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1. Go to Preferences > Image Processing...
2. Choose "More Stable" for Remove Tool Processing.
3. RESTART Photoshop (Photoshop > Quit Photoshop, then relaunch).
Note: You will need to do this for each version you use; Beta and regular.
You might need to restart twice after applying the settings.
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1. Go to Preferences > Image Processing...
2. Choose "More Stable" for Remove Tool Processing.
3. RESTART Photoshop (Photoshop > Quit Photoshop, then relaunch).
Note: You will need to do this for each version you use; Beta and regular.
You might need to restart twice after applying the settings.
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Thanks for letting us know Wayne. Let's hope it stays that way. 🙂
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A good catch Gene. I have responded to several threads like this now, and it will be good to have an answer going forward.
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There was a very similar issue in this thread. After much hair pulling and frustration, and several posts to the forum, the issue appeared to fix itself after restating Photoshop a couple of times. Also try restarting your computer perhaps.
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This is 8 months later and I am having this problem. I've tried the preferences thing, I've gone in and out of Photoshop a number of times, I've re-booted, I've downgraded to the previous version of Photoshop, I've tried doing my edits on a separate layer... and nothing gets rid of the red. This just started; it wasn't happening a few days ago. It is just so frustrating. The latest Lightroom version broke everything and I had to downgrade and spend a lot of time restoring my catalog, etc. So annoying.
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I've also reset my preferences. I can't work!