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Recurring problem - Open windows disappear on layer clicks

Explorer ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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Ok, this is a problem that some people been having and still I haven't seen a real solution.

Before I start, a few things:

I'm on a Mac (Sierra), using a Mac Pro (New version) with an AMD Fire GPU.

This is something that happened a LOT in Photoshop CC 2017 and NOW, fresh install, also happens in CC 2018, latest update.

I'm a heavy user from since PS 3 in the eighties and also have a history of computer tech for Apple, so we can disconsider "wrong clicks" here .

All that said, this is what happened in 2017 and now in 2018 version:
One or more pictures (projects) open (i like floating windows, hate tabs in Photoshop). Go over to the Layer list over in the Palette and CLICK on one (any) and BAM! - ALL open windows DISAPPEAR from the screen. All I see is Photoshop's interface, as if I just opened the program. In Photoshop 2017 I used to HIDE photoshop and switch BACK and then all windows would show up again and I could get back to work. But now in 2018 that DOESN'T solve it.

I've been testing a lot of options here:
If I use Control + ` I can switch between open windows and they DO show up when I first do this switching. But they disappear as soon as I click on any layer name over in the Palette again.

I tried turning OFF the "Use Graphic Processor" over in the Performance settings in Preferences. Problem persists.

Sometimes Photoshop is KIND with me and stops causing this bug and I can finish my work. But then, out of nowhere, problem comes back. Very annoying.

I'm considering erasing the preferences, since I *DID* use the ones from previous installs (brushes, actions etc), but that is clearly going to be a hassle since I'd have to rearrange/install all my brushes/actions/configs from scratch. That will be my LAST resort, if the problem becomes unbearable.

So, let's keep this open for Adobe to check out this, since there ARE many people with this problem.
Hope they come up with some answer.

Thanks all!

EDIT: Testing, I just noticed the windows disappear whenever I click ANYWHERE IN THE UI (any panel, any tool, any menu option). It's as if the windows all went BEHIND the dark grey background - something Photoshop only added in the CC versions, before which the background was transparent, all windows floating over whatever was showing on the desktop.

EDIT 2: More testing, I set preferences back to TABS just to see what happens: the disappearing stopped. But, as I said before, I *hate* tabs in Photoshop. Many times I work with several open files and NEED to see them at once for on reason or another. Staying in tab mode is out of the question. --- So, went back to Floating Windows and the problem stopped. As soon as I closed the images and opened them again, problem came back. Bah!






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Engaged ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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Hi, I'm unable to reproduce this (Mac High Sierra) but I'm curious, does this happen to you when Photoshop is the -only- program that is open/running? Just looking for clues.

(BTW, the Application Frame has been around since at least CS5, but it wasn't turned on by default. It can be turned off by unchecking Application Frame in the Windows menu.)





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Explorer ,
Feb 13, 2018 Feb 13, 2018

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Now talk about a HELPFUL ANSWER!!!
I never realized there was an option to disable the Application Frame! And I'll tell you... it totally WORKED!

Quick recap:
In order to reproduce the error, i opened 2 projects in PS, switched back to finder, went back and forth a couple of times, then tried clicking around the frame. BAM! Project windows disappeared. So, I went over to the Window Menu, unchecked the App Frame option and WHAM! There were my 2 open files, nice and showing. Tried reproducing the error again and nothing! GONE!

PS.: Generally I have several Apps open during working hours... but just now I decided to open Photoshop with only Chrome running. Will try closing Chrome and testing with App Frame, just for the curiosity.

EDIT: Ok, I'm back. Only Photoshop open and the problem persists when having the App Frame ON. Goes away with it OFF.

So, there seems to be a conflict with the App Frame working with floating windows and switching back and forth through finder. I consider it a bug since it's something I started seeing in CC 2017 and now (worse) in CC 2018.

Please tell us if you manage to reproduce the problem.I will work with the App Frame OFF for now - <sigh> - was accustomed with it, though.






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Explorer ,
May 03, 2019 May 03, 2019

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Well, I didn't come back here after the problem returned. As I answered another user here, even with the Application Frame ON/OFF, the windows still disappear and the only way to be able to work again is restating Photoshop.
And I'm on CC 2019 now. The problem STILL happens. And it's SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying.





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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2018 Jun 21, 2018

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Is there an update on this? This hasn't been resolved even though the question has been marked as answered. Turning off the application frame is just a workaround, and is not an option on Windows.





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Explorer ,
May 03, 2019 May 03, 2019

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Yeah, after working a bit, the problem returned.
Get's to a point where I can't work anymore and I have to restart PS...





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New Here ,
Sep 03, 2024 Sep 03, 2024

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It's still a problem.  Adobe has no problem charging full price.  Six years and still releasing with bugs not solved.





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New Here ,
Aug 08, 2018 Aug 08, 2018

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Question for you... Are you running an application called "Application Wizard"? If so access the controls for the application in the Mac System Preferences panel. Look at the bottom of the panel and within the "Single Application Mode" section, uncheck the"Turn single application mode on." This worked for me as I was experiencing the same issue. Hope this helps.





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Explorer ,
May 03, 2019 May 03, 2019

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Nope. Not using that app.





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New Here ,
Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

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I have this exact same problem. Very frustrating. I also prefer to use floating windows instead of tabs.  Any time I click on any tool or layer, the active window disappers. Impossible to work. Restarting Photoshop helps for a few minutes, then randomly back to the same problem. I have tried all the suggestions in this thread, no joy. Have you found a solution? 

Adobe CC 2020 on a MAC 207 GHz 12 Core Intel Xeon E5 running Catalina with 64 GB of memory. Using AMD FirePro D700 6gb graphics card. 





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