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Hey, I have a script that creates groups and subgroups based on layer names and moves them to the appropriate places. Below is a description of how it works:
1. Creates groups based on layer names. The group name is to consist of the layer name up to the first character "_".
2. Creates subgroups in these groups based on the layer names up to the second "_" character
3. Moves all the layers corresponding to the subgroup name to this subgroup
4. Creates an exception for layers with a string in the name "Texture”, “mask” or “Shadow”. Create a group named like this string and move these layers to it.
Everything works fine, but I don't know why the script skips a large part of the layers, even though they meet the criteria. I marked the problem on the screen. Could someone suggest how to fix it?
#target photoshop;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layers = doc.layers;
var groups = {};
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
var layerName =;
if (layerName.indexOf("Texture") !== -1) {
if (!groups["Texture"]) {
groups["Texture"] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups["Texture"].name = "Texture";
layer.move(groups["Texture"], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
} else if (layerName.indexOf("mask") !== -1) {
if (!groups["mask"]) {
groups["mask"] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups["mask"].name = "mask";
layer.move(groups["mask"], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
} else if (layerName.indexOf("Shadow") !== -1) {
if (!groups["Shadow"]) {
groups["Shadow"] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups["Shadow"].name = "Shadow";
layer.move(groups["Shadow"], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
var firstUnderscoreIndex = layerName.indexOf("_");
var groupName = layerName.substring(0, firstUnderscoreIndex);
var secondUnderscoreIndex = layerName.indexOf("_", firstUnderscoreIndex + 1);
var subgroupName;
if (secondUnderscoreIndex === -1) {
subgroupName = groupName;
} else {
subgroupName = layerName.substring(0, secondUnderscoreIndex);
if (!groups[groupName]) {
groups[groupName] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups[groupName].name = groupName;
if (!groups[subgroupName]) {
groups[subgroupName] = groups[groupName].layerSets.add();
groups[subgroupName].name = subgroupName;
layer.move(groups[subgroupName], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
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Can you post the file having issues?
You could resize it down to 1 pixel – it is all about the layers, not the pixel content.
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ok i added the psd file
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KHKH wrote:
ok i added the psd file
There is no psd-file.
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@c.pfaffenbichler - The PSD was added to the OP.
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I do apologize, my mistake.
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@Stephen Marsh hi have you looked at this script?
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I have only had limited time, my first look didn't answer why.
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This is a scripting related topic, not general use.
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yes you are right.
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You should iterate backward through the layers (var i = doc.layers.length ... while(i--) ...) because when you create layersets you are creating new layers in the doc and thus your iterator is getting all messed up. That's why sections are skipped.
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for (var i = doc.layers.length; i--)
I changed this piece of code but I don't think it was because it doesn't work Could you tell me how to change this code exactly, because I probably misunderstood 😞
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Just realized how old this post is, but glad you still need help. Think this should work, but you could $.writeln the current layer name to make sure you're hitting everything
#target photoshop;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layers = doc.layers;
var i = layers.length;
var groups = {};
for (i; i >= 0; i--) {
var layer = layers[i];
var layerName =;
if (layerName.indexOf("Texture") !== -1) {
if (!groups["Texture"]) {
groups["Texture"] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups["Texture"].name = "Texture";
layer.move(groups["Texture"], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
} else if (layerName.indexOf("mask") !== -1) {
if (!groups["mask"]) {
groups["mask"] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups["mask"].name = "mask";
layer.move(groups["mask"], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
} else if (layerName.indexOf("Shadow") !== -1) {
if (!groups["Shadow"]) {
groups["Shadow"] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups["Shadow"].name = "Shadow";
layer.move(groups["Shadow"], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
var firstUnderscoreIndex = layerName.indexOf("_");
var groupName = layerName.substring(0, firstUnderscoreIndex);
var secondUnderscoreIndex = layerName.indexOf("_", firstUnderscoreIndex + 1);
var subgroupName;
if (secondUnderscoreIndex === -1) {
subgroupName = groupName;
} else {
subgroupName = layerName.substring(0, secondUnderscoreIndex);
if (!groups[groupName]) {
groups[groupName] = doc.layerSets.add();
groups[groupName].name = groupName;
if (!groups[subgroupName]) {
groups[subgroupName] = groups[groupName].layerSets.add();
groups[subgroupName].name = subgroupName;
layer.move(groups[subgroupName], ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
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Unfortunately, when I run this script, it immediately throws an error
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Sorry i should be doc.layers.length - 1
A bit foggy from covid I'm afraid
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lets see.