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It is possible to to move each manually selected area to a new layer ?
(similar to layer via cut)
try this:
#target photoshop
activeDocument.suspendHistory('Divide by selection', 'main()')
function main() {
var doc = new AM('document'),
lr = new AM('layer'),
pth = new AM('path'),
targetLayer = lr.getProperty('layerID');
if (doc.hasProperty('selection')) lr.makePathFromSelection(2);
if (doc.getProperty('numberOfPaths')) {
var pathContents = pth.getProperty('pathContents').value.getList(stringIDToTypeID('pathComponents'))
for (var i = 0;
find line
executeAction(s2t('cutToLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO);
and replace cutToLayer by copyToLayer:
executeAction(s2t('copyToLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO)
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There is a script that uses transparency to isolate elements to individual layers:
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Thank you, I know this script, I want to use manually selected areas!
At many cases it generates hundreds of layers
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You have to adjust the tolerance/threshold value, but I understand.
I am not aware of an existing script or method to easily do this.
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try this:
#target photoshop
activeDocument.suspendHistory('Divide by selection', 'main()')
function main() {
var doc = new AM('document'),
lr = new AM('layer'),
pth = new AM('path'),
targetLayer = lr.getProperty('layerID');
if (doc.hasProperty('selection')) lr.makePathFromSelection(2);
if (doc.getProperty('numberOfPaths')) {
var pathContents = pth.getProperty('pathContents').value.getList(stringIDToTypeID('pathComponents'))
for (var i = 0; i < pathContents.count; i++) {
function AM(target, order) {
var s2t = stringIDToTypeID,
t2s = typeIDToStringID;
target = target ? s2t(target) : null;
this.getProperty = function (property, id, idxMode) {
property = s2t(property);
(r = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('property'), property);
id != undefined ? (idxMode ? r.putIndex(target, id) : r.putIdentifier(target, id)) :
r.putEnumerated(target, s2t('ordinal'), order ? s2t(order) : s2t('targetEnum'));
return getDescValue(executeActionGet(r), property)
this.hasProperty = function (property, id, idxMode) {
property = s2t(property);
(r = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('property'), property);
id ? (idxMode ? r.putIndex(target, id) : r.putIdentifier(target, id))
: r.putEnumerated(target, s2t('ordinal'), order ? s2t(order) : s2t('targetEnum'));
return executeActionGet(r).hasKey(property)
} = function (id) {
var r = new ActionReference();
if (typeof id == 'number') r.putIdentifier(target, id) else r.putName(target, id);
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(s2t('null'), r);
executeAction(s2t('select'), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.makeSelectionFromPath = function () {
(r = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('channel'), s2t('selection'));
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(s2t('null'), r);
(r1 = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('path'), s2t('workPath'));
d.putReference(s2t('to'), r1);
d.putBoolean(s2t('vectorMaskParams'), true);
executeAction(s2t('set'), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.deleteCurrentPath = function () {
(r = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('path'), s2t('workPath'));
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(s2t('null'), r);
executeAction(s2t('delete'), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.makePathFromSelection = function (tolerance) {
tolerance = tolerance ? tolerance : 10;
(r = new ActionReference()).putClass(s2t('path'));
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(s2t('null'), r);
(r1 = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('selectionClass'), s2t('selection'));
d.putReference(s2t('from'), r1);
d.putUnitDouble(s2t('tolerance'), s2t('pixelsUnit'), tolerance);
executeAction(s2t('make'), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.makePathFromSubpath = function (pth) {
(r = new ActionReference()).putProperty(stringIDToTypeID("path"), stringIDToTypeID("workPath"));
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"), r);
(l = new ActionList()).putObject(stringIDToTypeID("pathComponent"), pth);
d.putList(stringIDToTypeID("to"), l);
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID("set"), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.clearSelection = function () {
(r = new ActionReference()).putProperty(s2t('channel'), s2t('selection'));
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(s2t('null'), r);
d.putEnumerated(s2t('to'), s2t('ordinal'), s2t('none'));
executeAction(s2t('set'), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.delete = function (name) {
var r = new ActionReference();
if (name) r.putName(target, name) else r.putEnumerated(target, s2t('ordinal'), s2t('targetEnum'));
(d = new ActionDescriptor()).putReference(s2t('null'), r);
executeAction(s2t('delete'), d, DialogModes.NO);
this.cutToLayer = function () {
executeAction(s2t('cutToLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO);
function getDescValue(d, p) {
switch (d.getType(p)) {
case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE: return { type: t2s(d.getObjectType(p)), value: d.getObjectValue(p) };
case DescValueType.LISTTYPE: return d.getList(p);
case DescValueType.REFERENCETYPE: return d.getReference(p);
case DescValueType.BOOLEANTYPE: return d.getBoolean(p);
case DescValueType.STRINGTYPE: return d.getString(p);
case DescValueType.INTEGERTYPE: return d.getInteger(p);
case DescValueType.LARGEINTEGERTYPE: return d.getLargeInteger(p);
case DescValueType.DOUBLETYPE: return d.getDouble(p);
case DescValueType.ALIASTYPE: return d.getPath(p);
case DescValueType.CLASSTYPE: return d.getClass(p);
case DescValueType.UNITDOUBLE: return (d.getUnitDoubleValue(p));
case DescValueType.ENUMERATEDTYPE: return { type: t2s(d.getEnumerationType(p)), value: t2s(d.getEnumerationValue(p)) };
default: break;
* intsead of selection, you can draw a crop zone with the pen tool - every closed path will be copied.
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It is perfect, thank you @jazz-y
(Sorry for the late reply...)
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Would it take much time to modify the script a bit?
All the mechanics are the same, except that the selected areas are not cut to new layers, but copied?
And the original layer would remain untouched.
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find line
executeAction(s2t('cutToLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO);
and replace cutToLayer by copyToLayer:
executeAction(s2t('copyToLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO)
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Thank you!