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I have already asked for an answer. I had my computer upgraded to Mac OS Sierra. When this happened, my Adobe Creative Suite '6 (CS6)was lost. I was able to currently locate the icon which is on my desktop, but I have no idea how to re-install it. I have the licensing number to show that I have already paid for this application.
Can someone help me.
Thank you,
Kathleen Israel
You install the same way you did the 1st time... put your disc in the drive and enter your serial number when asked, or download the installer and enter your serial number when asked
kglad links in reply #1 here to download program installers
Which does not mean that you will actually be able to install that old version on your new operating system
CS6 and earlier programs have not been tested and will not be updated for Mac El Capitan or later operating syst
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You install the same way you did the 1st time... put your disc in the drive and enter your serial number when asked, or download the installer and enter your serial number when asked
kglad links in reply #1 here to download program installers
Which does not mean that you will actually be able to install that old version on your new operating system
CS6 and earlier programs have not been tested and will not be updated for Mac El Capitan or later operating systems
-which means that you try to use CS6 and earlier at YOUR risk of having problems due to Apple updates
-Apple did not maintain backward compatibility with old programs in El Capitan or Sierra
--Adobe has a workaround to Apple's problem of not maintaining backward compatibility
--READ HERE for an Adobe solution to installing old programs, including a link to installing the old Java runtime that is required
--Also read for more information
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>have the licensing number to show
This is a public forum, NOT Adobe support
NEVER, EVER post personal information here !!!
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A co ja mam począć, skoro po awarii Windows 10 utraciłem mój CS6? Teraz chce go instalować na tym samym komputerze, ale dowiaduję się, że "mój CSA6 jes używany". Nie miałem możliwości deaktualizacji i jak mam teraz poradzić temu problemowi?
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@mirosław_6408 Adobe have stopped resetting activation counts, so if you have used up your activations you're out of luck I'm afraid
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What should I do? After a serious Windows 10 failure, I lost, among others: CS6. I didn't even have the option to deactivate it. Now I'm trying to reinstall CS6 on the same computer, but after entering the code, the Administrator informs me that my CS6 is already in use. After all, the help is supposed to be about solving the problem?
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@mirosław_6408 we are just forum volunteers and can't help with activation issues, Photoshop CS6 is long out of support, you can try contacting Adobe support, but as I already mentioned Adobe no longer reset activation counts
Type agent in the chatbot to speak to a real person
Chat support:
You will need to be on a browser that allows pop-ups and cookies, or the icon won't show.
Twitter: @AdobeCare
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Thank you very much. I will continue to fight for some time
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I'm having a similar problem. I'm configuring a new machine and hoped to continue using my CS6. The install accepted the serial number and I completed the sign-in process, but then I received a message that the serial number I provided was "revoked" due to misuse or activating old software.
It's disgusting how Adobe is handling these issues. I've never had the software active on more than one machine at a time, so there was no misuse. Refusing to activate older software is putting an expiration date on the product that was not in the terms of the original purchase. Windows didn't reject the software for compatability issues, Adobe is just refusing to activate it.
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Did you get this resolved? I simply added the 64bit version of CS6 to my install and now none of the applications work. I'm getting the error you are getting when entering my serial number. I tried working thru their Virtual Assistant. I might as well beat my head against a cement wall. So frustrated!!! I use the apps once a year to create/edit a PDF for a family calendar and refuse to pay their monthly charge. Help!!!
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Mam to samo, nie widzę swojego pakietu CS6 na koncie, próbując dodać do mam komunikat, że ten pakiet jest już użyty.. Nie da się w zasadzie niczego uzyskać od 'asystenta' adobe. Brak opcji kontaktu z supportem.
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I have Adobe Web Premium CS5 for Windows, how can I change the platform to iOS?
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@mateusz_3823 you can't, Adobe no longer provide that option, CS5 is long out of support
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Wersja CS6 box w dniu zakupu miało licencję wieczystą. Po rejestracji numer seryjny był widoczny na koncie Adobe, można było odinstalować ze starego komputera i zainstalować na nowym. Teraz to niemożliwe. Po nowej instalacji nie można zarejestrować programu na koncie, brak wsparcia, brak możliwości korzystania z programu. Po wejściu wersji CC Adobe skasowało dostęp do serwerów z wcześniejszymi wersjami zmuszając do zakupu CC czyli wydania pieniędzy. Być może znajdzie się kancelaria która zechce Adobe wytoczyć proces na miliony odszkodowania, ponieważ w mojej opinii jest to kradzież.