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Why won't Photoshop save my jpeg as a jpeg, but a psd file or a copy instead?

Community Beginner ,
May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017

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I find it really frustrating that if i make an alteration to a jpg, for instance crop it. When I go to save, it doesn't just save and close but tries to "force" me to save as a psd file. Then when I assign "jpg" to the file it saves it as a copy rather than ask to replace my current file. It is such a tedious drawn out process to make such a simple change. Especially when you have several files that all require something as simple as cropping. You cant even automate batch as it will still bring up window prompts to save as a psd, then only to save as a copy.

Any comments, help, concurring agreements that I'm not the only person who finds this aggravating?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017

In general, "save as copy" kicks in whenever you introduce properties that are not supported in the jpeg specification. And that's a lot.

Do you for instance have the crop tool set to "hide" instead of "delete" cropped pixels?


Community Expert ,
May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017

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I don't see a problem like that on my windows machine using CC 2017.1.1. Image Crop followed by File>Save over writes the opened jpg on my machine.

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  • The full text of any error message(s)
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Community Beginner ,
May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017

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Hi JJMAck,

Thanks for responding so quickly. I am using an iMac with OS X Yosemite (10.10.15). It is Adobe Photoshop 2017.
Its not really an error message or a problem, it seems to be a software feature. Below is an example of what I mean. I cant show you the actual files as its work-based, i.e. confidential. However, its not a file-specific problem, e.g. like a file error, but rather something Adobe has created. Its also not a layers issue as these are flat jpgs, not large in size either, nor is it a CMYK or RGB thing.

I have attached a step by step on what occurs.

1. I open up an existing jpg

2. I make a simple crop

3. I go "Command S" and get a pop up box where Photoshop wants to default it as a psd file.4. If I then select the "jpg" format it then wants to save it as a "copy".

All I want to do is save my open jpg with the new alteration. In my mind it should be a simple enough command, i.e. crop, save and close as you would if you were making a text change to a document.

Hope that makes sense.
thanks for your help.





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Community Expert ,
May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017

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In general, "save as copy" kicks in whenever you introduce properties that are not supported in the jpeg specification. And that's a lot.

Do you for instance have the crop tool set to "hide" instead of "delete" cropped pixels?




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Community Beginner ,
May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017

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YAY! Thank you D Fosse!
It is in the crop tool options bar under the Cog Wheel icon - I disabled "Enable Cropped Shield" and they are perfect. I guess its a default as I don't really delve into a lot of those settings. But I would never have thought it was a cropping issue.

Thanks again.




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Community Expert ,
May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017

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meegan_loop  wrote

YAY! Thank you D Fosse!
It is in the crop tool options bar under the Cog Wheel icon - I disabled "Enable Cropped Shield" and they are perfect. I guess its a default as I don't really delve into a lot of those settings. But I would never have thought it was a cropping issue.

Thanks again.

Its like D Fosse  Its more like "Saves As" kicks in when Save is not available, When you do not delete the pixels the un-deleted pixels would need to made transparent completely The crop area become like a Canvas clipping mask. The pixels outside the canvas area are hidden. Jpeg file format does not support transparency.    Save AS will delete those pixels in the saved jpg file if you  choose JPEG. The pixels will still be in the document in Photoshop  hidden by the canvas mask. Add a layer "Save As" will kick in Flatten and Save will be Available





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Community Beginner ,
May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017

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I see what you mean. I cropped the same jpg but saved it as a psd this time - the image was still intact, only my canvas size had been altered/cropped. I guess that's nice to know as I would never think of using the crop tool as an alternative way to resize my canvas, as I would assume it would cut everything down within.

Thank you so much for your help.




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New Here ,
Jan 14, 2022 Jan 14, 2022

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Ä°t solved, perfect thx




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