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I'm looking for old posts of xbytor2, distinguished member of our scripting community.
As you see this page shows he posted over 1000 times:
But when you browse pages with all his avialable threads / replies, there are only 64 in sum, from which over 80% are not really valuable. Those older (from before 2016 to early 2000) when xbytor was still dedicated user are still important and unique resource for scripters. They were accessible on Jive forum (and on earlier one before 'first' movement).
xbytor ideas are outstanding, while his scripts haven't got too old. They work both in CS and CC. The newer releases don't make them outdated in contrary to only nerwer Ps features.
Where and when finally we can have his (and other scripters) posts back. It has no sense to reinvent codes the talented guys already did spending hours on. Is there at least some archived section of old posts, or is there plan to link us to them in near future?
Hi Kukurykus and Xbytor2,
I'm working on restoring a bunch of the old scripting content.
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I had saved many xbytor2 links
unfortunately with the new site they have been lost
I hope someone has saved those posts that are very useful
to improve.
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I've also saved some links to older threads, but the only they take me to is: Adobe Support Community
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I 10000% agree. I have found it very frustrating that, when I search for answers, I find myself often clicking through to posts that no longer exist. It is frustrating when you find a post that says "The answer to your question is in this post: LINK" but that link is no longer active.
Can we please fix this issue and bring back those old posts???
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I have _really_ old posts from back when they used NNTP. When they swtiched to Jive and (later) dropped NNTP, my local archiving stopped. Not really happy with the new UI and the loss of old posts but there is not much I can do about it. is alive and apparently a lot of older posts to that site were recovered when it came back up. Not everything is there, but it's more than I could have hoped for. Thanks to whoever did this.
When I get my Mac back up and running (damn hurricane michael!), I'll see if I can archive the NNTP stuff (dates back to 2004/PS7 days) and maybe upload it to ps-scripts.
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That will be grand gesture if you'll bring old posts back! They are worth of it.
btw anyone knows where on internet we can search for Jive posts from before 2016?
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It is a great gift if you can do this and I will always be grateful
for everything you've done for us.
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Hi Kukurykus and Xbytor2,
I'm working on restoring a bunch of the old scripting content.
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Please restore also all posts of other two great scripters. Paul_Riggott and Michael_L_Hale.
Together with _xbytor_ / the_former_xbytor / xbytor they are unforgotten for this forum.
I hope when Paul_Riggott (with only 180 posts saved from 2955) is going to see Adobe started to listen to their users will be back to us, while Michael_L_Hale (with only 120 posts saved from 2275) is going to be remembered even better: Obituary.
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Dave, thank you very much, those posts are a treasure trove for the scripters that help us mere mortals...
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Wow, I see from creating this thread:
87 posts of Paul_Riggott have been restored. Previously there were only 180 posts saved from 2955. Now there are 267 available!
90 posts of Michael_L_Hale have been restored. Previously there were only 120 posts saved of 2275. Now there are 210 available!
103 posts of xbytor2 have been restored. Previously there were only 65 posts saved from 1007.
Now there are 168 available!
Can you, dave_m_k confirm it's thanks to your doings?
btw there is also older, _xbytor_ account. I didn't count how many posts have been saved, but it seems any of them have been restored. Previously there were 607 in sum, from which 19 were available, so I guess exactly like now:
There are still many posts to restore of all these users on all of their accounts. Keep good work on 😉
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Are there other keywords that must be common to most scripts? can we search for code, if there was a code function?
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Add your idea to Silvia_CC list
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When I click on the link you put, access is denied
it's normal
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Yes, it is normal ACP content.