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sRGB Saturation/Vibrance Issues - HELP!

Community Beginner ,
Jan 14, 2022 Jan 14, 2022

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Hi All,


Until today, I had assumed everything was smooth sailing until a lengthy discussion with a customer over a recently delivered job has made me start questioning myself.


A summary of the issue is below:

Images tagged with sRGB appear way over saturated in external applications and on at least 3 other systems outside of our design house. Applications include Photoshop, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari etc.


I will try to provide as much detail as possible below:

1. Our monitors are, and always have been calibrated with the Spyder4 Pro

2. Windows color management has the profile created via Spyder4 Pro applied as the monitor profile

3. Photoshops working RGB space is the sRGB space with profile embedding enabled

4. When editing images in photoshop, the colour I see is true to product/print. In saying this, if i hold the product to the screen (in the right lighting conditions of course), print the image - the colours are as I would expect.

5. The colour remains correct when viewing through the windows photo app, chrome, firefox, safari, and edge on our editing workstation.

6. If i view the problematic images via faststone image viewer, or MS Paint - i get the over saturated look and feel.

7. Similarly, if i soft proof in Photoshop to 'Monitor RGB' I also get the same over saturated look and feel

8. The wider problem here is - my client is seeing the same saturated look and feel across all devices and applications (including photoshop) They also appear over saturated on all browsers (but do not for me on my main design station).

9. I can further confirm this by transferring images to another design machine we have here (uncalibrated normal gamut screens)

10. If i kill the associated color profile on the monitor on this design machine, I see the same over saturated image

11. The problem I have is - these images are primarily for web, but also require printing. The images that look correct for printing for me, appear over saturated for the client and on other devices. If I kill the color profile of the screen and edit the over saturated image to make it appear correct for my client and other applications - then it is not color correct for print?


I've been pulling my hair out about this for hours and hours. It's taken up a good part of the last two days. I'm now questioning - are all of my clients seeing crazily over saturated images when i'm seeing color correct images on my monitor?!


If the majority of my work is for web - should i just kill the monitor profile?!


Any help is GREATLY appreciated. I will attach some screenshots/imagery of the image in question.


In image-test-A - Photoshop is set to use sRGB as the working space. Monitor color profile is set to our calibrated profile. On the left is the photoshop image and how it SHOULD appear, on the right is the image in FastStone Image Viewer with CMS turned ON but Auto-detect Monitor Profile turned off (this is how all clients machines, and our secondary design machines are seeing the image)


In image-test-B - Photoshop is set to soft proof using 'Monitor RGB' as the proofing color space. It matches FastStone and how the client and our other machines see the image.



1. How does my iPhone and iPad display the image correctly as I see in Photoshop with my color profile added, but my clients iPhone show as the over saturated image that FastStone viewer shows?


2. For images destined for web-use - should i just abandon my color profile/monitor profile?!?!


Thank you all for your help and apologies in advance for the lengthy post.












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Explorer ,
Feb 05, 2023 Feb 05, 2023

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Not likely. I have same problems, and my profiles are untouched ...






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