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Thinking of buying from eBay?

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Feb 15, 2008 Feb 15, 2008

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Edited October 23, 2008

The original article that this post referred to has expired but there's still quite a bit of good information in this thread.

The point is that eBay software is a risky purchase with much of it illegally pirated.





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Community Expert ,
Nov 22, 2010 Nov 22, 2010

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Amazon, IMO, is the best place to buy.





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Enthusiast ,
Nov 22, 2010 Nov 22, 2010

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tmboys wrote:

what about Amazon?

Yeah, buying directly from amazon itself is as safe as any other authorized retailer.  However, it is also possible to buy Adobe products from third-party sellers on amazon which you see by clicking More Buying Options. While amazon will drop sellers whose customers report problems faster than eBay, there is some risk in dealing with third-party sellers on amazon for expensive Adobe software, especially new sellers.  You can reduce any added risk by vetting all the  feedback for a third-party seller on amazon you're considering and by only buying from third-party sellers with a good, long-term record of keeping customers happy. If you do that, it's probably honest, too.

If you're eligible for an academic edition of Photoshop, you can also get that on amazon.  But I've seen reports on this forum that people doing so have found it a bit less convenient to get authorized when they've bought academic editions from online retailers. Adobe just wants to be sure you're truly eligible for the steeply discounted software, so if you get it online where you may not have to prove you are eligible before buying it, expect the third-degree when you go to activate it with Adobe.  Don't even think of buying it that way if you're not an eligible student. You won't be able to use it and may not be able to return it to the retailer after opening it. Really the easiest way to get academic software for Adobe is to buy it directly from Adobe where you'll have to prove eligibility before the purchase; then getting authorized and activated if you're truly eligible is a snap. The next best way is through a college bookstore or software program where you go to school.

A lot of this comes down to common sense. If all the retailers on amazon, as is true at the moment, are pricing Photoshop CS5 in the $600-700 range, and you're looking at a listing on eBay for $99.99 new, shipped from Hong Kong, guess which one probably isn't the honest offering?  And guess which one probably will not work? Yes, eBay or Paypal may  rescue you and refund your money, but it is not a sure thing.  You could well be out the money you pay for a risky purchase.

Doc, I'm glad things worked out well for you.  I'm guessing yours wasn't $99.99, either.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 22, 2010 Nov 22, 2010

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For academic, anyone can buy them now.

It's Adobe to whom you must provide proof of eligibility. The student and teacher versions do not ship with serial numbers.





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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2010 Nov 22, 2010

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As long as you have someone in your family eligable, you can purchase f

rom the academicsuperstore.com.

Great price,great delivery.




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Explorer ,
Nov 23, 2010 Nov 23, 2010

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I wanted to chime in here and  just say that if you are still considering purchasing the Adobe Student  and Teacher Edition, as part of its holiday promotions Adobe is offering  an extra $50 off Adobe Creative Suite 5 Student and Teacher Premium  editions. This offer runs between  11/21 - 12/5. As others have mentioned though, you still must be an  eligible student or teacher in order to get the serial numbers for the  software.




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New Here ,
Nov 21, 2010 Nov 21, 2010

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I am Aactualy discusted with E-Bay i even gave them his E-Mail Address and

nothing was done. I still have the guy on facebook and on my E-mail list. I

know he had 3 diferent accounts on E-Bay which i also gave E-Bay and still

nothing was done. DON'T BUY ANY SOFTWARE FROM E-BAY i wish i would have

listened to others i would still have all my Money.




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 22, 2010 Nov 22, 2010

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I must have gotten lucky an honest crook, I had my money back in less then 4 days from the seller, but I only ever buy from old sellers with lots of feedback and a reputation to maintain,

After that I decided i got lucky once and not to push it and ordered it directly from Adobe so I knew I was safe that time.




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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2010 Nov 22, 2010

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Going on 6 months now since I bought my copy of Photoshop CS5 Extended off Ebay. I bought from a person in the United States, got the software, contacted Adobe, verified I had a valid serial number, installed copy on computer and have not had ANY problems since.  It updates reguarly with no problems and all functions within the program work excellent.  The program is not pirated nor was it a 30 day trial version.

So you all can think I did wrong by buying it off Ebay or not...I think a lot of what you buy online requires research and finding the right person to deal with.  I am totally happy with my Photoshop program and am kicking out designs daily without problems.

And as for Acresofgreen...I did sign into Adobe and register the program, got an Adobe ID#, and all the free add-ons that come with purchasing a new copy of Adobe Photoshop.  I was verified by Adobe as having a legit program and that it would work perfectly well on two computers.  I think this about sums it up, it is possible to buy off Ebay...just do your homework.  I don't buy anything from China off Ebay.  If it is not available in the US then I look elsewhere.

So no woe is me, I bought off Ebay and got ripped off...it did not happen!!!!




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New Here ,
Jan 08, 2011 Jan 08, 2011

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My recent experience shows that maybe Adobe are their wost enemy

let me explain, I wanted to update from CS4 to CS5, I live in Australia where our $ is at parity with the $US at the Adobe US store an upgrade costs $US175 at the OZ Adobe store it costs $AUD303. I can't shop at the Adobe USA store as I don't live in the USA or Canada.

Despite twice talking to the online numbnuts I was simply told it is a marketing issue! I am trying to get an electronic download version, probably all comes from the same server.

Anyway via eBay I found a USA retailer selling a boxed version of CS5 upgrade shipped priority to me for $AUD202, the software came last week about 7 days given the festive season! I have it installed, it's the real McCoy and works great.

Moral is, if adobe weren't money grabbing, I would have used their store like I have so many times before, but because of their actions they will drive people to retailers online where some of the products might be pirated or at the best dodgy...





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Jan 09, 2011 Jan 09, 2011

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If people are honest they would never buy hacked software, period.




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Jan 10, 2011 Jan 10, 2011

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You know, I have see so very many people try to rationalize, or justify their dishonesty. Sometimes, it's "I'm but a poor student." Other times it's "I really need this product to make enough money to buy it." I do not recall anyone staying that their act of dishonesty was "Adobe's fault."

Odd logic, to say the least,





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New Here ,
Jan 10, 2011 Jan 10, 2011

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I certainly hope you are not implying that I bought pirated software! that

would make me very angry

I purchased from a USA retailer that sells Adobe products, the disc came in a retail box from Adobe and contained all the documentation you would expect, it was not a copied product, the serial number activated over the internet as you would expect, there was no 'manual install' required.

Please read my post more carefully, my comments were based on economics!, yes I could have if I wanted to get pirated software, I don't believe in doing that as developers are entitled to fair reward for their efforts.





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Jan 10, 2011 Jan 10, 2011

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I think Bill read through it and kept his focus on your usage of "I". I did the same thing until I re-read it.

However, I do agree with Bill about "others" using the excuse of Adobe not making them happy in order to pirate software as a means to a end. Theft is theft and you agree with that too.




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New Here ,
Jan 10, 2011 Jan 10, 2011

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Thanks for that, I was trying to convey two things,

Firstly: NOT ALL eBay is bad!

Secondly, Adobe themselves were my cause to seek an alternative, piracy did not enter my mind, but finding a more equitable way to buy was.

I would have purchased from the adobe store as I have done with Acrobat, LL, PSE and previous versions of PS, but as they are selling it at nearly 98% over the comparitive price in the US when our dollard at the time was buying more in terms of the $US I put that down to price gouging.

So Adobe still makes its money but at the wholesale price to the retailer where had they been fair they could have got my money at a retail price.

The title of this thread is "Thinking of buying from eBay" not piracy! my view is that not all things are bad from eBay provided you use common sense and do your research and homework.





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New Here ,
Jan 29, 2011 Jan 29, 2011

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This is better than e-bay; FREE




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Jan 30, 2011 Jan 30, 2011

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The title of this thread is "Thinking of buying from eBay" not piracy! my view is that not all things are bad from eBay provided you use common sense and do your research and homework.


You are, of course, correct. All things eBay are not bad. However, for every purchaser of software from eBay, that is legit, and properly transferred, there do seem to be 1000 (or perhaps many more), that are either pirated, or are not legal for transfer. In some cases, perhaps the seller does not realize that if they use, say CS2 to upgrade to CS5, and install it, that their CS2 copy cannot be legally sold. Because of the ratio of bad to good, I cannot imagine that I would ever even consider buying any software on eBay.

In all of my years, I cannot recall one user saying, "hey, I just bought a copy of _____ [fill in your favorite Adobe program here], and the seller had all the proper license transfer paperwork, and everything worked perfectly." Maybe they have just never shown up in any of the fora, that I frequent, Adobe, and other. Bound to have happened, but I have never heard of it. Instead, it's usually a licensing issue, usually discovered when one tries to Activate the eBay software. Even if things seem to go well, very many then come here with "certain functions of my eBay Adobe program do not work - why?"

To me, the acquisition, and upgrade of my various Adobe products is just the price of doing business. If I can do better with it, or do it more quickly, I buy it, and amortize the price over the next year's jobs. Do I love paying top $? No, but my time is $, and if I have to troubleshoot my software, I am not producing and selling my work. Guess that I am just buying "peace of mind," and also supporting a company, that has supported me for decades.

Good luck,





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New Here ,
Jan 30, 2011 Jan 30, 2011

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In all of my years, I cannot recall one user saying, "hey, I just bought a copy of _____ [fill in your favorite Adobe program here], and the seller had all the proper license transfer paperwork, and everything worked perfectly."

????? What happens when you go to an authorised reseller and buy an Adobe product off the shelf? are you saying this is not legit! we should only buy from Adobe!

Maybe your reference is to ebay only, but have you seen the number of legit retailers that are selling on eBay?, retailers that have actual street stores and sell many other products.

Wether you like it or not, commerce and retailers are using the internet to increase their reach and frequency and make more sales to a global community.

I again highlight my case. 1. Adobe had not adjusted it's prices in accordance with my countries strenghening dollar. 2. Adobe would not allow me to purchase from their US store which had cheaper retail prices. 3. I sorced a US retailer that sold me a product in the same manner had I walked into their NY store and bought it off the shelf.

This has nothing to do with PIRACY! it is pure and simply economic reality.

I can therefore say "hey, I just bought a copy of Adobe CS5 upgrade, and the seller had all the proper license transfer paperwork, and everything worked perfectly."





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Jan 30, 2011 Jan 30, 2011

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What happens when you go to an authorised reseller and buy an Adobe product off the shelf? are you saying this is not legit! we should only buy from Adobe!

You seem to be rather dense, or are trying to twist things to suit whatever your purposes are. You, and this thread are talking about buying from eBay. Do you not understand that aspect? No one has mentioned an authorized Adobe reseller, until you just did. Where did this come from, and how does it figure into a discussion on purchasing from eBay?

Maybe your reference is to ebay only, but have you seen the number of legit retailers that are selling on eBay?, retailers that have actual street stores and sell many other products.

No, I have not, as I do not go to eBay to acquire any of my software. Now, regarding authorized resellers, about CS3, IIRC, many were hit with beautiful reproductions from Singapore. Even they were fooled.

I have never heard anyone defend an authorized reseller on eBay delivering the good product. Also, considering Adobe's pricing policies, I would be surprised to see any authorized resellers unloading the Adobe products on eBay, but might be surprised. Would be interesting to see if they maintain their authorization.

Wether you like it or not, commerce and retailers are using the internet to increase their reach and frequency and make more sales to a global community.

I find this to be an inane comment. You have no idea of what my likes and dislikes are, or what my reach in a "global market" are. Beyond my aversion to pirated, or counterfeit software, you know zero about me, and this statement shows that total lack of knowledge. Exactly what point are you trying to make here?

I again highlight my case. 1. Adobe had not adjusted it's prices in accordance with my countries strenghening dollar. 2. Adobe would not allow me to purchase from their US store which had cheaper retail prices. 3. I sorced a US retailer that sold me a product in the same manner had I walked into their NY store and bought it off the shelf.

This is something that you must take up with Adobe sales. They set their prices.

I have seen hundreds of attempted justifications for buying pirated Adobe software, but think that yours is one of the lamest. Usually, it's a "poor student, starving artist," or "sick grandmother." You just do not like Adobe's pricing policies, so advocate buying pirated software. Not much of an excuse in my book.

This has nothing to do with PIRACY! it is pure and simply economic reality.

But it usually has EVERYTHING to do with piracy. If you do not like a software company's pricing, then there is justification for buying a hacked, pirated, or counterfeit copy? Is THAT your "economic reality?" It is not mine.

I can therefore say "hey, I just bought a copy of Adobe CS5 upgrade, and the seller had all the proper license transfer paperwork, and everything worked perfectly."

Great news. In my experience, you are the first - if you are telling the truth. As you have made some questionable assertions in the replies above, I am somewhat suspect, but maybe I am wrong.

Good luck,





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New Here ,
Jan 31, 2011 Jan 31, 2011

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Mr Hunt: "You seem to be rather dense, or are trying to twist things to suit whatever your purposes are. You, and this thread are talking about buying from eBay. Do you not understand that aspect? No one has mentioned an authorized Adobe reseller, until you just did. Where did this come from, and how does it figure into a discussion on purchasing from eBay?"

Mr. Hunt this is going nowhere, I can only assume your native language is not English or you failed at comprehension when at school.

For your information, eBay sells NOTHING!it is a medium that places sellers and buyers together. And yes! a seller can be, and sometimes is, an authorized retailer of software and this is not limited to a retailer of Adobe products alone.

If a retailer chooses to sell the software he has purchased from Adobe or any other vendor for that matter at a discounted price then that is his business and the buyers good fortune.

There is nothing much more I can say on the matter as I seem to be conversing with a single track entity, however if you would like me to supply any detail from the retail box such as bar code or product information I will be happy to supply it here in the public forum.

But please desist from insinuating I have purchased pirated software.





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New Here ,
Jan 30, 2011 Jan 30, 2011

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What follows is my experience with purchasing Adobe products on Ebay.

In the past few years I have purchased numerous Adobe products on Ebay.  I qualify that by saying I will not knowingly ever purchase bootleg or pirated software, or any software from China. 

On the positive side I have purchased 2 Complete Master Suites for $75 USD each.  I have also purchased 2 sets of PhotoShop CS4 for under $20 USD each.  And I have purchased both Lightroom 2 and Lightroom 3 for $7 and $17 respectively.

On the negative side, I unknowingly purchased a bootleg copy of PhotoShop CS4 for $99 and a copy of Adobe Master Suite 5 for $399 USD.  Both of these products were knockoffs, and I used the Ebay dispute process and received a full refund (including original shipping) from Ebay.  The secret is to follow the rules, dot the I's and cross the T's.

I mentioned negative because when I tried to register the knockoff software with Adobe, I was informed it was not original Adobe.  The next time I tried to use the program, it crashed and I spent a few days trying to get assistance from Adobe and none was forthcoming.  What I then had to do was reformat the hard drive and reload my other original programs.

The key to purchasing OEM Adobe software on Ebay is to do your homework.  The reason I think I have done well is that I search differently than most.  I searched using misspellings or search terms such as "Adob" or "Photo Shop".  I share these simply because they have already been burned out by others.  Use your brain and not your greed.  I don't purchase software from sellers with less that 300 sales and no negitive feedback.

In a related note, many Adobe add-ins, presets, actions, and filters from third party vendors can also be purchased using the same criteria.  I have done exceptionally well in that area.  I have no idea why anyone would sell Adobe OEM software on Ebay for 90% less than Adobe does, but they do.  There are no missed opportunities, in that someone else realizes it and takes advantage of the opportunity.




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Jan 31, 2011 Jan 31, 2011

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There is no such thing as OEM photoshop.




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New Here ,
Jan 31, 2011 Jan 31, 2011

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the probbbbbblem comes back to Adobe who are qujite happy for thousands of

amatures to get a copy under the able as it where and do nothing to stop it.

 for them they consider it good sales gimmick as many go on to geting ligit

copies at later stage

Yes E Bay at present is thwart with problems but all you need to dois to ask the

seller if you can register it with Adobe will he/she refund the payment

 if yes and its not truw the Paypal steps in and you get your money back

Of course if you dont want to trusy paypal there are upteen torrez sites that

will let you have a copy but here you need to be awre of builtin viruses or or

at worst trojans that send out all your pass words

Of course if you are putting these on a computer that is then unplugged from the

internet no pebbblems get on with it.or if you just run photoshop with no other

pseronal information that can be pinched your are OK

 at the end of the day amatre photographers are not going topay theprices adobe

ask they will find a way around it

 me i went to  adobe ellements 9 that does everyhing I need

 `horses for courses as they say




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Jan 31, 2011 Jan 31, 2011

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morgandj wrote:

...But please desist from insinuating I have purchased pirated software...

This thread is simply a warning to those seeking eBay software, which is most often pirated. Congratulations if you have found a legitimate license. I don't see where Bill explicitly said you purchased pirated software and that there was no chance it was legitimate. I see the exact opposite. Why are you so grumbly? Why do you feel the need to defend your purchase if you have a good license?

philipjdavies wrote:

...all you need to dois to ask the seller if you can register it with Adobe will he/she refund the payment...

This defies logic. Why would someone selling a false product provide anything but a false answer?

This thread has gotten too long. People are asking the same questions and making the same replies.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 31, 2011 Jan 31, 2011

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Agreed. And since I started it, I'm ending it.





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Jan 30, 2011 Jan 30, 2011

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Hi All,

First of all eBay is not an authorized reseller. When you contact Adobe support for a software or any technical issue and say that you have purchased from eBay they do not provide support, since 99.999 % software's that are sold on eBay or any auction sites are non-legitimate (pirated). This also includes Amazon market place. However Amazon is an authorized reseller of Adobe software's.

Also, we can find here onething. If any reseller who provides the software purchase /delivery method as a download is not an authorized reseller of Adobe.com since the ESD (downloadable) version's is provided one and only by Adobe.com store. It is always recommended that purchase directly from Adobe.com which is safe and convenient rather purchasing the software from eBay store, since you end up cheated.

I have seen many people buying the software from ebay and later struggle with the license and so many issues. Also, Adobe does not accept returns for the software that are purchased from market place / auction sites. Instead if you purchase it from Adobe directly you have a timeframe to return the software. In most cases people who buy software from ebay end up contacting support and complain that the license is invalid. Ofcorse the price listed are pretty high compared to the retail outlets, why can't people think that Adobe itself selling in huge price, howcome retailers sell the same product for not even half of the actual cost?

One thing I can assure is;  that people always regret for the software's that are purchased from sites like eBay.

I have seen customers who only purchase the software's directly from Adobe will be delighted always, there might be some issues which you may across in a rare scenario  BUT Adobe rocks......!




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