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When I go to save for web, the default location is always the last place I saved a file, and not where the PSD file i'm working on is located.
Is there a way to change the default location. This seems like a very bad UI decision. I don't remember it being like this previously.
1 Correct answer
This is as designed. Personally I find that logical. Considering a typical use case, you'd normally export to an asset folder. But of course an option never hurts.
The PS preference does not apply to SFW.
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Check your settings in Preferences/File Handling, you can check/uncheck "Save As to Original Folder".
Not sure if this also applies to Save for Web.
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Yes, Dag is correct. It has always been like this. As far as I know, there is no way to change the default behavior.
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This is as designed. Personally I find that logical. Considering a typical use case, you'd normally export to an asset folder. But of course an option never hurts.
The PS preference does not apply to SFW.
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Its still a badly designed system. Not being able to paste the file location into the address bar is also unexcusable
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Wait, this is not a "Correct" answer. When Saving As you can choose in Preferences to have the file save in the file location. You can't with Save For Web. This doesn't make a lot of sense. If it's useful in one case, it should be so in the other. And it doesn't preclude you from changing it back so that the Asset folder is default.
Why has this been the case for Save For Web all this time? Give us the choice.
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Oh, and to Makerman, idk if this helps, but what I do, is I have the window I want to save to on my desktop, and when the SFW window opens to a location, I drag the folder I want to that window (ie, from the desktop to the window in PS), and then it finds/changes the location. So you don't have to navigate. It's the quickest way I've found.
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Awesome - didnt know that. Thanks for the tip.
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Save For Web is meant to be replaced by Export As (once they finish it...)
There won't be any more updates to Save For Web.
In Export As, you have the option to either save to same folder as original - or ask (where the default is last used folder).
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Wait, this is not a "Correct" answer. When Saving As you can choose in Preferences to have the file save in the file location. You can't with Save For Web. This doesn't make a lot of sense.
By ralphc37960410
Save for Web is found under Export, Not Save. This isn't semantics, there are separate default preferences/settings, which doesn't cover SfW anyway. Save for Web is based on very old code from Adobe Image Ready (circa 1998).
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As designed doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing for everyone who uses the tool!
I manage thousands of assets that are tied to an ID, so the PSD and the exports live in the same directory. Point being, the majority of my use-case is that I need to save JPGs alongside my PSDs.
For example – I have a folder that is /SomeProject/0012/
In that folder is my source file, usually /SomeProject/0012/0012-Source.jpg
Then, I create my PSD, usually /SomeProject/0012/0012-Main.psd – it does this by default :white_heavy_check_mark:
Then when I go to export my PSD to jpg, it takes me to the previous ID I was working in : /SomeProject/0011/0012-Main.jpg
Obviously, it is incredibly annoying for me to redirect to my most recent folder so that I can save the export to the right directory : /SomeProject/0012/0012-Main.jpg
That said, I ocassionaly dump to a global exports folder so the as-designed behavior is useful in that case : /SomeProject/GlobalExports/
Solution : an option that let's you switch from your app-wide most recent save location vs. your export most recent save location... such as this!
When adobe switched from "save for web" to "Export As", it added the following option in settings. Thank god.