Can you guys make a tool specificaly for generating hair? you have a pth tool and stroke path, so why not have a tool where you can alt click the subjects hair, the define a path using the pen tool and stroke that path with a hair texture defined by exisitng hair in the image,, and then have another tool similar to the smudge tool so you can quickly pull out strands or smear pixles to make it look like strands,, you could even add a highlight brush and or have it automaticaly generate highlights with a slider to control location and intensity,
Why do this? quick mask is great and all but has some serious limitations in the hair department and decontaminate color? its kind like hitting the problem with a sledge hammer vs an Xacto knife.. Simple add a brush to eliminate the horrible areas and throw in a tool to sample existing hair, throw in the pen tool, define your path and stroke that path with the allready existing hair sampled as a texture. have it taper twoards the ends, a smudge option for individual strands, a slider to control taper, and a highlight tool and wala.. hair is now easy peasy to work with (combined with select and mask) your welcome....