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questions and suggestions about Photoshop Lite version (purchase one time only)?

Engaged ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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Hello. I've found an online store that they sell Photoshop for Windows (an quite old version) for full installation (since I don't have a job and I live at home and I would use for private entertainment, from time to time, I could not afford an subscription for the few time I use it anyway). But before,  I want to be sure is legally selled. In fact, the seller assured me that have an accordance with the agreement made directly with Adobe, in which this seller invoice Adobe for every sale made. Because is an old and Photoshop don't sell it anymore.
I also another question, is possible to purchase Adobe Photoshop elements for una tamtum (one time purchase only)?
I wish Adobe could provide at least some not supported softwares anymore, for people that don't use photoshop for working or on daily basic, but a version a bit less 'professional' for who wish a less expensive software but still useful. (Im downloading the trial of Adobe Elements, but I think the price is good for make decide to purchase, but unfortunately is more about photography enbellishments that for what I need to do (I need to make paintings style drawing or manga style drawing). Maybe photoshop elements is more for change backgrounds, put some adesives on photos, or glitters, or things like to cut , paste, but don't seems have features for layers, masks, a bit more useful for making paintings or watercolors effects... it seems more for playing with photography and change colors but not seems good for paintings...

There would need a new version of Adobe Photoshop (for Windows) at one price accessible to more people (teens too or youngs) that can use paintings and drawings but not for jobs. A more light version (light especially in the price) we don't need the most expensive Photoshop with so many effects, actions , and certain effects that could be used by professional... I mean not a full professional version complete like that with very complex features. 
I would suggest Photoshop to make a lite version ,photoshop cs6 for example with a price around 99$ or 100 $ but accessible . So , the professionals that have more need certain features can subscribe and those who don't need features professionals in that sort, can still enjoy the genuine Photoshop (that  unfortunately is not available on sell in a 'home lite version' for all )
In this way, Photoshop could have double possibility to sell the Photoshop, because they can still have subscribers (for the more important features for professionals) and yet also we that use it at home, can use a version for painting (I mean, a good yet software for painting . Considering that Ibis Paint is great (but I prefer Photoshop interface), yet is good software but costs only 11 Eur (sort of), but still is made very good, at least many features for painting of course, so I guess a Photoshop at 100 $ selled , could be a good program for painting (not too much simple like Photoshop elements or Express),  but good as Ibis Painting and many good softwares, one time  purchase software version, but without the complex features for photographers (that can instead use the subscription version).  I prefer photoshop both for the interface  and for the tons of Photoshop 's tutorials video and instructions, helps etc.. I like more.  ( I know 10 eur at month is not so much) but for who have many other expenses, it still hard to pay as subscription.

Sorry my long message, I hope Adobe official will read this suggestion.
A lite version of photoshop available for those that in this moment don't have Photoshop! It could be a great success...
We all are waiting something like this! 
I will try photoshop elements one time purchase, to see how is it, but I don't know if is good to make masks, layers and make good drawing manga like for Krita, Ibis Paint and so on. Photoshop is the best , but still need a more versions like one time purchase only and more lite prices for not professionals or photographers professionals workers! 
Thank you for all the informations!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

@Valentina ♡ You may want to slow down before you purchase anything as you seem to not understand what you are getting into.


Again, the person you are talking to is (potentially) a scam. I could tell you anything I wanted to until I get your money. There is NO perpetual license for Photoshop - it is subscription only. Can you send me the URL so I can confirm?


Photoshop is a completely separate application from Photoshop Elements, neither are free.

Photoshop requires a subscription - either m



Community Expert ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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1. DO NOT purchase older versions of Photoshop - they are most likely malware or worse.

2. Photoshop Elements is a one time purchase and can do most of what you are looking for. Its a good cost-effective alternative to the Creative Cloud subscription.




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Engaged ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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Thank you, I will try Photoshop elements, I hope it will have all the features I need to drawings and paintings. 
I will let you know on Adobe photoshop what I think after trying it. 
(Ps is totally full Photoshop elements without more extra to pay or subscriptions? Or it need subscribe on other services in order to use free Photoshop elements? I mean is fully a one time purchase only without anything else to pay? Can I save it in my computer ? Thanks for the info) 

I have a question, the person that sell this Photoshop it seems so sure about it. This is what told me:

"In accordance with the agreement I made with Adobe, I invoice them for every sale I make. So it's completely legal"
So maybe is true? I mean, the seller sell on internet in a place where people sold items legally (similar to Amazon)  Is strange that on a platform like for example Amazon one could tell lies? I guess he is saying the truth? Why would tell me something that is not true and risk to close the shop?
I wish to know more about it. It seems genuine the seller. 
Thank you for the informations again!




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Community Expert ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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@Valentina ♡ You may want to slow down before you purchase anything as you seem to not understand what you are getting into.


Again, the person you are talking to is (potentially) a scam. I could tell you anything I wanted to until I get your money. There is NO perpetual license for Photoshop - it is subscription only. Can you send me the URL so I can confirm?


Photoshop is a completely separate application from Photoshop Elements, neither are free.

Photoshop requires a subscription - either monthly or annually. It does not include Elements.

Phtotoshop Elements is a one-time fee.

Both allow you to download the software onto your computer.

You may also want to check the system requirements before purchasing to make sure your computer can run these applications:







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Engaged ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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Thank you, I have downloaded the trial version of Photoshop elements, I am still viewing the various options from the presentation screen as it continues to install, I see images of what it can do, but I think is not what I'm searching. Adobe photoshop elements is more about playing with photography. Change colors, backgrounds, is about photography. 
What I needed was a more lite version of Photoshop for Paintings and drawings with masks, layers  and brushes etc... a purchase at once Photoshop version for who don't need all the professional Photoshops actions, filters and some other features that make the software more expensive for professional and photographers) but for us, that use for entertainments , at home, drawings, we would like  a more lite version of Photoshop, like Ibis Painting (that is great features , for drawings) yet costs just 11 $. But for a Photoshop One time purchase painting version, I guess 100 $ for a software with features just for a version for painting one time purchase it would be what many could affords too!

Anyway I will try Photoshop elements, to see what I can do. 
For the seller about the old photoshop, I think , as I said, if is an important webshop I doubt the seller would expose so much himself to sell something not legally. Maybe , as he says, have accords with Adobe, in fact , says that each earn is have an accordance with the agreement made directly with Adobe, in which this seller invoice Adobe for every sale made. It's an old photoshop not on sale anymore. Anyway, I will test adobe photoshop elements today, to see how is it 
I will update what I think about it!
Thanks again! 

Edit: unfortunately seems very slow this photoshop elements.. still don't works... .it ask autentication.. it open browser, I log with google account, it says I can return to the software to start to use, but don't begin... and again , I try and try and always do this, but the software don't launch.... I have windows 10 




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Community Expert ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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Hi @Valentina ♡ At this point, I'm going to step out and wish you well in your trial as you seem to not want to share the actual URL listing the Photoshop one time purchase.

Again, there is NO legal means to purchase Photoshop outright without a subscription.

If you decide to persue as you seem to trust this person more than the advice of an expert on an official Adobe site, there is not much more I can do to warn you.




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Engaged ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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I will contact the seller and tell that is not true that 'have an  agreement  made with Adobe, and invoice them for every sale  make or that is  completely legal" 
because  Adobe team says me there is no accordance made with Adobe" .
 If you are an official Adobe team of course I trust more what an Adobe team says
 At the same time, I also wish Adobe will make lite version  of Photoshop available also for not professional and for a single purchase , price similar to Adobe Elements, but more for drawing and paintings. 
Thanks again




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Community Expert ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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Photoshop Elements is the lite version of Photoshop.

Please PM the URL of the "Photoshop Seller" to me so that I can make sure it is reported to Adobe Security.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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@Valentina ♡ AGAIN - why wont you share the URL with us? this is becoming highly suspect of you now.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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I will contact the seller and tell that is not true...

By @Valentina ♡


If you contact the scammer, they will have your contact information. Instead please report the page to Adobe following the directions on this help page:



Most pirated versions come with malware and it's not worth the cost. 


If you have questions about PSE during your trial, ask here:



Photoshop is available as part of the Photography plan (annual) at a discounted plan of $9.99 per month if you decide to go that route. It's the only way to get a legal version of Photoshop.






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Engaged ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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Is easy to find these sellers as are around the google researches. I dont feel to accuse any sellers this is what Adobe have to do. I just wanted to know if it could be possible that someone could have permissions to sell it. I thought it could be genuine . As I know theres many that sell it and I know these are not official / genuine. But since it was a famous marketplace I was wondering if it could be real that this and other sellers from there could have permissions. Is sufficent to go on Etsy shop marketplace and searching for Adobe Photoshop cs6 and many sellers sell it as if its genuine. I still dont understand how is possible that they can sold a software so openly there. Thats why I believed it could be possible they had some permissions . Go on Etsy and see there .


Ps I m not able to run Photoshop elements it launch it but seems dont start... so up to now, I could not try yet...




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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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@Valentina ♡ 


Please use the link given earlier for your questions about Photoshop Element (PSE). It is separate software and most of us on this forum do not use it.


A couple of things could happen if you proceed with purchasing an illegal copy of Photoshop:

1. The software fails — either now or a bit later

2. The software does not fully function 

3. The software installs malware that harms the files on your computer


There are no legal versions of CS6 being sold now. We cannot assist you with illegal pirated version.







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Contributor ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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Photoshop Elements IS a "Photoshop Lite".
If you miss something go to <linked removed by moderator>
You'll find plugins there that fill the gap between PS-Elements and his "big brother" Photoshop.





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Engaged ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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Yes even if I  need to try it first, because I dont know if it will be the Photoshop "lite" version also focused for drawing and painting. It looks more about photography filters. I will try. But surely it is good that theres a one time purchase software also for who is not professional and dont want to pay expensive total prices for using a software once in a while in a month (who is not professional would appreciate if could purchase a buy at once version also for who is not professional) Who dont use for work with it dont use photoshop everyday. I could use once in a while on weekends for some hours. Thats why it could be good if we could  have a "lite" genuine versions selled by Adobe for reach everyone. And  I think is great that Adobe did it with  Adobe Elements is exactly what is useful and permit also to us to purchase it (I just want to use a purchased official software ) 

 So I hope with the trial of  Adobe Elements I will discover that I can use it also for painting and drawing and obtain what I could do exactly as I could do with photoshop (100 $ for a software just focused on painting and layers and coloring and great brushes I think it should be a good software ) compared to Ibis Paint that is great but cost only around 40 $ or something less I dont remember now . 


I will try and I will see. In the case it would seems too focused about phography effects and filters, then it could be good if one day Adobe could consider also a lite version just like they did with Adobe Elements but more focused on painting , coloring and drawings. A sort of lite version about drawing /painting focused . But maybe photoshop elements have what I can use to achieve from painting so I will see!


I will update as long as I will be able to launch the trailer, because I dont have 8 gb of Ram, I have only 4... maybe is this that it remain to charging the program but dont launch?


I also will ask in the proper forum about photoshop elements, about the trial because is a bit confusing... there s people that installed the trial and had 14 days to decide if cancel or not, because if they dont request to cancel the trial version after that time, they will be charged for the next month . 

So Im also unsure if Im trying the simple version trial that after some weeks just expire until I decide what to do, or if I have download the version that it will start to charge me even if still I didnt decided yet.  Of course before decide, Im testing all the trials of many many softwares to see them and decide. So Im curious now also to try Photoshop elements.

Thanks again for the help!




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Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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about the trial because is a bit confusing... there s people that installed the trial and had 14 days to decide if cancel or not, because if they dont request to cancel the trial version after that time, they will be charged for the next month . s.


By @Valentina ♡


That is only true for Photoshop, not Photoshop Elements.

Photoshop Elements just stops working after the 30 day trial.  There is no charge.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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...and Photoshop is not 14 days. It is 7 days and you must cancel within that timeframe or it converts to an annual subscription.


Photoshop Elements is currently 30% off through Sep 4 if you are in the US or Canada:

"This offer is valid in the U.S. and Canada. Offer valid from 8:00 am (PT) on August 17, 2023 until 11:59 pm (PT) on September 4, 2023."








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Engaged ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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Thank you that's good to know 🙂  that Photoshop Elements it will not be converted  in a  subscription, because I was worried  as is it for  Photoshop, that after the 7 days you must cancel within that timeframe or   it converts to an annual subscription, because  many people can easily forget to cancel )




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