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Photoshop CS6 not happy in OS X mavericks

Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2013 Oct 27, 2013

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I just updated to OS X Mavericks.

I run my CS6 13.0.5 x64 on my 2010 MBP 6.2 that uses a 2.66 i7 with 8GB DDR3.  I also use it with my 23” Cinema HD display.

This is what happened:

I have always put all my expanded panels in the MBP screen and the CS6 window on the Cinema Display.

With OS X Mavericks, as soon as I open up CS6, all my expanded panels show up in the Cinema display. 

After manually drag and drop them back on the MBP screen, it’s OK.  But every time I load an external editor such as liquidation, then, the expanded panels jump back to the Cinema display.

Even worse: and really scary:  the top menu bar blanked out.  Nothing works. All drop down menus are gone.  Just a white window. Can’t save, can’t close,

Lucky for me, I force quit, reopen CS6, move the expanded panels out of the way, and there… a saved copy of my last job was loaded.  I quickly saved it to my desktop and then saved it back to LR5.

This is what I think:

OS X Mavericks has 2 major challenge:

(1) it’s checking iCloud more often than necessary and when doing so, kind of temporarily freezes up the screen.  There has been many occasions that my tools refuse to work: the brush won’t work; the clone tool won’t work… until I click on the desktop to get out of CS6, click CS6 to get back in, 3 or 4 times, then, everything is back to normal like CS6 went out to lunch and and just returned to work… sigh.

(2) It’s new dual monitor feature does not agree with CS6.  Apple wants to have all the say where it likes to put the expanded panels instead of serving CS6.

This is what I like to do:

Somebody (I don’t think there are too many old folks out there still using MBP 6.2 with Cinema Display) in the know please kindly suggest a fix or some work around.

I wish to God there is a safe and tested update from Adobe to deal with this.

This is why:

Anyone who went through the 10.0.5 update serial number struggle knows how scary the experience was.  Once burned by fire, very few non-professionals wants to play with that update route again. 

I am sorry this happened.

I hope I am not the only one.

Please help if you can.  Thank you all in advance.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 24, 2014 Nov 24, 2014

sungyle wrote:

I have always put all my expanded panels in the MBP screen and the CS6 window on the Cinema Display.

With OS X Mavericks, as soon as I open up CS6, all my expanded panels show up in the Cinema display.

After manually drag and drop them back on the MBP screen, it’s OK.  But every time I load an external editor such as liquidation, then, the expanded panels jump back to the Cinema display.

I didn't see it mentioned yet in this thread, but one thing to try is to open System Prefe




Oct 27, 2013 Oct 27, 2013

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A few users have reported this multi monitor bug in MacOS 10.9.

Removing Photoshop from the single frame workspaces usually solves the problem.

Unfortunately the real fix will have to come from Apple -- apparently they thought that no applications would work across multiple displays....

The white menus are being seen by a few people. We're still trying to get to the bottom of that, but it may be related to doing an upgrade install of 10.9 instead of a clean install.





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New Here ,
Nov 24, 2014 Nov 24, 2014

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I have the exact same problem as sungyle with CS6 Photoshop since upgrading. I too have to click on to the desktop to un-freeze it. It doesn't seem to matter if I am working on large or small files, I still have the same issue. Would be great if anyone had come across a fix yet, it's causing unwanted delays in getting work done.

Note: I am not using iCloud and am still having the issue





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Explorer ,
Nov 24, 2014 Nov 24, 2014

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Thank you for keeping my call of help alive.

I still have the same problem that refuse to go away.

I have ordered a new iMac which should arrive mid December.

It will have Yosemite and I am not sure how CS6 will behave.

I can't really use the cloud version of PS because I travel to places where there is no internet so CS6 is the only thing I can use.

I will keep you inform in a few weeks.





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Oct 31, 2013 Oct 31, 2013

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Just moved to Mac for the first time this year and love it...until now it seems. Unlike many others that seem to have experience of new Mac updates I dove right in when I saw the latest OS X Maverick upgrace and am now regretting, quite a lot unless someone can help.

Main issue (and only one so far) is with Photoshop CS6 as I can't open any file from file/open. The box briefly appears showing file locations and files etc.. as normal, but then closes almost immediately and gives me the message 'Could not complete your request because of a program error'. I have looked at many disussion forums on this and the advice seems to be to download the latest Java upgrade which I have done...nothing. Rebooted, nothing, still not working, can't open any files.  I can however open a file if I go file/open recent, but that obviously limited to the recent file so almost useless.

Any help, anyone?





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Oct 31, 2013 Oct 31, 2013

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Some find the error if the display is set to CoverFlow.  Apparently a bug in 10.9.  Change display mode to list and see if that helps.





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Explorer ,
Oct 31, 2013 Oct 31, 2013

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Thank you, unfortunately, I am too old to understand CoverFlow / List whatever.  I beg your pardon and please be patient with me.

I also encountered a few more problems with CS6 in Mavericks:

1. CS6 freezes.  I have to click on the desktop, then click back on to CS6 2, 3 times before CS6 wakes up. 

2. Keyboard short cuts are not responding.  I have to roll the cursor over to the tool icons to select them.

I wonder if I am the only one who does not know how to work around this because the official Adobe web site "OS compatibility and FAQs for Mac OS Mavericks (v10.9) clearly state that "Adobe has found no other significant issues with running CC, CS6, or Acrobat products with Mac 10.9." and Chris said, "Unfortunately the real fix will have to come from Apple".

I wonder if anybody here is a friend of Apple and the next time you go out for a drink with them, please kindly speak with them.  I know, this old man is too slow, but... CS6 is all I can do now instead of renovating the house like when I was able to walk and nail.

Thank you.





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Oct 31, 2013 Oct 31, 2013

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We didn't find these issues before 10.9 was released. Some were introduced late in 10.9 development, and some depend on the state of the machine (upgrade vs. clean install) or third party software.

The coverflow bug is pretty odd, because it crashes/errors in some directories and not others, but we haven't established a clear pattern.

The fun part is that you can test it in almost every application - some crash, some error, and some just disappear silently...





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Nov 01, 2013 Nov 01, 2013

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Thanks for the feedback all. I have found that changing from Coverflow to

list does indeed help, if I am quick enough to click it when the box

appears. Sungyle - I didn't know what coverflow was until I read this, but

I understand it to be the options available when viewing files in the Mac

in any program. Coverflow allows you to see a small thumbnail preview of

the document your looking at before opening it, when this option is changed

to list (for example) in the top left then the issue seems to be solved.

With a few more minutes lateral thinking I did just search for the tile in

Finder and then 'open with', choosing Photoshop...not ideal, but better

then nothing for now.

If anyone does ever find a longer term fix/upgrade that will solve this and

possibly other problems I might encounter in the near future then it would

be much appreciated.







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New Here ,
Dec 17, 2013 Dec 17, 2013

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Ben, thanks for your thread. After much fustration, I found the best way to open is to find the file in my documents folder and use the Finder's "Open With".

Wish they would quit blaming each other and fix things.





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Dec 17, 2013 Dec 17, 2013

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Apple is well aware of the bugs in the MacOS 10.9 open/save dialogs in CoverFlow mode.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 17, 2013 Dec 17, 2013

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10.9.1 was released yesterday,check to see if the upgrade hasn't already fixed a few things.





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New Here ,
Dec 21, 2013 Dec 21, 2013

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Redently had a total cleanout and ended up with a reformat, an install of Mavericks and a CC membership. I have a totally empty SSD running the latest PShop and every time I get a brush or an eraser out the whole program freezes. I either have to wait (if I'm lucky) or force quit and restart.

This is the bane of my life, I'm behind on work and have 48 photos to retouch in the next two days!

Any temp fixes would be amazing, I cant face switching back to PS CS4, the last version I purchased and I doubt that I can find the disks!

It's beyond me how this didn't come up in testing, it's not like eraser and brush are one of those features people don't use.

Just wanted to add that the pinch zoom on my mac track pad or Intuos5 tablet doesn't work.





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Enthusiast ,
Dec 22, 2013 Dec 22, 2013

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I did a clean install of 10.9.1 on a test partition today. Then a clean install of CS6 updated to 13.0.6

I don't think I will be using 10.9.1 and CS6 anytime soon. CS6 freezes even worse than in 10.8.5.

One thing I noticed that is very troubling is the small amount of RAM showing for CS6 usage it could bairly get above 1GB of RAM even though it is set for 32GB of a 48GB system. Wonder why that is and is that effect the profermance?

I'll test CC sometime, but now I am in no hury to finish building this 10.9.1 partition into anything usable.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 06, 2014 Jun 06, 2014

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I had a similar issue that I was able to solve by right clicking my PS dock icon and selecting Options > Assign To: None. My PS panels now stay on my second monitor when switching between applications.





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Community Expert ,
Nov 24, 2014 Nov 24, 2014

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sungyle wrote:

I have always put all my expanded panels in the MBP screen and the CS6 window on the Cinema Display.

With OS X Mavericks, as soon as I open up CS6, all my expanded panels show up in the Cinema display.

After manually drag and drop them back on the MBP screen, it’s OK.  But every time I load an external editor such as liquidation, then, the expanded panels jump back to the Cinema display.

I didn't see it mentioned yet in this thread, but one thing to try is to open System Preferences, click Mission Control, and make sure "Displays Have Separate Spaces" is turned off. If you change the setting, log out and back in. Turning off that setting should keep Adobe windows and panels on the monitors where you left them.

sungyle wrote:

Even worse: and really scary:  the top menu bar blanked out.  Nothing works. All drop down menus are gone.  Just a white window. Can’t save, can’t close,

Since the thread was started, Adobe came out with a plug-in to fix white windows and menus. Install it and see if it fixes the problem:

Menus, shortcuts, Lasso tool, or Photoshop stop working when using a Wacom tablet | Mac OS





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