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Hi! New to these softwares so I'm learning everyday.
Can ANYBODY help me figure out how I export an illustrator doc into photoshop without it becoming pixalated?
I have somebody wanting me to create a logo for them, and some of the aspects need to be done in Photoshop however anytime I open the file in photshop the text and logo become very pixalted when zooming in.
Do I build the entire label in Photshop since it needs some photoshop effects? Or am I just suppsoed to export is from Illustrator as something other than a ".psd".
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Logos should be created exclusively in Illustrator or some other vector application.
Anything you put into Photoshop will come out again as pixels. As such it will be "pixelated" when you zoom in, because pixels is what it is. Don't use Photoshop at all for this.
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I had a typo, I meant they want me to create a label for them!
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Could you please post a screenshot taken at View > 100% with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Options Bar, …) visible?
Which resolution do you export with?
How big is the logo supposed to be ultimately?
Have you considered placing the ai as a Smart Object? (This will not provide vector output but should maintain quality when actually scaling within Photoshop.)
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I had a typo, I meant they want me to create a label
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Will your final label be printed professionally? If yes, talk to the print professional. They usually have specific requirements that include size, resolution, CMYK color profile and file type.
For print, vector graphics are often preferred because they can be rescaled to any size that's required without loss in quality. You can't do that with raster images (jpg, png, gif or webp).
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Yes so I have the sizes and cmyk profile, there is just a effect they're wantin on it that I like mee to do in photoshop. Picture is for reference below.
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Maybe you should talk to your print professional again. Ask your printer how they want you to set this up.
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[Moderator branched & merged this from Creative Cloud Services.]
Hi! New to these softwares so I'm learning everyday.
Can ANYBODY help me figure out how I export an illustrator doc into photoshop without it becoming pixalated?
I have somebody wanting me to create a logo for them, and some of the aspects need to be done in Photoshop however anytime I open the file in photshop the text and logo become very pixalted when zooming in.
Do I build the entire label in Photshop since it needs some photoshop effects? Or am I just suppsoed to export is from Illustrator as something other than a ".psd".
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You may want to ask in one of those specific forums
To ask in the forum for your program please start at
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Illustrator is a vector graphics app which is math based. Photoshop is a raster editor which is pixel based. The two file types have about as much in common as oil and water which is to say they cannot be combined without causing pixelation.
Logos are best created in Illustrator as vectors alone. Photoshop is better for full color photographs and web images -- JPG, GIF, WebP or PNG.
Tell us exactly what you're trying to achieve. Maybe someone can offer you an alternative workflow.
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Hi! I posted in both the photoshop and illustrator forum. I had a type, I meant they want me to create a label for them
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[Moderator branched & merged this from Illustrator.]
Hi! New to these softwares so I'm learning everyday.
Can ANYBODY help me figure out how I export an illustrator doc into photoshop without it becoming pixalated?
I have somebody wanting me to create a logo for them, and some of the aspects need to be done in Photoshop however anytime I open the file in photshop the text and logo become very pixalted when zooming in.
Do I build the entire label in Photshop since it needs some photoshop effects? Or am I just suppsoed to export is from Illustrator as something other than a ".psd".
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It depends how much zooming in you're doing. A Photoshop file is pixels by definition -- but you set its dimensions such that pixels will not be visible at the size it is meant to be viewed.
Whether you build the whole thing in Photoshop or not is probably a matter of whatever you're comfortable with, since some aspects of it will be created in Photoshop anyway.
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You say things become "pixellated when zoomin in". Be sure you have realistic expectations. Images are made of pixels and the reason to zoom in over 100% is to see the pixels. So, becoming pixellated when zoomed in over 100% isn't a fault, it's how the world works. If you aren't sure whether what you see is a fault, please share a screen shot showing the pixellation and the Photoshop window (which shows the zoom level on the tab for the document).