can open Photoshop without a problem the first time. If I close PS6 and re-open it I am unable to Create a New File, Open any existing graphics or PS compatible files until I reboot again. Hitting CTRL-N shows me the new file dialogue which I can't get to show up from choosing File-->New. However, once I hit enter on the dialogue it goes away but no ned file is opened.

I can also drag images into photoshop via bridge and they show up. However, they are uneditable I can't make new layers and I can't edit the file. It's like I see it in PS6 but PS6 dosesn't know it's there.




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Explorer ,
Mar 02, 2013 Mar 02, 2013

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Update 03/2/2013

I had enough I uninstalled Creative Cloud and secure wiped the Intel 520 SSD and the wiped the RevoDrive 3 X2. Installed windows 8 clean install and re-downloaded and installed all the Creative Cloud Apps.

1. After the install was completed clicking on Photoshop CS6* causes nothing to happen. No tasks open, nothing in task manager showing photoshop opening. It's like the request just goes away.

2. Figured maybe I need the updates, opened bridge clicked on help - updates.

3. All products had updates and updated them all.

4. All updates successful except for Photoshop and DynamicLinkmanager.

Photoshop Update Failed

Adobe Photoshop

Installation failed. Error Code: U44M2P7

So then I search the forums and find the option to manually download the CS6 update from Adobe.com. I did that and still nothing. 

So in Windows 7 I could open Photoshop once per reboot and work. Now in Windows 8 I can't even get it to open.

There has to be an incompatibility with either:

1. Nvidia GTX680 4GB cards

2. Nvidia WHQL Latest Drivers

I draw that conclusion because PS CS6 has worked just fine until Nvidia Updates were installed. I know in 3D Mark III the card only reports as a 2GB and they claim it's purely cosmetic reporting. It also works fine on my Quadro 5000 card in another box.

  1. Unable to open Photoshop CS6 in Windows 8 Pro
  2. Unable to open using program Compatibility Troubleshooter Mode: Windows 7
  3. Unable to open images in Adobe Camera Raw or Photoshop from within Bridge. No Errors it's like the request simply disappeared.

sniffer_GPU Report:

Device: 0000000000312F28 has video RAM(MB): 1868

Device: 00000000002FBB88 has video RAM(MB): 4095

Vendor string:    NVIDIA Corporation

Renderer string:  GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2

Version string:   3.0.0

OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...

OpenGL Version 3.0

Has NPOT support: TRUE

Has Framebuffer Object Extension support: TRUE

OpenGL ok

OpenCL ok, version=1.1 CUDA 4.2.1

Return code: 3

PS6 Executable Digital Signature:

sha1 - Monday, January 7, 2013 12:36:15 PM

System Info From Lightroom (Since PS6 doesn't open)

Operating system:  (Build 9200)

Version: 6.2 [9200]

Application architecture: x64

System architecture: x64

Logical processor count: 12

Processor speed: 3.2 GHz

Built-in memory: 65476.6 MB

Real memory available to Lightroom: 65476.6 MB

Real memory used by Lightroom: 159.9 MB (0.2%)

Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 123.0 MB

Memory cache size: 0.0 MB

Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 6

System DPI setting: 96 DPI

Desktop composition enabled: Yes

Displays: 1) 1920x1080, 2) 1920x1080

System Hardware Specs:

  • OS Drive (Intel 520 240GB SSD)
  • Motherboard: Asus Rampage IV Extreme x79 Chipset
  • CPU: Intel i7 3930K
  • Memory: 64GB PC-2400 G.Skill
  • Adobe Creative Cloud is installed on the D:\ Drive which is an OCZ Revodrive 3 X2.
  • Video: EVGA GTX680 Classified 4GB Edition
  • Video Drivers: Nvidia 314.07, DirectX 11.0, API Version 11.1, Clock 1110Mhz

*Photoshop CS6 refers to both the x64 edition and 32bit edition. I've tried both.




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Explorer ,
Mar 07, 2013 Mar 07, 2013

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So frustrating..Here's hoping an update fixes this. It sucks to reboot or leave photoshop open 24-7 in order to use it.




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New Here ,
Jul 01, 2013 Jul 01, 2013

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I, too, have an EGA 680 4GB (FTW Edition) and have been having this same issue. Photoshop will not open files or create new files after being open for a while after restarting it. Is this something Adobe has to fix, or nVidia?




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New Here ,
Jul 02, 2013 Jul 02, 2013

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Same problem with latest update as of July 1.  I wonder if it's an account/permissions malfunction.  Other apps don't have this problem.

I'd be happy to provide more info if someone at Adobe would like to look into this.




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New Here ,
Jul 02, 2013 Jul 02, 2013

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More info:

I don't experience this problem under the Administrator account on the system.  I can open and close Photoshop all I want and create new files.

Under a secondary account without Adminstrator privileges, I can't seem to get rid of the problem even after killing all Adobe Cloud processes and re-running everything as Administrator.




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Jul 02, 2013 Jul 02, 2013

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This means you have a permission problem in the OS.  You are not authorized to read/write to disk or folders. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 12, 2013 Jul 12, 2013

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@Sheldon Pacotti - I'm having the same problem you describe. Was the problem resolved by running Photoshop CS6 as Administrator?




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New Here ,
Sep 25, 2013 Sep 25, 2013

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I have the same type of problem.  The only way Photoshop CS6 will open a file is to completely shut down.  When it opens up again it will only open one file,and then it goes back to the same problem.  It also will not create a new canvas.  When Iwas able to open the one file I tried using the brush tool.and it would just partially work.  Just for the hell of it i switched my mouse and believe it or not everything went back to normal.  The old mouse would work great in everything else such as Premiere etc. but not in photoshop.  It was not a bettery problem in the mouse as they were new batteries, just something wrong with the mouse.  I sincerely hope this works for everyone who is having this problem, as it was sooooo frustating.  Let me know.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013

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My original post here was july 12, 2013.  I have found that there doesn't seem to be any one fix to this problem. I thought I'd add this post since my Photoshop now works although I cannot tell exactly what fixed it.

My computer is a PC.  My problem started right after I updated CS6. I could open Photoshop (CS6), open one file, maybe be able to work on it (or not). If I could work on it if would find when I tried to open another photo file it would not open at all. I could reboot and again open one file in Photoshop. I described the problem on several forums and received nothing that helped. I tried virtually everything suggested above in this post and from other forums. All drivers were up to date. Lack of memory was not the problem. Most solutions did not work or only worked for a short while and then the problem would return. I did replace the mouse and it didn't help. I even completely reloaded Windows 7 and all my software, one thing at a time, and Photoshop worked for three days and then, having made no further changes in the computer by adding any software, etc. during those three days it again went to opening no files or opening only one and refusing to open any more until after rebooting the computer.

I contacted ADOBE again (their original suggestions had not worked) and they suggested opening msconfig, disabling all in the Startup Tab and then going to Services, clicking the Hide all Microsoft services, and then disabling all. After doing this Photoshop began to work normally which was weird because I had already tried this and it hadn't helped. This time it worked so something else must have changed somewhere. I have gradually added needed files (anti-virus, anti-malware, Google, Adobe, etc.updaters, monitor calibration software, all my Photoshop and lightroom plug-ins, Microsoft Office, etc.) and my Photoshop CS6 is still working.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 09, 2013 Dec 09, 2013

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Thanks for the advice. I'm having the same problem.

I'm also running Windows 7 64 and I have PS 5.5 and PS CC (one I own outright the other on subscription) and they both suffer the same problem.

They worked again after I did what you suggested in msconfig.

I now keep everyting disabled apart from the Microsoft, Adobe and Wacom items. Still, occasionally PS is unresponsive and I have to reboot.




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New Here ,
Dec 18, 2013 Dec 18, 2013

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I've been having the same problem.  I tried everything on this thread.  The reason the MSConfig tweak works is because the problem is with your permissions - the tweak is turning off services, one of which may be affecting your permissions.  To restore your permissions, open a command prompt and type

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose

this should solve any permission problems.




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New Here ,
Feb 27, 2014 Feb 27, 2014

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Same problem here. Premiere, AE, PS cs6 don't have canvas, but AI is ok. My laptop has two graphics cards, intel hd4000 and nvidia 650m. Disable intel graphics card and problems solved. Hope this help.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2014 Feb 27, 2014

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You may want to try and update your GPU driver.




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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2014 Feb 27, 2014

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Done this, tried this. Evenafter rebooting and with PhotoShop open about 20 minutes later unable to open any new files or create new files. Can save existing files.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2014 Feb 27, 2014

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On which disks are the programs, users-preferences folder, etc. located? The permissions should be ok, since you did a reinstall... but did you check the ones on your other disks?

Can everyone affected share Photoshop's help>system info?




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