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Some Basic Problems

Participant ,
Apr 17, 2009 Apr 17, 2009

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I'm a beginner using Scripting to manipulate Photoshop.

I would like some help form the experienced people please.

First of all, what's the latest version of ExtendScript Toolkit for Adobe Photoshop CS4?

I find my version buggy.

I have some problems.

I want to "Stamp Visible". So my script won't compromise any process done before.

I wrote the following script:

app.activeDocument.artLayers[0].copy (true); // Copying all visible Layers

app.activeDocument.activeLayer = app.activeDocument.artLayers[0]; // Setting the Active Layer so the pasted Layer be on top

app.activeDocument.artLayers.add (); // Add a layer on top, necessary for dealing with groups

var MergedLayer = app.activeDocument.paste (); // Pasting the Stamped Layer

MergedLayer.name="Merged Layer"; // Naming the Layer

And found it won't work if there's only background Layer, so I altered it:

if (app.activeDocument.artLayers[0].isBackgroundLayer == true) { // Background Condition

     var BackLay = app.activeDocument.artLayers[0];

     app.activeDocument.artLayers[0].isBackgroundLayer = false;


app.activeDocument.artLayers[0].copy (true); // Copying all visible Layers

app.activeDocument.activeLayer = app.activeDocument.artLayers[0]; // Setting the Active Layer so the pasted Layer be on top

app.activeDocument.artLayers.add (); // Add a layer on top, necessary for dealing with groups

var MergedLayer = app.activeDocument.paste (); // Pasting the Stamped Layer

MergedLayer.name="Merged Layer"; // Naming the Layer

if (BackLay != null) { // If a Background Layer existed it will make sure it goes back

     BackLay.isBackgroundLayer = true;


I have two problems, first of all trying to run the script from ExtendScript Toolkit is causing error at the following:

if (app.activeDocument.artLayers[0].isBackgroundLayer == true) { // Background Condition

Though when I run the script from Photoshop (File -> Scripts -> Browse) it euns smoothly.

What's wrong with it?

Is there a better way to "Stamp Visible" which will work on any case (Background layer, Groups etc...).

Another question I have is what's the difference between layers[0] and artLayers[0].

Thank You.

Actions and scripting






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Guru ,
Apr 17, 2009 Apr 17, 2009

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Adobe knows about the problems with ESTK and is working on an update.

The following code will work with or without a background layer:

var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Dplc" ), true );
executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "MrgV" ), desc, DialogModes.NO );

Layers contains groups and artlayers. Artlayers only contains artlayers.





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Participant ,
Apr 18, 2009 Apr 18, 2009

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Could you elaborate on the difference between layers[] and artLayers[]?

If I want to access the upper layer in order to "Stamp Visible" all the layers beneath it what should I use?

By the way, the code you wrote won't work in some cases (There's only Background layer, Only 2 layers the top one is hidden) and not always will make the merged layer on top of the others (Only if the active layer is the top one, I tried make it active but found a problem every time I set  a layer to active it will necessarily make it "Visible"). It looks it's not easy to make a "Stamp Visible" function which works for any case.

I see you manipulate actions using JavaScript.

Where can I find more info on it? I couldn't find it in the published PDF's

Thank You.





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Advisor ,
Apr 18, 2009 Apr 18, 2009

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Could you elaborate on the difference between layers[] and artLayers[]?

layers[] contains both ArtLayer and LayerSet objects. artLayers[] contains only ArtLayer objects.

If I want to access the upper layer in order to "Stamp Visible" all the layers beneath it what should I use?

The top layer/layerset is always doc.layers[0].

I see you manipulate actions using JavaScript.

Where can I find more info on it? I couldn't find it in the published PDF's

In spite of the name 'ActionDescriptor' objects are not generally used for manipulating Actions. It is part of the the low-level PS API along with ActionReference and ActionList. Generally, actions in the Actions Palette are run via the Application.doAction method.





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Guru ,
Apr 18, 2009 Apr 18, 2009

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This should work with or without background and with or without the top layer being visible

var doc = app.activeDocument;// make a reference to the doc
var topLayer = doc.layers[0];// make a reference to the top layer
if ( doc.activeLayer != topLayer ) {// if the top layer is not the active layer
    var cv = topLayer.visible;// store the visible state
    doc.activeLayer = topLayer;// make active, which makes visible
    topLayer.visible = cv;// so retore visible state
if ( topLayer.visible == false ) doc.artLayers.add();// if not visible add a blank layer to merge into
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();// Merge visible
desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Dplc" ), true );
executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "MrgV" ), desc, DialogModes.NO );





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