Hi there,
Sorry that you're getting an error "universal type client is not logged" while opening Photoshop 2020.
Here's how to Resolve the Issue
1) Missing or incorrect plug-in installed
Remove and re-install the missing plug-in using the following steps:
- Close all Adobe applications
- Locate and remove the previous versions of the Extensis plug-ins from the following location(s):
- Applications/[Adobe Application Name]/Plug-ins/Extensions/ExtensisFont....
- Once successfully removed, open the Universal Type Client application
- Select the Universal Type Client drop-down menu in the upper left corner next to the Apple menu.
- Then select Manage Plug-ins.
- Select the Adobe versions of the plug-ins you would like installed and click Done.
- Now launch your Adobe application(s) and see if everything is working as intended.
- Close all Adobe applications
- Then locate and remove the previous version(s) of the Extensis plug-ins from the following location(s):
- C:\Program Files\Adobe\{Adobe Application Name}\Plug-ins\Extensions\Extensisfont...
- Once the plug-in has been successfully removed, open the Universal Type Client application
- Select the Tools Drop-down Menu in the Universal Type Client application.
- Then select Manage Plug-ins.
- Select the Adobe versions of the plug-ins you would like installed and click Done.
- Launch the Adobe application(s) and see if everything is working as intended.
2) Wrong or Missing font
- Ensure the font trying to activate is the correct font listed in your Universal Type Client application.
- Search fonts using the Find method:
- NOTE – QuickFind only searches the current Workgroup selected. Using the full Find feature is recommended when searching all fonts (Choose Edit > Find Fonts.)
- TIP – Searching by the Font Sense ID will give you a 100% match. Using the Postscript Name may show duplicate fonts with the same name(s) if they are installed in Universal Type Client.
3) Incorrect Workgroup or Library selected
- Certain creative applications have Universal Type Client Plug-in settings that allow you to activate by Workgroup.
- Example - You can access these features in InDesign by selecting the following menu path: Type> Universal Type Client > Select Workgroup
- Make sure you have the Library of fonts selected or select All Libraries from the menu
Source: https://help.extensis.com/hc/en-us/articles/115010624808-Font-Activation-Issues-or-Auto-activation-f...