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Second instance of the ui window

New Here ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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Is it possible to open second instance of the ui window? Brushes for exmample?

I want brushes and layers panel to be avaliable on both of my working screens. Or maybe at least is it possible to run duplicate of my current PS layout on second screen (without using screen mirroring as OS feature).

I know it looks kinda silly, but i see alot of cases when this feature could help me with my experience. If there's no such thing... Well all i can think of is to create shortcut for switching workspaces in AHK maybe... 

thanks in advance

Actions and scripting , Windows






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

Hi @maxk4353612 


No, not within Photoshop itself. Possibly a scripter will have a solution, but otherwise you can make a feature request for the Adobe developers here:

Adobe Photoshop Family


~ Jane




Community Expert , Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

Can you explain why this would be helpful to you?  If it is a case of panels getting in the way, could you just drag them to another position?   How many screens are you using, and what size are they (it)?


You could also make custom workspaces and switch between them with a simple Action.  I do this and repurpose Function keys as the shortcut to trigger them, so F5 selects and resets my mainly used three screen workspace, F6 selects and resets Essentials, F7 my modified Motion workspace etc. 




Community Expert ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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Hi @maxk4353612 


No, not within Photoshop itself. Possibly a scripter will have a solution, but otherwise you can make a feature request for the Adobe developers here:

Adobe Photoshop Family


~ Jane






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Community Expert ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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Can you explain why this would be helpful to you?  If it is a case of panels getting in the way, could you just drag them to another position?   How many screens are you using, and what size are they (it)?


You could also make custom workspaces and switch between them with a simple Action.  I do this and repurpose Function keys as the shortcut to trigger them, so F5 selects and resets my mainly used three screen workspace, F6 selects and resets Essentials, F7 my modified Motion workspace etc.  (You need to add the reset workspace to the Action because otherwise it will switch to that workspace in whatever stat it was in.  So you can use the same Action to tidy a workspace after you have been dragging panels all over the place.  That's something we do a lot because we constantly move panels in order to get screen shots for forum answers.





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New Here ,
Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

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that's beacuse im using cintiq for drawing details and bamboo for drawing landscapes and concept art, it's just a question of comfort. So, technically, i need brushes window both on the monitor (while drawing on bamboo) and on cintiq. So to drag menus all the time - is not an option. 

workspaces switch, as i intially implied in original post, is good option, but i've found option that meets my requires much closer. So i've upgraded bambo to intuos pro (it also uses pro pen 2 and as a result- fully compatible with cintiq pro). So to switch screen to select brush or for other actions, now i can just do it on intuos and get back to work on cintiq without any need to switch screens or workspaces. Anyways - thank you!





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