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Simply using FONTS crashes photoshop sometimes

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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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Well it looks like I have another bug for the list - in the past 2 weeks photoshop has crashed 5 times just by simply selecting a font and changing it. This NEVER happened on previous versions, ever. Now it happens regularly, and I lose all the latest unsaved work (recovery files work maybe 25% of the time)

Can you guys PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE test your software updates BEFORE rolling them out to millions of users? 









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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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I think it was 23.4.1 - i just rage quit and uninstalled that buggy version though, going back to 22. something





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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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Which version of Photoshop and OS?

How much RAM and spare hard disk capacity do you have?

Have you tried resetting the Photoshop preferences?

Are the fonts causing this issue Adobe fonts?

Does it occur with fonts you obtained from elsewhere such as Google fonts?





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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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Don't assume that millions of users are experiencing the issue that you have on your system. I certainly have not seen any issues with fonts here.


Take a look through this help page on troubleshooting font issues, there are various steps to try, depending on your font and system set up :










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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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Maybe don't assume its NOT another photoshop fail.


This isn't rocket science. I have NEVER had this issue with previous versions.

I have a gaming PC, my ram and graphics card are great. 

I'm not even going to entertain your "troubleshooting" tips / advice since this is obviously photoshop, and not me. Photoshop "updates" are regularly utter failures. 





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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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You may find ranting to be therapeutic but they won't help you resolve your issue.

Most problems turn out to be system issues, but if the current version is causing issues it's best, as you stated, to install the previous version of Photoshop.





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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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@SimplTrix wrote:

I'm not even going to entertain your "troubleshooting" tips / advice since this is obviously photoshop, and not me. 



It's your choice if you don't want to follow Dave's link and try to fix the issue. As volunteers all we can do is try to help other users and you are free to reject that as well. 


Be sure to submit the crash reports and include your Adobe ID. The engineers read every one of those.


I am not having any issues either. I can't remember the last time I had a crash, but if I did I wouldn't lose very much unsaved work as you do, because I'm meticulous about using Cmd+S every few minutes.








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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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rather amazing its never mac users who experience the same bugs. Where's the continuity? If you're gonna give windows users some bugs, shouldn't mac guys get it too? Yes I'm just being cheeky now. Must be nice not having bugs though.

Also, maybe I just work faster than you, and 5 minutes of unsaved work is something I consider a "substantial amount of work" to be lost. ANY amount of work to lose is too much work, really, why is this even a measuring contest all of a sudden?





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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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'I'm not even going to entertain your "troubleshooting" tips / advice.........'

That's absolutely your choice, but it does seem strange to raise an issue then refuse Adobe's own advice on resolving it.

'I have a gaming PC, my ram and graphics card are great'

What has that got to do with fonts - did you even read Adobe's page?


Anyway - your choice - good luck.







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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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Yeah, aimlessly spending hours surfing through useless "tips" and "troubleshooting" papers, trying to find the cause of photoshop's error, is tooooootally a reasonable request. Solid advice. Not.


At least you guys are just volunteers and not employeers - would be kind of tragic if you are actually paid for this kind of "support"


Every windows user knows that photoshop CONSTANTLY introduces new bugs with Every. Single. Update. I also see the same reprots from other users, go figure. Must be them too? Definitely not photoshop? Get real. Let me just repeat - its PHOTOSHOP, not my PC or system that is causing photoshop to crash. 


And seriously, if you're going to call yourselves "community professionals" then maybe stop blaming the people experiencing the bugs and errors, and stop trying (miserably) to protect photoshop like fan boys. All you're doing is constantly enabling them. Take some responsibility. Go yell at engineering or something. This is obviously a PHOTOSHOP issue since this has never happened in any previous versions before. Oh, and look at that, zero crashes since reverting to the 22.3 version, yet my system is exactly the same. Gosh.

Engineering should really test their product properly before releasing an update. That's all I'm saying. And yes, I obviously hope they fix this bug. 






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Jul 03, 2022 Jul 03, 2022

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Let's lock this tiresome thread.





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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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I haven't even been notified this has been passed off to engineering to get fixed, and you want this locked?


Can you be a little bit more professional, maybe? 







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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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Nothing to do with MAC vs PC. I'm a Windows user and can't replicate these crashes.








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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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Pass what to engineering? 'A user is experiencing crashes when switching fonts. ACPs cannot replicate his issue and he refuses to follow the steps given by Adobe in the troubleshooting document written by engineers'  Does that sum it up?






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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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@SimplTrix wrote:

Yeah, aimlessly spending hours surfing through useless "tips" and "troubleshooting" papers, trying to find the cause of photoshop's error, is tooooootally a reasonable request.  



I've just read through the help page that Dave linked to. It has clear, useful advice and I urge you to take a look if you actually want your issue to be solved.



Or would you prefer that we step you through it here in this thread, giving you one section at a time? If so, here is the first, which is an introduction:


By default, Photoshop will only load the text engine and your installed fonts under these scenarios:

  • A document that contains a Type layer has been opened
  • The Type Tool is selected
  • The Character Panel is visible

Various problems including slow performance, freezes or crashes, may be caused if Photoshop loads problematic or damaged fonts.









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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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An important piece of information all 3 of you are missing was my 2nd reply that says I threw 23.4.1 in the trash and went back to 22.3 - so I can't even do the troubleshooting. And no, I won't reinstall 23.4 just for that purpose. I have much better things to do that tinker with photoshop bugs. If fonts end up crashing photoshop this 22.3.1 version, I'll give troubleshooting a go. If it doesn't crash at all, we will know its a 23.4 version bug won't we? But since you refuse to pass this off to engineering, I guess it will be a bug that never gets fixed.

My troubleshooting is simple: It doesn't happen, and hasn't happened on previous versions, but it does happen on  23.4.1 (which is RITTLED with bugs). That tells me its the PS version and not any of my settings or system. And yes, that should be enough to pass off to engineering. I have other bugs that community professionals weren't able to reproduce themselves, but still passed them off to engineering. That is what a professional would do. 


Also, I did mention this is a rare bug, not something that happens frequently. I said it happened 5 times in the last 2 weeks, meaning its not something you can just open photoshop and replicate. I don't know what causes it. One thing I did notice is that it HAS NOT happened on a fresh document - instead its only happened on docs that have a fair amount of work in them - if that means anything.

Also, Jane, I have not installed any new fonts in the last few months - so lets pretend there are some corrupted or damaged fonts, why would it ONLY be a problem on 23.4.1, and not previous versions? I have used photoshop thousands of times before 23.4.1 and never experienced these font crashes. 





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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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Thank you for reading that, @SimplTrix . Here's the next section. My opinion only, but instead of resetting preferences, I might just ensure the Character panel was closed and the Type tool not selected. Otherwise, backup Preferences first.


Reset, restart & retry

If Photoshop is crashing on startup or while working with Type, follow these 3 easy steps for troubleshooting fonts.

  • Reset Photoshop's preferences

    Backing up and restoring Photoshop's preferences will hide the Character panel and reset the selected tool to the default Move tool See Manually remove Photoshop Settings folder

  • Reset Photoshop's font cache

    Resetting the Photoshop font cache will allow Photoshop to create a new enumerated font list.
    See Reset the Photoshop font cache  *

  • Restart Photoshop and turn off Font Preview

    Once you've restarted Photoshop, just choose Type > Font Preview Size and select None.

    Turning off Font Preview will prevent Photoshop from rendering previews for any installed damaged fonts.


    * Delete the Photoshop font cache

    The Photoshop font cache contains the enumerated list of fonts and font features installed to the system that Photoshop can use. Deleting this font cache file will allow Photoshop to create a new one.


    • Exit Photoshop and the Creative Cloud desktop app

    • Navigate to \Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop <version>

    • Delete the CT Font Cache folder and empty the Recycle Bin



      The engineers are on this forum, @SimplTrix , and they do read the posts even when they do not respond. I am only venturing a guess here, but I imagine they would ask you to submit the crash reports with your Adobe ID and would also point you to the same Help page that Dave did. We've already done that.



      ~ Jane






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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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okay @jane-e, its hard not to admire your passion.


When I have some spare time I will re-install 23.4.1 version and give it a try. But, just keep in mind, its also pretty hard for me to test if it a fix worked or not, because like everyone else, I'm not able to replicate it on command. It happened very rarely that I'd have to give the troubleshooting a go and use photoshop for a week to see if it crashes again (in the most unopportune time of course). 

If it does happen again, I'll make sure to send a crash report with my adobe id





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Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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Thank you for bearing with me, @SimplTrix !


The last thing I will copy from Dave's link is how to delete the system font cache, which shouldn't be done until after deleting the Photoshop font cache. There is also a list of fonts that are known to be problematic and some things about font managers and testing for damaged fonts.

Delete the system font cache

Generally, it is a good idea to also delete the Photoshop font cache before deleting the system font cache.


  • Exit Photoshop and the Creative Cloud desktop app

  • Navigate to \Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\Appdata\Local\FontCache

    Many of the folders in this path are hidden by default on Windows, for help turning on hidden files and folders, see Show hidden files and folders

  • Delete all .dat files that have "FontCache" in the filename



Once you submit the crash reports with your Adobe ID, let us know if you don't hear back. At that point the engineers will have something solid to look at.


You can have two versions of Photoshop installed, btw. I have 6 or 7. Just choose the option to not delete previous versions.


Best of luck,








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