Hi, I've been exploring firefly 2 through the web and using style references that it provides to generate novel images, which work really great.
Is there a way to do the same for the in-Photoshop Generative Fill feature? Prompts to mimick what the style sheets do seem to go in all different directions (and I know how to tweak it so I don't get a bunch of oil paint blotches, for example).
What I'd like to do, is use my own image with the style sheets available in firefly to generate the same variations that I can generate via style sheets with the AI images it creates.
I also tried out using neural filters with downloaded images in the styles I liked from firelfy, but that didn't help much either
In firefly, I prompted a photo of the "president of the United States" and it gave me 4 faces that I then made variations of using the styles in firefly. They came out really cool to say the least. It would be really helpful to artists / illustrators to generate images in a style such as the one's available in Firefly. Unfortunately, Firefly doesn't let you upload your images to it and photoshop doesn't offer a way to replicate those styles within the photoshop program itself.