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Our forum regulars will know that we used to run a weekly challenge in the old Photoshop forums. We had to take a break, due to some issues with the way this new forum was handling the images, but I am very pleased to say that those issues have been resolved and Something for the Weekend returns.
So, for this weekend, I bring you a jail scene that I modelled in Blender 3D and textured using Adobe Substance. The scene is set, what will you make with it? Who, or what, will you put behind bars?
The “rules”:
To download the image below in jpeg format at 3000 x 2000 pixels and with an embedded ICC color profile (sRGB), hover over the image with your mouse and click on the circle with the arrows that appears at the top right. Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser)
When posting back your image – please use the Blue reply button in this first post and attach your image using the Image button at the top of the posting box that appears. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun
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Is it me or has that mouse been skewered ? 🙂
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It is you, Dave, forgetting someone from 79 who has grown more than a wee bit.
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We can't let this thread slip too far from the front page already, so I have done a Ged version of my image. Come on guys. Lets see some pictures.
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I'm waiting for Ged to come and say "That's not bizarre , this is bizarre ...!!"
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(I see someone else had the same idea...great minds think alike!)
The sheriff is keeping an eye on you...
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Nice job Rafael, I like the sherif on guard.
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Thanks, Dave. I am in awe of your render, a masterful piece.
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While the jail is in disuse due to the spread of the virus among prisoners, it is being repurposed as a storage room.
~ Jane
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You would have to keep those toilet rolls locked behind bars Jane. Bunch of thieves in there you know ..:-)
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Hahaha, Dave! The thieves have been released early and are now roaming the streets. This is a truly beautiful scene — the intricate detail and the realistic light are incredible! 😊
~ Jane
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Hi Jane,
Promise I did not see your pic before I posted mine 🙂
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That's nicely done Derek. I was going to say he looks like he really belongs in there, but I realised that could be taken the wrong way. So I'll say that is a very realistic composite, although that version of Dave does look like he has an extra y chromosome or two.
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Thank you Trevor.
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I knew they'd catch me eventually. Crimes against imaging ! Nicely done Derek !
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Thank's Dave.
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Waiting for Work Release
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very nice and it sure feels like it
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Very clever John. Would we be calling that satire? Like Derek's rum looking convict — who I wouldn't want to meet on a dark night at chucking-out time in the wrong end of Sunderland — it also looks very convincing. I'm starting to wonder if Dave's very soft lighting is helping us out?
Jacinda has just committed us to a further week of our 'Level 4' lockdown followed by two weeks of Level 3 (whatever that means). As boring as the lock down is, I don't really mind. A couple of days ago I heard that a close friend had died of the virus in the UK, and had gone from visiting the ED with breathing difficulties, to dead in about three days. I coughed this afternoon and felt a moment of real fear! So poignant as your ironic image might be, I wish more leaders were as committed as our Jacinda. America has >46,000 deaths for goodness sake, and I believe they are not counting people who were already ill and on palliative care, or in fact no one unless they were tested and found positive. Of our nine deaths, about half were already elderly and seriously ill.
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I felt something like that was on the way, but I was surprised to see the sheriff chair empty.
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Clever!. I wonder how long the world is sentenced to. Can we get out early for good behaviour?
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Let's hope not!
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Hi all
Glad to see this back.
Here is my version. Hope it's not too early for this type of reference.