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hello there... i would like to create a brush stroke effect on an already existing digital painting. I would like to have it like an overlay effect with the texture of the brush strokes, but without smearing the actual digital painting too much. i attached an example of the effect below. is that somehow possible in Photoshop ?
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Use the texture image as a displacement map for the brush strokes. Here's how:
Here's more information about displacement maps:
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Thank you so much for your reply, but it seems like i cannot produce the desired effect. when you say draw your brush strokes on my image, do you mean to first create a tranparent layer, or a layer copy ? and how do i paint with the brushes.. can i use transparent brushes? i do not know exactly how to describe it, but i only want a brush texture overlay onto an already existing image with visible brush strokes...the sample i put above was just an example of the texture i would like the final image to have.. sorry, for all the confusion... 😉
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Could you please post a larger/better example of the structure and the image you want to edit thusly?
Maybe this could be of use to you (provided the image is small enough):
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thank you so much for all your help.. yes, here is the image that i am working with and and an image with the effect i would like to create on top of my image.. i mean theses old, sometimes a bit smeary visible brush strokes, to make my digital picture more realistic. Thank you for all your help !!
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That’s the unedited source image?
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Yes, the top one with the flowers in the vase..
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It seems to have been edited quite a lot already (or have been a painting to begin with).
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yes it already has been edited, but what is missing are those viible relaistivc brush strokes.. the promts -link you sent me already helps, but it still needs a more realistic touch.. as i mentioned, i would love to have some visible brush strokes. Isn't there somehow a way to do this with a brush stroke overlay, and then just mask it out wherever one would want those brush strokes to appear? Thank you for all your help !1 😉
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It seems Generative Fill can emulate fairly decent brush strokes.
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You could apply brush strokes with a blending mode like darker color and appropriate brush settings to got transparency.
Also to get thickness effect you can apply emboss fx to the brushed layer.
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There is no magic button that will do this for you. You can create your brush strokes and add bevel and emboss layer style. Play with texture to make it look like canvas. Here is a sample I was playing with - I used the smudge tool on a new layer, use different layers for the effect, add texture.
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If you want to make an image that is not a painting appear to have brush strokes, then you could apply the Oil Paint filter (Filter > Stylize > Oil Paint) to it. There are settings that you can adjust the settings to fine tune how you'd like the effect to be applied.