In macos, only the adjustments from Solid Color to Channel mixer shows when clicking the create new adj. layer button, to see all at once, one need to hover mouse on the down arrow. In previouse Ps verison all items showed.
Thank you for your help 🙂 I totalt forgot to mention that, indeed it fixes the issue when moving it up. I would still like to have it working at the bottom. I'v been on Remote support and after trying different thing with no effect, then the agent talked to more of the team and they concluded it was the appropriate behaviour for macOS. They changed it in version 24x.
But as you said, the layers panel can be moved upwards, so a fix for now.
It is very annoying! Adobe needs to either fix what wasn't broken or allow us a way to rearrange the menu so those that we use all the time could be moved to the top of that flyout menu.