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Hi all,
I was apply mosaic effect on a cut out image, but every squares at the edge are faded/transparent.
Is there a way to fix that??
Thank you guy ❤️
And if a »Saturation Mask« via Selective Color is an option the image could be used for a Mask itself.
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Could you please post screenshots with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Options Bar, …) visible?
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Here's the images of before/after enable mossiac effect
Thank you very much for the reply!
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Here's the images of before/after enable mossiac effect
Thank you very much for the reply!
By @Key304949206zra
The Layer’s transparency is mosaiced so that is as it should be.
Have you thought through what you expect instead? The resulting composite color of the SO at 100% opacity (with the transparent parts inside the square contributing to the average as white), the mixture of the SO and the background at 100& opacity, …?
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The layer that applied effect is at 100% opacity. With the mosiac applied, every square are at 100% ocpacity except thoes at the very edge.
I guess that how the effect suppose to do :((
I put a solid color layer beneat the mosiaced layer, it takes sometime but kind of solves the problem.
Here the result, I'm happy with it 😄
Very very thank you for your time!
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An option to apply the Mosaic-Filter separately to the image and a mask:
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And if a »Saturation Mask« via Selective Color is an option the image could be used for a Mask itself.
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Thank youuuu, huge support!
I really need to try this.
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How large is the image in pixels? It sounds like your are describing anti aliasing, which is a method used to reduce jaggies. It is usually not an issue when viewing at 1:1 100% actual pixel size. If you are seeing this when zoomed way in, then zoom back to 100%.
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the image are 1000x1500px, I was try about 60% zoom and they're still fade, like I can see through them.
I think you are right about anti aliasing, but this mossiac filter effect on a smart object, can we turn off the anti-aliasing when appling the effect?
Very appriciate your info, it's very helpful!
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I can see what you are referring to now you have shown us the sceen shots. You have a couple of things working against you, and the first is that is exactly what the mosaic effect is supposed to do. Your best work around is to apply it to a copy of the layer, and use a layer mask to paint out the areas you where you don't want the anti aliassing to show.
The second thing is the shallow angleof the lines which are going to make them prone to 'jaggies', and thus are going to have a more visible degree of anti alias applied to them. I have used Threashold to remove the anti alias from the brush strokes below, and zoomed in to 300%. It is apparent that the shallow angled lines have the most pronounced stepping (jaggies)
With threashold turned off, the anit alias smooths out the jaggies.
It might be that a different effect or workflow will do a better job of acieving the look you are after. If you can show us an example, we'll do our best to describe how to acieve that look.
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Yeah! I think that's how the mosiac effect is suppose to.
I put 1 more color layer beneat those transparent squarse to make it 100% opacity, and it solves 😄
Thanks to you, now I know about anti-alias 😄