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Olá,gostaria de saber como eu tiro e coloco as linhas guias através de atalhos do teclado ?
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@Jorge Gossain Neto you can quickly hide guideline by using keyboard shortcuts:
Mac: Command ;
PC: Control ;
This hides it quickly. Which I do all the time.
You can't use keyboard shortcuts to make guidelines (that I know off), but you can easily drag out guidelines from rulers. To turn your rulers on:
Mac: Command R
PC: Control R
Place your mouse or cursor on the rulers, click and drag out a guideline. If you don't like the guideline, you can select it (it may turn blue) and delete it, or select it with the 'Move' Tool and 'flick' towards the rulers.
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Eu cliquei CTRL ; e não aconteceu nada.
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Please elaborate on what you did and what exactly you want to happen.
Did you try @Bojan Živković ’s advice?
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O problema é que quando eu clico em CTRL ele fica habilitando está opção,acho que é por esse motivo que não está dando para colocar e tirar as guias,mas como faço para resolver esse problema ?
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Thats not the problem. Switch to Brush tool, for example, if you think thats the problem.
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Não funcionou alternando para o pincel,estranho isso.Olhei nos atalhos e a tecla está definida para CTRL + ;
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What is keyboard input language?
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Thats problem, change to English or find out what to press for( 😉 sign.
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Existe uma outra forma de tirar e colocar as guias através de alguma opção ?
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Using actions as already mentioned.
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There is a menu item called New Guide that allows you to assign a keyboard shortcut. You can also record an action step to place the guide if you know where you want it. Later, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to play the action.
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Please remember to mark @Bojan Živković ’s post as the »Correct Answer«.