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The best way to buy a legal Adobe copy is to buy from Adobe. That is what I have done, and I've never had problems.
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It is a sticky, just not in the Photoshop Windows section. I put it in the main Photoshop forums:
My reasoning being that this isn't affecting only those that use the Windows version and new users will have to go through that page anyway.
Thread display bug, hopefully posting this will clear it up
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I think all the fakes reported are Windows versions.
(And who on earth stops to read at that little outpost?)
Sorry about the bumps
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They were needed, no need to feel sorry for them:P
As for who notices that thread there, well, when was the last time that somebody came in here complaining about licensing problems after buying Photoshop from eBay? There's also a link for the Photoshop Elements forum and that's been working out quite well too because we barely get any more threads about PSE around here (especially compared to what it was like about half a year ago)
Sure, the forum veterans don't notice them because they speed past that page but they're not there for them but for the new users
I think all the fakes reported are Windows versions.
That would be because the thread itself is on the Photoshop Windows forum but there are also some mac versions floating around, see post 255.
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adding posts to clear up the thread display bug
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You know people say don't buy from E-Bay your taking a risk! Maybe you are. People say you should buy from a dealer well thats fine for some people but everyone has $1100.00 in there pocket to buy from dealers so some time we have to take risks to save mony. When yu are a Photographer starting out theres alot of expence and you try to save as much as you can. I have bought alot of my lens and backdrops from E-Bay and had no problem. But then i bought an Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended i tried to register it and they told me the serial # is invaled. I don't know my looks prety real to me it was wraped and has a PHSP CS4 Win PN,Pet IE,DV Lot Code and a UPC # made in USA, also has a black inked stamp inside with Adobe Systems Incorporated on it i could go on and on. What i am getting at is how do yu realy know if it is pirated or not and can you take it to a retail store to have them check it to see if it is or not.
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Valathome67 wrote:
What i am getting at is how do yu realy know if it is pirated or not and can you take it to a retail store to have them check it to see if it is or not.
The answer is you cannot check whether an eBay purchase of software is genuine until it is too late.
You can try to get your money back but it's not so easy.
Buying hardware is different.
I know it's difficult for many people to raise the cash to buy the Creative Suite products from adobe but there are student and educational versions or, dare I say it, cheaper alternatives!
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I tell ya if this is a pirate they are prety creativ
e cause it looks like the real thing??? i spoke to the seller they only had 1 posted on E-Bay she said she switched her computer to Mac so didn't need it anymore. I told her i could not register the software on line she says it is imposiable it was never opened?? She has been very cooperative with me, Maybe until i asked for my money back!!!.
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Valathome67 wrote:
I tell ya if this is a pirate they are prety creativ
e cause it looks like the real thing??? i spoke to the seller they only had 1 posted on E-Bay she said she switched her computer to Mac so didn't need it anymore. I told her i could not register the software on line she says it is imposiable it was never opened?? She has been very cooperative with me, Maybe until i asked for my money back!!!.
Software piracy is a huge industry, and software which is distributed by professional software pirates does indeed look like the real thing. If you lined up the fake packages - all shrink-wrapped and unopened - next to genuine packages, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. For this reason Microsoft has had to post information on their website giving tips on how to recognize pirated Microsoft software
People who sell pirated software as a rule lie about it, so you can't take it for granted that sellers are telling the truth, no matter how plausible their reasons sound.
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I told her i could not register the software on line she says it is imposiable it was never opened?
If the seller switched platforms, it could be possible that the X-platform upgrade used the same S/N, as that one.
Have you called Adobe to inquire on the S/N? What did they have to say?
Good luck, and hope that it is legit and there's just a glitch with registering and Activating it.
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Mac and Windows serial numbers are platform specific.
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Thank you for that clarification. I've never done an X-platform upgrade, so was just thinking for a possible glitch.
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I'm waiting to purchase my new copy of CS5 Extended from eBay.
Message was edited by: BrokeBrain
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Brokebrain - I wouldn't.
I got caught with fake 'shrinkwrapped' software not once but twice. If you're even *considering* buying from eBay and the product is less than £600, I would go find a real copy first so you can compare them. It's likely you're buying a skilfully made fake.
From experience the fake products may well install and even work but will not register or act reliably.
If you get a 'Student' edition from eBay, be aware that the software will need you to register Student status with Adobe. Unless it's fake - in which case the registry may not go through, it may not work properly or at all, it may be perfect but install malicious software, and so on.
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I think that BrokenBrain was "winking" at us with that comment. At least that is what the smiley looks like to me, but my eyes ARE getting tired this evening...
OTOH, the advice that you offer should be taken to heart by anyone buying from almost anywhere, except the Adobe Store.
If the software is legit, and has been pre-owned, Adobe makes the license transfer easy. That paperwork will be necessary, and my guess is that few, if any sellers of Adobe products on eBay have it, or can furnish it. Any honest seller will either have that paperwork handy, or will be glad to go through the steps with Adobe to get it.
PS - sorry to hear about your purchases. Supposedly, some of those fakes can look awfully good.
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My experience is that I bought A fake First & Then bought The real deal.
I noticed that the fakes have NO holographic Adobe sticker {see attached pictures} on the box bottom...everything else is a FAKE.
Also the 2 discs are positioned different compared to the Real Deal & The Fake.The real software has one of the discs in its own flip dvd holder & the other dvd in the wall of the dvd case.....The Fakes have both discs snapped into the walls of the dvd case & no flip out holder.
So look closely is well worth it to buy from Adobe/Adobe retailers. " )
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Thank you,
Thats the answer i was looking for now i know the difference? My CD'S are in the same case! So i guess mine is a pirated version. Hope i can get my
money back.
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I would not buy any software,I prefer to download free software!
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I would not buy any software,I prefer to download free software!
If one does thing legally, that pretty much limits them, but that is a personal choice.
I, OTOH, prefer to buy, even if there are some free similar programs, CODEC's out there. I always go to the "source."
Good luck, and happy editing,
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There is also another site to look out for. It is [link deleted by forum host]. They are selling cs4 and other products at very low proces (<$100). I called them and they were very evaisive about tech support. They have their own and are probably better than Adobe according to them. Like they say. If the price is too good beware.
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Glad that the MOD's removed the site link, as some are probably gullible enough to pay money for pirated software, which is illegal, and will probably not run - or will send all of one's personal info to some far-away country to help the poor people there.
Good work,
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Stay far away from buying software on eBay!
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Whether it is software or computer parts like ram etc i wouldn't buy it on ebay and won't advise it to anybody else.
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That is too sweeping a statement to make.
E-Bay is a good source of used computer components, and photographic accessories etc, provided that care is taken. I have bought and sold many times on E-Bay, like millions of other people world wide. If you follow the guidelines, and take the recommended precautions you are well protected.
Software is obviously different, and any expensive software sold at a suspiciously low price is almost certain to be pirated.
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I purchased Photoshop CS4 Extended from a reseller at last spring. It installed and runs great, updates and even says that it is registered. I found last Thursday that I bought a pirated copy. I found that out here and confirmed it when I manually tried to add it to my account at
I don't have a problem with Adobe's priceing as market's will set there own price ie: "if it doesn't sell then either it does not work or it is priced too high.
The technology exists today to force a user to actively connect to a publisher's website to make a program work. I think that the publisher's need to go a step farther and make the programs connect frequently to verify and if verification fails, to make the program stop functioning period.
The technology does exists. In the spring of 1998 Direct TV sent out a signal that smoked every pirated Direct TV control box in the western hemisphere, I don't mean it made the pirated blue cards stop working, I mean that the signal smoked the control box of pirated signals. To protect us from thieves and to protect the publishers they need to start doing something like that.
I have bought used software before and I have not had a problem with Adobe about it.
I am disabled, and have a gross income of $1,216.00 per month. If I can afford to buy new and or used programs so can anyone else! The muslems have a really great way to handle thieves. It should be practiced more widely!