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The only tool on my screen is the hand tool. Nothing else works. I tried restarting the program and nothing works
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Try resetting your Photoshop preferences. Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (Mac OS) immediately after launching Photoshop. You will be prompted to delete the current settings. You can also reset preferences upon a quit if Photoshop is running by going into General Preferences>General>Reset on Quit.
Any difference now?
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Didn't work.
You can also reset all tools simply by clicking on the dropdown next to the tool icon in the menu bar, to no avail. I've also eliminated the cursed cursor hand by restarting the computer (restarting app does NOT work), but that does not correct the root cause.
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I experience this occassionally. If I quit and restart it fixes itself.
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Thank you, but this did not work
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Thank you, but this did not work either
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The only tool on my screen is the hand tool.
By @KarinK ~
What did you mean when you said the only tool on your screen is the Hand tool? Your screen shot shows all of the tools, so you must have meant something else?
~ Jane
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yes, all the tools are there. My cursor is always the hand tool. No matter what tool I click on it stays the hand tool. And only works as the hand tool.
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Spoke too soon, I still have the problem. I thought I fixed it with uploading an older version.
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hi, same problem here i tried down grading a version but still the hand is stuck.. what version did u use? i use beta
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hi, same problem here i tried down grading a version but still the hand is stuck.. what version did u use? i use beta
By @Marian30553376kahq
The beta tool is for testing and reporting bugs to the Photoshop team before features are added to the released version. You should not be using older versions of beta.. Please try the current released version of Photoshop and let us know if you still have an issue.
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yes, all the tools are there. My cursor is always the hand tool.
OK, so the issue isn't all the tools are not showing, clearly, they are. The problem is the cursor? Is the space bar stuck on the keyboard? That would show the hand cursor for all selected tools.
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Thank you! I didn't even think about the space bar, assuming it was a more complex problem. Always go to the obvious.
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I have the same problem, no m,atter what tool I choose, the hand remains and just moves the image around. Can't doge, burn, select, clone, anything.
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posted a screen shot, which does not reall show anything. The only tool that shows would be the hand. For example when I hit the "T" you should get a "T" but it stays as the hand tool. The problem started when I upgraded the program
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To take care of my problem, since nothing else worked and trying a bunch of times... I just installed one version down. Maybe the issue will get fixed in the next update!! Thank you all who gave me ideas to try!!
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Is it possible your spacebar is stuck on your keyboard?
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@KarinK ~ wrote:
yes, all the tools are there. My cursor is always the hand tool. No matter what tool I click on it stays the hand tool. And only works as the hand tool.
Thanks for the clarification. I agree with Melissa that it sounds like your Spacebar is stuck. Try tapping it a few times or try a new keyboard (for testing purposes).
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just tried my wireless keyboard, still no luck 😞
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It was my Spacebar somehow. I just tapped it once and it fixed itself
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my curser is stuck or stutters some seconds (1-5sec) , only at zoom in, when i use clone stamp etc tools at zoom level 200 or 400%, so it is not possible to work like this, i have to zoom out to 100%, then i can work as usual.
this started happening, when i set up a secondary user account.
it is not happening with the same latest PS version in my main admin user ( i setup both as admin)
osx 14.7.2
mbp m1 max with 64GB ram and 4TB SSD
can i change this stutter behavior please?
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One other thought is that sometimes another application can take over a shortcut. In this case, it would be either "Spacebar" or "H" for the Hand tool. It could be a browser. Try shutting down and boot up with nothing else running. You might have to check your start-up folder to see what launches automatically.
If that doesn't work, Customer Care can look at your screen. If you contact them, they will most likely start with the things that have already been said here, but maybe they can see something else.
To contact Adobe Customer Care directly: (type "agent")
If your browser does not auto-open the Chat window, try these tips:
You can also send tweet to @AdobeCare.
~ Jane
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Thank you !!