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"Could not save (file name) because the file is already in use or left open."

Enthusiast ,
Feb 01, 2009 Feb 01, 2009

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When I tried save as a file, I get an error msg:
"Could not save (file name) because the file is already in use or left open."

The file is not open anywhere accept Photoshop.

Mac Pro, OSX 10.5.6
Photoshop CS4.

I searched the forum but could not find anything even though i'm sure someone already asked it.

would love to get a solution for that.
thank you,




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Feb 03, 2009 Feb 03, 2009
If Photoshop says the file is open - then some external process has left the file open. It has nothing to do with it being open in Photoshop, or even in Bridge. This has happened sometimes when Spotlight had bugs (which have come up more than once, and been fixed in OS dot releases).

The external process could be another application, or an OS service like Spotlight.


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Feb 01, 2009 Feb 01, 2009

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Try "Saving As" to a new name.




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Nov 14, 2010 Nov 14, 2010

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Such useless and dumb answer. Obviously, the user is complaining about a bug or issue regarding Photoshop. I use both OSX and Vista, and I have the exactly same annoying problem in my Vista. It happens 8 out of 10 times I press save. The only way I found to solve the problem was to install a cool piece of software called "Unlocker", so everytime the damn photoshop tells me it cannot save the file, I just go there and unlock it, then save without problems.

Still, it is very annoying to do get this error message all the time.




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Nov 15, 2010 Nov 15, 2010

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Please read the previous responses.

The user is reporting an error caused by another application.

The bug is still in some OTHER application, and as you can see from the previous responses, sometimes the Finder, Spotlight and Coverflow can cause this problem.

Photoshop is just reporting the error to you, that the OS reported to Photoshop, because some OTHER application had the file locked.




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Nov 15, 2010 Nov 15, 2010

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NOT exactly. As I've said, in case you read, I have the same problem using VISTA, so how can be another application problem in two different OS?

On top, this annoying problem only happens with Photoshop. It doesn't happen when I use Illustrator, Word, Outlook, 3DMax, Skype or Adobe Flash.

It would be really good to have a solution for this annoying issue.




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Nov 15, 2010 Nov 15, 2010

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Because you wandered into the wrong forums?

Because the same TYPE of problem does exist on multiple OSes, due to slightly different things on each OS?

Because you haven't read what I've seen saying repeatedly, in as many different ways as I can think of?

The solution, is to disable whatever OTHER application is locking your files, or use an unlocking utility until the other application fixes the bugs that cause the files to remain locked (of course, reporting those bugs would help, we're getting tired of hearing about them, too).

Again, we cannot fix this inside Photoshop -- because something OUTSIDE OF PHOTOSHOP is locking the files, and the OS returns an error when the file is locked.  Photoshop only reports the error that the OS gave to Photoshop, it does not cause the error.

And just because other programs don't do error checking doesn't mean that the problem does not exist. (in fact, it does exist, which is why Photoshop does extra error checking to prevent you from losing your work)

As you can see from other user's comments, they have found the applications that are locking the files - frequently parts of the OS, and sometimes other applications that they have open.    To the best of my knowledge, nobody has found Photoshop to have the files locked.  And we've spent many years looking at this problem -- it is always another application.




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New Here ,
Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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Chris (et al.) I've read through the whole thread, and wanted to add some clues I've discovered with my own expereince with this issue.

1. I was previously using Windows XP with Photoshop CS2, and NEVER encountered this issue.

2. I got a new computer with Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, and continued using Photoshop CS2. This is when I started experiencing the issue, and _only_ wth Photoshop (NOT with Illustrator).

   2b. I noticed that the issue seemed to occur whether i had windows explorer open or not, and whether I had thumbnail view on or off. I could find no consistent way to reproduce the issue.

   2c. When it occured, it would some times immediately work after turning OFF the thumbnail preview in explorer, but not always. Sometimes after turning off thumbnail preview, the file could still not be saved (I received the error message reported by the OP).

   2d. I would keep attempting to save the same file, cancelling the error message each time, until eventually it would save. The number of "tries" varied.

   2e. Most of thetime (but not always) after each instance of the error message I would find in my folder a "temp" file with a file name like "~psCA2F.tmp". I discovered that if I renamed the file extension from .tmp to .jpg I would have an actual, working version of the JPG file I had been trying to save!

3. I purchased the full version of Photoshop CS5 and installed it, hoping the issue would be cleared up (thinking that it was because i was using an older version of Photoshop with Windows 7) however the problem persists with the symptoms outlined above.

Question: What is it (allegedly) about both the Mac Finder, _and_ Windows Explorer that causes this issue? Why didn't it occur in Windows XP? Did Wondows XP handle thumbnails differently (if that is the issue, ie. "previews")?





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Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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Deimodius wrote:

...Why didn't it occur in Windows XP?...

It can happen in XP.

Anti-virus/back-up/preview/indexing processes may be running with Finder/Explorer. Open up Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac) to see the many processes that are running in the background, even when you think you have nothing more than Photoshop open.

As a Windows user, you should try out Unlocker to see what exactly has its hooks in the file.




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New Here ,
Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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Assuming that it is not Photoshop _causing_ the error, given that, as people point out, they are not prevented from saving in other programs, is it not possible for Photoshop to be updated so that it warns us, but still allows us to go ahead with the save, instead of blocking us?

I find it interesting that occassionally when I get this error Photoshop will, in fact, create and save a .tmp file that, when the extension is changed to .jpg, is an actual, functioning version of the image I was trying to save.

While I have seen both you and Chris state repeatedly that it is not Photoshop causing the error, if if that's the case, it would behoove Adobe to find a workaround to impliment in Photoshop, as I imagine having Apple, or Microsoft, or any of the myriad software companies whose application might be causing the error, all change _their_ software would sort of be like trying to move a mountain.

It may not be PS causing the error, and only reporting it, but Adobe is going to need to find a way to have Photoshop over-ride, or work around, this problem when PS encounters it.

Maybe Adobe could purchase this "unlocker" app I've seen referred to, or create something similar, that would automatically be run by PS when this error is encountered?




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Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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There are reasons, I believe buried previously in this discussion, for why Photoshop cannot unlock the file or override the other process locking it. However, it might be possible for a future Photoshop to give a more meaningful error message that says what specifically is locking the file and/or suggest remedies for the user.

Cast your votes.




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Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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Very good points here.

Adobe could work harder to provide a better software that can do exactly what we, customers/users, need to do to solve their problem.

Photoshop could automatically kill the file associations with whatever program is holding it (as they say, right?), and save as a new file.

They're right when they say another program is locking the file, BUT, why it only happens with PHOTOSHOP on THREE different OS?

I find out that these forums from Adobe are not that useful, as their workers prefer to throw the ball, blame and whatever to those who pay for their salaries and products, instead of providing decent and professional advices or, at least, trying to really understand the problem in order to give real SOLUTIONS.

The first suggestion/solution provided in this thread really tells it all...

Two (useless) cents from a stupid customer who's posting in the wrong forum and bought the wrong products.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 17, 2010 Nov 17, 2010

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I find out that these forums from Adobe are not that useful, as their workers prefer to throw the ball, blame and whatever to those who pay for their salaries and products, instead of providing decent and professional advices or, at least, trying to really understand the problem in order to give real SOLUTIONS.

You may be subject to a misconception as to what these Fora are.

These are user-to-user-fora; that various Adobe-employees contribute is – as far as I can tell – not because they are obliged to, but because they take an interest in their products.

Geeez... you sound stressed dude. Is it because Adobe doesn't pay you well or because the workforce for this kind of stuff is moving to India and so on? Calm down. We're the customers, and you're the solution provider.

Condescend much?




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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Richard-OH wrote:

...They're right when they say another program is locking the file, BUT, why it only happens with PHOTOSHOP on THREE different OS?...

This does not 'only happen with Photoshop'. It is unlikely that Unlocker and the 20 other programs listed on this page were written specifically for Photoshop.




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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It is unlikely that Unlocker and the http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ were written specifically for Photoshop.

Seems odd that I odd not need Unlocker until I started using Photoshop?

Must be a coincidence.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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Seems odd that I odd not need Unlocker until I started using Photoshop?

And you wouldn’t need seat-belts in your car if you were not to drive it, would you?




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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Tom Dig wrote:

It is unlikely that Unlocker and the http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ were written specifically for Photoshop.

Seems odd that I odd not need Unlocker until I started using Photoshop?

Must be a coincidence.

Seems odd that I do not need Unlocker to use Photoshop. The last time I needed Unlocker was about 5 years ago (and it was not for Photoshop). I still keep it installed but I've had no need to use it.

You need to recognize that you and your computer are unique. Adobe cannot/shouldn't dumb down Photoshop for all of us simply because a few people are oblivious to an uncontrolled process running in the background.




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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> You need to recognize that you and your computer are unique. Adobe cannot/shouldn't dumb down Photoshop for all of us simply because a few people are oblivious to an uncontrolled process running in the background.

You all just do not get it.

• I have two PC’s using Photoshop.

• Both are configured entirely different.

• Both have had the problem

• Both ONLY have the problem with Photoshop.

• It seems that MANY others also have the problem. Again ONLY with Photoshop.

Let’s say I buy gas at 20 different gas stations.

Sometimes my car starts knocking but only after I buy gas at station #5.

Gas from ALL OTHER STATIONS burn perfectly with no problems ALL OF THE TIME. I have 30 friends and 5 of them say “Wow, the same thing happens in my car after buying #5’s gas.”

Would you accept the argument from the owner of gas station 5 that it is not his gas causing the problem?

No, you would stop buying his gas and the problem is solved.

Photoshop is a great piece of software and the minor inconvenience of this file locking issue does not support abandoning the application.

Personally, I have not had the problem for at least 4-months. Coincidentally, the problem stopped after I installed Unlocker so I cannot even tell you which app is locking the file. It is my guess that it has something to do with the thumbnails and the Windows apps that handle the thumbnails. Nine out of Ten Photoshop PSD file thumbnails are corrupt and cannot be viewed in the Explorer window. But that is another issue that I gave up on attempting to resolve since all that Photoshop support does is point the finger.




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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Tom Dig wrote:

...Coincidentally, the problem stopped after I installed Unlocker so I cannot even tell you which app is locking the file...

The fact that you are not having the problem is certainly a coincidence. Unlocker has nothing to do with your recent success. Unlocker does not unlock the file automatically. If a file is locked, you are given a prompt by Unlocker and you can voluntarily unlock the file. If you have not seen such prompts, you have not really been using Unlocker.




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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Thank you, I understand how Unlocker works. I tested it when it was installed.

I was just thinking, it may be about the same time I turned off caching thumbnails.

Anyone else using Windows and having this problem should try turning this function off and see what happens.

Thank you,

Tom DiGregorio

Engineering Support Technician

Taylor-Dunn Manufacturing



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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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"But I only have this problem with the one car that has a trouble light for that problem, all the other cars just explode"




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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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To unsubscribe from this thread it says to click on the Actions box on the right, click stop email notifications link. "stop email notifications link" is not listed in my Actions. How else can I unsubscribe from this list.





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Nov 18, 2010 Nov 18, 2010

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To unsubscribe from this thread it says to click on the Actions box on the right, click stop email notifications link. "stop email notifications link" is not listed in my Actions. How else can I unsubscribe from this list.

You can manage that stuff from your profile (see screenshot). 





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Nov 19, 2010 Nov 19, 2010

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thank you! I'll try that.




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Nov 19, 2010 Nov 19, 2010

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I can't seem to log in to get to the unsubscribe from email link you mention. I'm log in to the adobe site but can not login to the forum.

Both Firefox and Safari when I go to the login keeps redirecting from page to page but thewebpage never loads.





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