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De uns dias pra cá, do nada, quando mexo em alguma coisa na arte, ela deixa a borda do texto, imagem, tudo, pixelada. Eu não sei como resolver esse problema. Tudo fica pixelado, antes não era assim, não sei o motivo!
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From a few days ago, out of nowhere, when I touch something in art, it leaves the edge of text, image, everything, pixelated. I don't know how to solve this problem. Everything gets pixelated, before it was not so, I do not know why!
By @Carla269724163iur
What is the image size in pixels?
What zoom ratio are we viewing your images at?
Are the layer blend modes set to Dissolve?
Does the Type layer have antialias selected? i.e. is it set to None ?
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All the photos have serrated edges, before it didn't look that way, maybe I clicked on something and activated something that I don't know how to deactivate. The photos are not in the "dissolve" option.
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You are zoomed in to 300% which is probably what is making the raster layer edges look ragged
First of all, you need to set the zoom tatio to 100%
Then select one of the type layers, and set Anti aliasing to something other than None.
This is aa set to none and zoomed to 300% like your screen shot.
This is with aa set to Strong also zoomed to 300 %
This is with aa set to strong and zoom ratio to 100%
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The texts are normal, the images are all getting pixelated, below I leave a sample of the same logo, used before in an old art, and now, with this error of pixelated edges. The problem is in the images, the texts are normal.
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amigo conseguiu resolver? se sim por favor me fale o pessoa so fala para colocar o texto no modo suave mas ja esta e nao muda nada!
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Eu tinha tentado de todos os modos e nada ia, única coisa que me salvou foi reinstalar o Photoshop, aà voltou ao normal.
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Can you please post screenshot of entire window with Layers panel expanded and visible?