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Registration Window keeps opening?

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Jun 09, 2009 Jun 09, 2009

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I recently installed Windows 7RC on my computer and then reinstalled all my Adobe software.

My system is set to dual boot to Windows XP and Windows 7 RC.

This is more of an anoyance then a real problem but if anyone has any ideas how to stop it, I would like to hear them.

Since reinstall everytime I open any of my Adobe software, Indesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, Photoshop CS2, Premiere, the registration window opens.

The first few times I went through the process of registering again with all of them.  I recieved the "Thank you for registering E-mail etc.

This doesn't happen in XP.

Anyone have any idea how to stop this?





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Jan 24, 2010 Jan 24, 2010

Another solution that may be a little easier is to right click on photoshop and click "run as administrator". The registration window will pop up again (and for the last time... hooray). Make your selection and this time photoshop will remember what you choose. From now on you can start photoshop normally and the registration window shouldn't come back.


Participant ,
Aug 07, 2009 Aug 07, 2009

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Ok I found User Account Control and turned it off, rebooted computer and started Photoshop, Indesign, and Premiere, registration window opened every time.

Weird, I wonder why there is no Adobe Registration file anywhere, when some people seem to have it and some don't.

Well I'm going to get a new comprter soon and will install the real Windows 7 Home Premium, we'll see what happens then.





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Aug 07, 2009 Aug 07, 2009

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If Windows 7 Home premium is the same as Vista Home Premium you will still not see it.  Seems like only those with Vista Ultimate see the registration file.




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Aug 07, 2009 Aug 07, 2009

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The message has quit appearing on all of my Adobe programs.

The only reason that I can see is that I turned off, and then turned back on "User Account Control".

While I had it turned off, they were still popping up, but once I restarted it they stopped.

Maybe this will work for someone else.





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New Here ,
Aug 08, 2009 Aug 08, 2009

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Hey Guys, PS CS2, 3, 4 NO DESGINED for Win 7, under any circumstance. Likely it will not work. I would wait until Win 7 goes live, even though you managed to get a hold of an RC, its not the same, until it hits the market. Wait for a patch from Adobe, or wait for CS5. C',on if you are using an RC you should have been smart enough to realize this.




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Aug 08, 2009 Aug 08, 2009

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Sorry, wrong as usual. CS4 works great on Windows 7 RC. Maybe if you bought a new computer to replace your Tandy, todays software would run better for you.




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New Here ,
Aug 08, 2009 Aug 08, 2009

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Hello again:  thank you to everyone trying to help me.  I am now including a screen shot attch of the message I get and as you can see, I need an UNLOCK CODE.  I tried to put the screen shot in my message like I see some of you did, but I got an error message saying the content was not allowed.  What is up with that?  I hope the attch opens for you OK.  All of you sound like major brainiacs to me and if you offer me a solution, please put it in the most basic steps.  I am totally afraid of the C Drive.  Thank you.




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Aug 08, 2009 Aug 08, 2009

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Hi again.

For what it is worth I haven't had any problems installing or running any of my Adobe software in Windows 7RC.

I'm running Photoshop CS3, Indesign CS3, Illustrator CS4, and Premiere 4.  I'm also running a lot of other software ( some very old ) and have had no problems with any of them with one exception. 

The Only thing that won't seem to run is Norton Ghost 10, which doesn't want to install.

I'm still able to run it from my XP installation but when I get my new computer I may have to update it if I'm not going to dual boot.

I'm not pushing Microsoft but Windows 7 looks like what I have been wishing for, for years.

An operating system that really works, and fixes it's own problems when it detects one.

After not being able to get my scanner to work for a month with out booting into XP (no drivers availble from Epson, I looked for them myself on their web site), one day a popup appeared that said "Installing you scanner software" and then You're hardware is ready to use".  And that was it I logged into Photoshop and the scanner worked.

As soon as the drivers appeared it found them downloaded them and installed them all on it's own.





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New Here ,
Aug 09, 2009 Aug 09, 2009

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HELLO TO EVERYONE WHO TALKED TO ME!  I just want you all to know that my brilliant daughter told me to go to Picasa (with Google) and it was able to grab my hostage photos from Photoshop Starter Edition 3.0!!!  I am thrilled and it was Free!  I did just purchase a Photoshop edition for $119.00 thinking it would help me get access to my photos but it did not.  I posted on several of these threads and emailed the expert David Powers- but he never wrote me back.  A lot of you tried to help me but you wanted me to do things way out of my experience/comfort zone, like on the C Drive (scary place...)-- but anyway successful ending (or beginning) and talk about finding it in your own backyard!  I wish I could be in the room with the Photoshop 3.0 people and throw a drink in their face and say Ah-Ha- I got you!  Perhaps I will feel friendly with Photoshop at some time in the future but I know there are probably a lot of people out there like me who lost access to their photos and deleted them from their cameras when PS 3.0 gave them that option and now they don't know what to do.  If you bump into any of them tell them that Google is the answer with PICASA!! HURRAH PICASA!!! 




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Aug 09, 2009 Aug 09, 2009

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Picasa simply indexes every image file on your computer and arranges thumbnails of them in a nice logical way.

It did not free your hostages – they were free all the time!

I suggest you ask your daughter to explain some of the basics of file management. 




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New Here ,
Aug 09, 2009 Aug 09, 2009

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Ok- I am sure you are right...but for me with my current knowledge base-- I

could not access them. The Photoshop registration message would jump up on

the screen and prevent me from clicking on any of the photos. For me for

several days there was no solution and I purchased that Photoshop product

for probably what will be for me, no good reason. I am sure there are

others like me who had my experience and they will figure they have lost

their photos. Picasa did what you said they did, but it also allowed me to

access my photos when I couldn't do it before. What do you do for a living?




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Participant ,
Aug 09, 2009 Aug 09, 2009

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When you copy photos from your camera make sure you know where they are being copied to!

I'm a comercial photographer and illustrator for amost 50 years, I would never, ever, delete the images from my camera until I have looked at them on the hard drive of my computer.

When you plug in your memory card or hook up the usb cable a window opens and asks you what you wnat to do.

Click on open folder and view files.  Next select all the files and copy them to a location on your hard drive.

I alway prepare a folder prior to this.

Once you have copied them open the folder and look at them.

Next sort them and delete the ones you don't want. At this point if it is a comercial job, I back them up to my external hard drive as well.

Once you see them in the folder you can now delete them from your memory card.

You can't be too careful.





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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2009 Aug 10, 2009

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Yes, I learned a hard lesson and there was some panic along the way. Thank

you for your instructions. I will use them the next time I have a group on

my camera and hopefully understand the process. I have not been very

disciplined in my saving of photos. Since I bought that program, maybe I

will learn more about Photoshop and see if I get some ideas. I will be

eligible for retirement in 4 years and if I start now, perhaps it can be a

hobby by then. Thank you for taking the time to help me. Sara




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New Here ,
Jan 24, 2010 Jan 24, 2010

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Another solution that may be a little easier is to right click on photoshop and click "run as administrator". The registration window will pop up again (and for the last time... hooray). Make your selection and this time photoshop will remember what you choose. From now on you can start photoshop normally and the registration window shouldn't come back.




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Participant ,
Jan 25, 2010 Jan 25, 2010

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Hi again.

While I haven't had the problem with my other Adobe programs for a while, I was still having the registration window open every time I started Premiere.

I did the "Start as Administrator" thing and that solved that problem.

Thanks for the heads up!

That was a much easier solution the the problem.





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New Here ,
Feb 27, 2010 Feb 27, 2010

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I finally solved the problem by going to the Adobe installation folder, clicking on the Adobe Professional 8 icon and checking "run as administrator" then marking it as run as administrator for all users.  It finally solved my problem.  I had no registration file to edit in Appdata, so this was my only choice.  Problem solved.  Has not occurred since.  Windows 7 Professional, Adobe Acrobat Pro.





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New Here ,
Feb 28, 2010 Feb 28, 2010

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Hi Chris: Thanks for remembering me and sending this message to me.

Unbelievably the Photoshop Starter 3.0 Registration actually jumped on my

screen when I plugged in my Sony Reader and wanted to download a book. Oh

my goodness-- it just will not give up. I tried to do what you did but I

didn't have a password as an administrator. I think my solution is going to

be to buy a Mac.




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Dec 24, 2010 Dec 24, 2010

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I came here from another thread.  I'm having the same 'registration window from hell' that won't go away.  Running Windows 7 Ultimate and I don't have the file that was mentioned earlier, so can't change anything to 'never'.

I'm using Photoshop CS2 v9, and can't afford to upgrade, so I'm going to have to deal.

Someone suggested turning off the UAC.  But if I do that, won't that leave my computer unprotected?  Or can I turn it off for the purposes of this test and if it works turn it back on?

I had this same registered version on my old XP box which died this past October, and took my hard drive to it's death.  So I went through the same thing some of you all did. I re-registered it just to get it to shut up, but it keeps coming back.

Guess I'll try the UAC trick.  Did anyone ever commit to saying CS2 won't behave on Win 7?  Mine works fine after I tell it 'don't register'.





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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2010 Dec 25, 2010

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Hello Sapat: I am so glad to hear from someone who has this problem also!

Mine does not prevent me from looking at my photographs anymore (it took a

long time for me to figure out how to get around it)-- but it still

regularly pops up and is so annoying! My registration is from Photoshop 3.0

which is so old a lot of people on this site think it never existed. I have

screen shots- but could not figure out how to upload them. So-- I feel your

pain. I am headed for Iraq tomorrow and am not sure if I will have personal

email capabilities, but if I do I would love to hear if you figure it out.

I will be back in 7 months. Happy New Year!




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New Here ,
Nov 09, 2011 Nov 09, 2011

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I had the same issue with Photoshop CS2 installed in a windows 7pro - 64 bit machine.  Went to the photoshop.exe, right click run as administrator and it no longer shows up.  Easy fix.  Thanks to all that fiqured this one out.

Mike Lee




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New Here ,
Jun 07, 2024 Jun 07, 2024

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7 June 2023

I just had this problem of the Registration coming up every time I transferred an Image from BreezeBrowser to Photoshop CS2...

Solved that by going to the Windows Key and Right Clicking on the CS2 line and selecting More... then selecting Run As Administrator.

That works for Me with Win 10 .

T.Connell, M.Photog, Cr. Retired




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