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Realistic shadows possible with new options - Can it be script ?

Explorer ,
May 08, 2018 May 08, 2018

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I'm looking to make a script, an action or a preset that can create shadows over objects in a VERY realistic way it has not been done before. I've been investigating for a fews months the anatomy of realistic shadow and I have find how to solve the problems so photoshop would be able to make very realistic shadow from 2D elements or isolated objects inside a composition.

1-First problem with drop shadow layerFx is the shape of the object is the 'same' as the original, so it cannot be smaller or bigger like a real shadow usually does. First thing needed is a 'scale' options on the drop shadow can change shape size on 2 axis. Sometime the shadow need to be 'longer' from one side, or sometime from both. I know this can be 'solved' with the transform tool but how can we 'script' this part so it may work on ANY shadow ? Becuz if the object is small the shadow distortion will be smaller than a bigger object. So we need something that check the 'pixel' size on the object and make a shadow that match the size per pixel ?

2-Second problem with drop shadow layerFx is the Gaussian blur or the 'size' that make the shadow edge 'soft'. This also isn't working since it give the 'whole' shadow the same blur along the edge, when it should be giving the edge a different 'gaussian' blur along the distance. Again is there a way to create a 'gradient blur' to apply on the shadow 2 parts, the umbra and penumbra.

3- There got to be an umbra and a penumbra, this part isn't really a problem we can do 2 layers or we can use 2 drop shadow with layer fx but so far most people only do the shadow and forget about the penumbra. This is the step that make the shadow realistic.

So does scripting can solve theses problems ?

Umbra+and+Penumbra+A+very+dark+shadow,+where+there+is+no+light+is+called+an+umbra.+Umbra+have+sharply+defined+edges..jpgumbra and penumbra.pngpenumbra.jpg

Actions and scripting




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People's Champ ,
May 09, 2018 May 09, 2018

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Not saying it's impossible but certainly tedious. Ray tracing is already a thing in 3D apps so in 2D apps with flat pixels…

What about using 3D objects inside PS ? At least you will have light options and stuff. Even Dimension may be preferable ?




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Community Expert ,
May 09, 2018 May 09, 2018

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hello, it's quite complicated to automate this kind of thing because the shading takes a lot of things into account.

That's why when reading this post, I wondered if Adobe Dimension could not meet, in part, the needs?

Buy Adobe Dimension CC | Photo-real 3D images for product and package design




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Community Expert ,
Jul 10, 2018 Jul 10, 2018

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Thanks for your post, and interest and experience with realistic drop shadows. While I am not sure if the 3D interface can be scripted well, please check out the shadow quality of the 3D Photoshop engine which has evolved much recently.

How To Make Realistic Shadows in Photoshop [Technique That You Probably Don't Know] - YouTube

The umbra versus penumbra are not as strong in contrast as in your 2nd example, but tweaking the light settings may get you there.




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