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PS CC Vanishing Tool - plane snaps and points aren't moveable

New Here ,
Aug 10, 2018 Aug 10, 2018

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I've started with the vanishing tool Photoshop CC latest version. I wanted to do something very easy, creating planes along a the picture of a box. I've used this tutorial: Link

Everything seems super easy, but when I extract the second plane it is impossible to move it along the box's corner. It always goes straight in a right angle to the front or the back of the first plane.

I've tried to align the angle to get a better result, but it was not satisfying.

If I leaf the plane like this and start pulling the anchor points, they snap weirdly and also the points from the first plane are moving along. This makes it impossible to only alligne the second plane without destroying the first plane.

Next thing I experienced is, when I create a third plane, it gets even worse. After creating the third one (still extracts only in right angle and is not movable) i can not change ANY anchor point anymore. Not even from this last plane.

I've attached a view snaps. Used an even more simple mockup uf a box just to illustrate what I am talking about. Thirst two images show how it looks when I try to pull out the second plane. third one shows what happens when I change the right up point of the second plane - the left up point of the first one moves as well....

I am really frustrated at this point, and appreciate your help T_T

PS van prob 03.PNG PS van prob 02.PNG

PS van prob 01.PNG

Thank you

[Moderator: Moved from Adobe Creative Cloud​ to Photoshop​ ]




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , Aug 10, 2018 Aug 10, 2018

To change the angle of the extension either option/alt click and drag up and down on the center handle of the extension; or use the Angle slider at the top of the filter window.

You can't re-shape the original plane once you've added the extension, and the quality of the extension depends on the quality of the original plane. If the extension looks way off, delete the plane and start over.

Vanishing Point is mainly to clone in perspective so you want an image where things get visibly smaller as th



Engaged ,
Aug 10, 2018 Aug 10, 2018

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To change the angle of the extension either option/alt click and drag up and down on the center handle of the extension; or use the Angle slider at the top of the filter window.

You can't re-shape the original plane once you've added the extension, and the quality of the extension depends on the quality of the original plane. If the extension looks way off, delete the plane and start over.

Vanishing Point is mainly to clone in perspective so you want an image where things get visibly smaller as they get farther away. Find photos like this - not a great photo but plenty of vanishing point perspective. If you want to work with the boxes I suggest you take a photo where you see  more of 3 planes, to work with - side, front, top.

NC Hallway.jpg

Photoshop CCScreenSnapz055.jpg




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