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Thank you to all who posted in out last wooden clog challenge.
This weekend we have a teddy bear who has been left on the shelf and needs an adventure. Unusually I have posted two starter images so that you can choose whether to bring the adventure to Ted using the first image, or take Ted to the adventure using the second (which I have provided with a transparent background to save you masking all that fur).
The “rules”:
* Use one of the starter images as at least part of your own image entry.
* Anything goes, as long as it meets the forum rules on decency, copyright etc
* Anyone, and everyone, is welcome to have a go, whether you are a complete beginner or a Photoshop expert. This is not just for our forum "regulars".
* There are no prizes apart from the chance to practice, show off, or bring a bit of humour and fun. Don't be shy, join in and have a go!
* The starter images are made available for you to use in this forum challenge only. Sorry to emphasise this, but the images are not for use elsewhere.
To download one of the the images below, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right.
Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser).
When posting back your image – please use the blue reply button in this first post. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun.
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...and the owl, fish, and butterflies.
But really, aren't these all disguises?
"If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise"
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"For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic"
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Excellent Ged - and such a lot going on in there 🙂
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Before the adventure - a new haircut !
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Thank you for turning the chair so we can really see it, Dave.
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I love Ted's Teddy's new mohawk Dave! Did you use a brush?
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Jane asked ...'Did you use a brush?'
I re-rendered Ted with long straight hair on top then combined it with the SFTW original. Same as the chair, I re-rendered that facing the camera and combined it with the original barber shop render I made for SFTW39.
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Very clever and fun 🙂
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The rarely-seen Beargate sequence, from Kubric's 2001: a Space Odyssey
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A great movie - this scene must have been in the Director's Cut. 🙂
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Haha. I like that John, it should be in more releases 🙂
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Let's roll back in time:
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Your zebra friend is an extraordinarily skillful knitter, Monika. Ted is clearly overwhelmed by her gift.
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Clearly a Ninja knitter! Nice one Monika.
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Governments should invest millions of dollars in yarn bombing. It would make the world a happier place.
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Ted visiting a lake in the mountains.
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Don't we need all kinds of health and safety warnings to get in a boat these days? Ted must be into dangerous sports ! 🙂
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An adventure indeed, Dean.
"Ted visiting a lake in the mountains."
And getting ready for (push) rowing to the far side, and then maybe some climbing to look beyond the rim of the world.
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First image made with my new system 🙂
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Haha - so Ted is the real Paddington! 🙂
Nice to see that new system is up, running, and put to good use Trevor!
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This is the way.
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Oh no, he's taken off his helm. That's him out then 😉
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What surprises me the most is how Ted manages to produce that deep mellifluous voice from his little Teddy Bear body.
My guess is that he channels his voice through a bunch of Sensei enhanced Audition effects. Where will it all end? This fellow tricked a judging panel before fessing up to it being Ai generated.
...and this stunningly beautiful Ai generated won an art competition prize, but it's greatest success was deeply upsetting the other entrants who have not managed to work out how to use the software. I, sure as heck, have not persuaded Firefly to produce anything remotely close to the image below.
You know I am saying the above with tongue in cheek, but now I think about it, I can remember all sorts of complaints from the old guard at my camera club who said things like. 'It's not fair, he used Photoshop.' This was when we were trying to introduce a digital category in club competitions. You would not believe how hard that fight was.
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now I think about it, I can remember all sorts of complaints from the old guard at my camera club who said things like. 'It's not fair, he used Photoshop.'
By @Trevor.Dennis
...and long before Photoshop there was the controversial story of Ansel Adams removing the "LP" (Lone Pine) graffiti from the side of the Alabama Hills on both his photo and the negative.