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IDEA: Move Illustrator shapes and along with its segmented colors into Photoshop custom shapes

Community Beginner ,
Aug 08, 2023 Aug 08, 2023

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This is quite useful in my end or to some people that use their own assets -- custom shapes. Basically, it would be quite useful if we make illustrator shapes and when we move(copy paste from Ai to PS) them into Photoshop Custom Shapes. It does move them normally, however, the colors does not come with it when we export them as a Photoshop Custom shapes in Photoshop. As of rightg now, it does NOT move the colors with them. (attached a gif demo)demo.gif

Why is this valuable to me and I believe to others also, its because it will speed things up rather than to create them in Ai and Move them in PS along with its colors. So this is a Custom Shape in Photoshop WITH COLORS.

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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