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Hi all, I shot this shirt and want to change it to various colors, which I THINK I know how to do. PROBLEM is, the grey has black flecks in it that show in the final colored shirt, but the shirt is not supposed to have those flecks, but simply be solid. Any advice on how to change this color while still preserving the collar, arm seams, wrinkles in shirt? I don't want to lose those elements, only the black flecks.
I think Norman meant Filter>Blur>Smart Blur.
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I assume you are referring to the texture on the shirt surface and have colored the shirt using Edit > Fill with the Blending Mode set to Color (and locking the transparent areas).
In that case you may try this:
Add a duplicate Layer.
Filter > Smart Filter: Radius 15, Threshold 13, Quality High, Mode Normal.
Then use the Opacity slider to lose the texture being careful to maintain important detail.
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Filter>Smart Filter is not an option. I saw "convert for smart filters", did that but still no option as described above.
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I think Norman meant Filter>Blur>Smart Blur.
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Thanks, Chuck