NEURAL FILTERS are not that great. They are certainly not what they are being touted about at present and need VAST improvement to be useful for serious professional retouching.
So my question is how long will be be before these filters really work on a profesisonal level?
My main issue is with the "SMART PORTRAIT" filter
Here is an unretouched picture before filters are replied:

The blue outline box is not positionable. With many pictures, parts of the face are outside of the box, so, for instance, if skin smooting is applied, the person's necl may be outside the blue box and the filter will not apply. The person's face may be smoothed, but the neck will be wrinkled.
The blue box should be poistionable and sizeable.
Here is an image for which the FACIAL AGE" filter is applied with only a +5 point correction:

As you can see, most of the change is to the hair, and very little to the face, and the hair style completely changes in a way that is not even age-related, and the overal all appearance makes the subject look younger, if anything, not older.
Even at +30 correction, almost no chage occurs tot he face.

Facial aging only becomes slightly eveident at +40 correction, btu almost all changes occur to the hair, not the face.

Here is an animated GIF. As you can see, almost all "FACIAL AGE" change occurs to the hair, not the face! The hair style is instantly changed with the slightest age change, and then stays the same. THIS IS NOT REALISTIC.

HAPPINESS FILTER: Another disappointment. Attached below facial proprtions are way off and not realistic, and teeth look horrible:

Animated GIF:

ALL of the SMART PORTRAIT Filters need a lot of improvement. I hope it is forthcoming very soon becuase until that happens, the neural filters is, at best, a curiosity that may be fun to play with, but of very little use for serious retouching.