Please stop forcing your changes on me. I don't want to have to hold shift to resize something. I don't want to open a document in an Artboard. I don't want to have to research your reason for it and how to change it back. I want to open Photoshop and work...I dont' want to open Photoshop and discover your latestest change. Check your ego at your sandbox. I don't give two turtles about what you think is the latest and greatest. Don't add a tool tip, don't add a banner don't add one more distraction. You're not that special.
Leave legacy along, develop a solution for beta discovery. Allow those in discovery mode to discovery your latest feature. Allow those who want to work to stay in legacy mode, to work. Stop slowing me down. I don't care about you and your feature. When I do, I will. I just want to work. Some work never gets used or discovered, that's called being an artist. When you develop something worth talking about then you'll get discovered. Until then (vulgar language removed)
Stop changing legacy functionality you're polluting your fan base. That combined with price gouging you Adobe is falling in the same company as BlockBuster. Your loyal customers are hoping you fail, and fail hard. (vulgar language removed). Your not that special.
Imagine someone moving the keys on a piano. Do you think artist would continue to play it no there would be a revolt. I've been playing adobe for over 15 years stop moving legacy functions.
Go through your feedback and put everything back like it was. Rather than new features hit the reset button and win back your fan base.
There should be a list of untouchable tools, functions and features. Don't touch them. You're not that special.
(Extra topics removed)