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I get this message when closing Photoshop "Can't write new document presets file" No luck in finding a solution . CC2022 version 23.1
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Hi. Please try resetting the preferences:
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Thanks! I reset the preference file, with no luck in fixing the problem.
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Make sure you user ID has write permission to your Photoshop Preferences folder and that there is no problem with that folder. I also do not know why Closing Photoshop would want to write a new file there. I would think it would only update existing preferences files. So new document presets file may be the existing
"C:\Users\(your user id)\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Adobe Photoshop 2022 Settings\New Doc Sizes.json"
Make sure the file is in good shape. Resetting your Photoshop Preferences may solve your problem,
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Thanks ! I removed the New doc sizes.json file and restarted photoshop, but problem still exist. It re-installed the file again in the settings folder. .
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Is "Can't write new document presets file" the exact wording of message you are seeing? "New doc sizes.json" was just a guess on my part. If that is the exact message you are getting the programmer could have done better job by provided more helpful message that identified the paths and file name they could not write. And if you ran Photoshop as an Administrator Photoshop should have been able to write files just about anywhere as far as permissions go. On my Windows 10 PC I do not have a problem closing down Photoshop version 22 and 23. Have you Added anything to Photoshop like third Party Plug-ins, extension, scripts etc? If not you may need the remove Adobe software download and run Adobe Creative cloud cleaner the reinstall your Adobe applications.
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I think I've manged to get it working, but its a bit hit/miss and I have to be running as admin. Also if i start photoshop and try to close it down right away it will still pop up with the message. Also the problem doesnt present itself closing down photoshop while a document is open.
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Hi there,
We're sorry about the trouble. Please try the steps mentioned below and check if that helps.
1. On the Start menu, locate the program that you want to always run as an administrator.
2. Right-click the application’s shortcut, and then click Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Compatibility tab.
4. Do one of the following:
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I just tryed this, but still have same problem. It has been doing it several months now, so probably nothing to do with the most recent updates.
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Hi Tarun, thanks for your help. I was also having the same error every time I quit Photoshop. I just followed your instructions, and now every time I open Photoshop, I get a User Account Control dialogue asking if I want to let Photoshop make changes to my device...
Additionally, I can't edit linked files from Adobe Illustrator in Photoshop via the 'Edit In Photoshop' button anymore. Illustrator says 'Cannot find associated application.' Any idea how to fix these new bugs now?
Also, this did not solve the old bug, I still get the 'Can't write new document presets file.' error when I quit Photoshop.
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2024 and I'm now having this issue. Still runing on Windows 10.
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I have the same problem! Please help!
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I am having the same issues also. nothing I do seems to sort it out.
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It's happening to me now, several times a day!
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Since 23.2.2 version all works fine!
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Did anyone ever fix this, it started happening with V 2022 and it's driving me nuts, I tried all the suggestions here.
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Yeah, this is definitely just now happening for me. As usual, Adobe forum members will respond with one useless attempt at a solution and then no one will respond after you let them know that it didn't work at all. Bravo, Adobe. The fantastic product service continues.
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Also having the same problem and none of the solutions above worked.
Other problems associated with the new version:
- Lost all my custom made actions
- I use custom panels, if I load an image directly from Lightroom those panels will not load, I have to start PS first, let the panels load, then load an image from LR.
- My workspace changes periodically even though the "Lock Workspace" is on.
- I get random error messages about errors in "Line 1" or "Line 2" with no indication what file.
Needless to say wasn't entirely thrilled about the new update.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 23.2.2
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I also started receiving the Can't write document presets error- issue STARTED with version 23.2.2,
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im also experiencing this issue!
mine is linked with some scripts that i've always run as part of my process for years now without issue.. I get an error saying "JavaScript code was missing"
the only work around I have found is to save and close PS which gives me the "Can't write new document presets file"
and then on re-boot it usually works fine for a bit before breaking again.. this has been happening for about 3 months now on and off.. please fix!
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for now running PS as admin seems to be working.
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nope.. still doping it!
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Same here. been with adobe for hours either they cant figure it out or they dont care.
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The same issue with me and I've tried everything, but no fix which si very frustrating.