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As part of my workflow of white backgrounding for website use, I have an action that squares off the canvas, boosts the size of the selected layer and then performs 'Save As' in a different folder to the open file. This gives me two files, one full size and one square. The whole process worked very well and I could process a lot of images quickly up until the most recent update. The D drive it is set to save it to is a local HDD and I can 'Save As' perfectly well outside of the Action but this slows down the workflow a lot. I tried rolling back the photoshop version but that didn't seem to help. Any ideas?
Here's a screenshot of the Action panel and the resulting Error message.
Action with Save as function
Resulting error
2 Correct answers
Hi all,
This should be fixed in the 21.1.1 update that went out this week.
Please update Photoshop and let us know if this is resolved for you.
There is a new update available for Photoshop 21.1.1. Could you please test that and let us know that the issue is resolved.
Fixed issues in Photoshop
Nikhil Gupta
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I still have not seen a solution to this issue. Have reverted back to using CC2019 as need to get processing done. Painful when I thought I had it covered and had 60 photos open ready to save and had them open in CC2020 by accident (used my Sony which opened the files to 2020 as I hadn't changed Bridge preferences for it.)
Does anyone have a solution?
Read that it works once then errors after that.
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This has come up a lot, however, I have never seen a reply stating that scripting can work around this issue or not?
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With the new update today, this problem has been fixed, thank you Adobe geat people.
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Nope, not fixed with Feb 25 fix.
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Sorry to hear that is not working for you, my simple action is working as this moment, just tested it again.
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Oops!, I take that back, the way it was working was with designs that I just re-open and run the action and it was saving it as it should do, but now I created a new design saved it (as psd file) to its home folder then run the action to resaved it to another folder as a jpg, and yes you're right IT IS NOT WORKING!!! 😞
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Why don't you dupe the action and remove the save/save as steps, then use the Image Processor or Image Processor Pro scripts to run the action and save?
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There is a new update available for Photoshop 21.1.1. Could you please test that and let us know that the issue is resolved.
Fixed issues in Photoshop
Nikhil Gupta
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It is working again for me this time!! Thank you!
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This fixed the Save As Issue when using an action, but now i get
"Could not use the crop tool because of a program error" see attached
This does not happen every crop, but at least once ever 10 crops,
So i am rolling back to 21.0.3
where everything was working.
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I run the latest photoshop cc 21.1.0 20200212.r.106 2020/02/12: 4dd027efb58 x64.
After the last update, whenever I try to save *.psd or *.jpg in actions I get the message:
"Could not save 'file name' becasue the file name was not valid/
These actions worked for years without any problem.
I restarted my computer, I re-installed photoshop - nothing helps.
It is very important in my workflow.
What am I missing?
Is it a known bug of the new update?
[Moderator note: PS-43966]
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That is a bug in 21.1.0. There are other bugs as well. You can most likely get around the Save as bug by un-checking the save as step in the action and run the action using Adobe Image processor script and have it save the output image
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...not sure what "action using "Adobe Image precessor script" means
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Scripts can save File better than actions and provide more option and name output file better. Actions can be run by scripts. Photoshop automation is more powerful when actions and scripts are used together. Like Scripts can use Actions, Actions can use scripts.
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I have exactly the same problem as Alon Rozen describes,
I have followed the advice of running the Script via Image processor, but now I get this:
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After 16 years, I learned something new. Thanks
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I am also getting this error and like us all, it's killing my workflow. It has only started happening recently and I suspect it is a glitch in the latest version of Photoshop. I am running Version 21.1.0
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I switched back to Photoshop 20.0.8, so I can work properly again...
Thats my solution for now 😛
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I too have to roll back. The "Image Processor Script" is completely wrong for the saving tasks I need to do.
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How to you switch one download back?
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"How to you switch one download back?"
Do you want to ask how to switch to previous version/update? Use CC Desktop app and Other versions link which appears when you click three dots as shown on screenshot below.
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Backup you Photoshop Preferences first the reinstall seems to reset you Photoshop preferences.
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Dont forget to backup your actions before going back to 20.0.8! I didn't and all my actions were gone. I had restore the backup from yesterday to get my actions back!
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