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Picture the scene. You are walking through the jungle and you come across the remains of an ancient temple. What happens next?
I've made you the scene using Blender 3D, XFrog and Adobe Substance. Your challenge is to add to it and show us what happens.
The “rules”:
To download the image below at 3840 x 2160 pixels, with an embedded ICC colour profile (sRGB), hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right. Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser).
When posting back your image – please use the Blue reply button in this first post. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun.
Note: Going forward I'm only going to put up these challenges fortnightly. We are in lockdown here, so I can't go out and take photos, and creating these 3D scenes takes too much time to do weekly whilst still doing all the other things that life entails. I have no problem of course if anyone else wants to put up a challenge in between 🙂
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"creating these 3D scenes takes too much time to do weekly"
This is beautiful, Dave, and your 3D scenes have gotten quite complex since the ones you posted in the early days of SFTW. If I were to imagine the time it takes to create one, I might guess "significant". Am I close?
~ Jane
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Somewhere between a lot and a great deal Jane 🙂
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its only been a week but we miss you Dave 😉
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Indiana Dave
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Haha - we just need the animated rock ball to come rolling across the ground 🙂
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I do like the Doom... nice extra touch 🙂
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Indiana Dave vs the copyright pirates... I've seen it but don't remember what happens next?
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I like the idea Graham. Perhaps we can take all the pirates to that location and leave them there 🙂
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Dave, I wonder how many of us appreciate just how much of your time goes into the renders? And with them becoming more and more complex, that time requirement must be growing. It would be nice to maintain the SFTW momentum, so shall we ask for volunteers to put up a starter image? They don't have to be Blender marvels, which is good because none of us could come close to where your 3D skill set has got to.
I've cheated a bit with this one as the trees are actual photographs of some of the fruit trees we have growing in New Zealand.
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Very clever Trevor. Chocolate orange trees, I wondered how they grew them! 🙂
I've no problem with anyone putting up a starter image, or any other kind of challenge Trevor. When I started SFTW it was just for a bit of fun and it's great that so many have gotten involved with it.
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I love that some of the fruit has fallen to the ground, Trevor, as fruit is wont to do.
~ Jane
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Is everyone on vacation? I'll bump the thread and hope for some more uploads.
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Nice shady place to hang out.
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Nice job. I like the mottled shadows and light on the zebras. It matches the scene perfectly.
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I agree with Trevor - the lighting matches very well 🙂
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Some poor person has 40 compact cameras hanging around their neck.
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I assume that is you up the back giving the victory V?
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Graham, the outline was so complex, and had so little contrast with its background, I decided to go quick and dirty. There was a wee bit of fixing with Quick Mask, but it is mostly just what Select & Mask made of it. Thinking about it now, I wish I'd thought to duplicate the tourist layer a couple of times to harden up areas like the victory V, because Select & Mask had left them a bit thin. So I am pleased that you spotted it.
There is no doubt, in my mind, that even in the time we have been doing SFTW Photoshop's selection tools have got noticeably better. It makes finding elements to composite so much easier and quicker. I don't get on particularly well with the Object Selection tool, but Select Subject is awesome. I bet that 50% of the time I can go directly from Select Subject to Select & Mask, and that is incedible if you think about it. I mentioned Sky Replacement in a recent thread, and that is also amazing. I used it in a bunch of realestate images recently, and it gave me better one click results than I could do taking my time doing it manually. It must be something to do with Adobe hiring our Noel. 🙂
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The tourists made it there first then Trevor. I bet the temple is now a MacD's
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Extras from Pixabay
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See no, speak no and hear no.. is a nice touch on the entrance Rista. We now need Baloo the bear to make an appearance 🙂
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Ouch - harsh and contrasty - it looks like that moment when you've just removed your sunglasses and your eyes hurt 🙂
An alternative, almost grungy, view though 🙂
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I love these so far