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Elements Organizer
Versión principal: 17.0 (20180830.m.125874)
Versión de idioma: 17.0 (20180830.m.125874)
Catálogo actual:
Nombre del catálogo: Mi catálogo
Ubicación del catálogo: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Mi catálogo\
Tamaño de catálogo: 343.1 MB
Tamaño de caché del catálogo: 1.2 GB
Nombre del sistema operativo: Windows 10(**)
Versión del sistema operativo: 10.0
Arquitectura de sistema: Intel CPU Familia: 6 Modelo: 14 Versión: 10 con MMX, Entero SSE, FP SSE, SSE2
Memoria incorporada: 15.9 GB
Memoria libre: 7 GB
Mi Catálogo en Adobe Photoshop Elemens Organizer (APEO) 2019, NO aparece en el archivo Adobe: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Mi catálogo\, por lo tanto, no puedo usarlo para migrar la estructura de la organización del cátalogo a la nueva versión Adobe Photoshop Elements Organizer 2023.
Diciembre 2022. Se hizo una copia de seguridad exitosa del catálogo Adobe Photoshop Elemens Organizer 2019, en disco duro externo de 1TB.
Marzo 2023. Después de añadir cientos de fotografías a APEO 2019 tras largo viaje, se intentó hacer otra copia de seguridad Incremental al mismo disco duro externo. No fue exitoso por falta espacio en dicho disco.
Al cancelar este intento de backup, las carpetas en Mis carpetas del lado izquierdo de la plantilla de trabajo del APEO, se desconectaron. Cerré y abrí el APEO. Al abrir se empezaron a cargar las fotografías de cada carpeta, pero no cargó la totalidad de las carpetas. Sin embargo, aparentemente sí aparecen las fotografías faltantes en la parte derecha en las Etiquetas en todas sus variantes.
Quisiera primero recuperar el estado correcto del APEO 2019 antes de migrar todo al APEO 2023. De paso, confirmar muy bien este procedimiento.
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Hi Rayo. This is a public forum and I have removed the personal information and your serial number from your post.
It may be something in the translation but I am not understanding the following paragraph from your post:
Al cancelar este intento de backup, las carpetas en Mis carpetas del lado izquierdo de la plantilla de trabajo del APEO, se desconectaron. Cerré y abrí el APEO. Al abrir se empezaron a cargar las fotografías de cada carpeta, pero no cargó la totalidad de las carpetas. Sin embargo, aparentemente sí aparecen las fotografías faltantes en la parte derecha en las Etiquetas en todas sus variantes.
The English translation is:
When you canceled this backup attempt, the folders in My Folders on the left side of the APEO job template were disconnected. I closed and opened the APEO. When opened, the photographs of each folder began to load, but it did not load all the folders. However, apparently the missing photographs do appear on the right side of the Labels in all their variants.
It may be helpful for you to show us some screenshots of what you are describing. I do not understand la plantilla de trabajo (work template).
Can you identify which folders did not load? Are they the new photos that were not in the previous backup?
Do thumbnails of the new photos appear as missing in the media grid?
Please do a search of your computer for all files named catalog.pse17db. Double-click on each file that you find and see whether it restores your correct catalog.
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Hi, Greg.
I´ll do this first: Please do a search of your computer for all files named catalog.pse17db. Double-click on each file that you find and see whether it restores your correct catalog. Where do I serch for these files?
Then, I´ll clarifay what was not underestood.
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Hi, Greg. Please see attached a Word file for clarification about my initial text. Also, some screenshoots about it.
Thanks very much.
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@Rayo said: Where do I search for these files?
The default location is probably C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Mi catálogo\
But I would search your entire computer.
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Noted. I'll do it tomorrow. Thanks.
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Hi, Greg.
Thanks for being in touch.
Here are my findings:
Picture ONE: Search result. Then, I opened the Organizer from Catalog in line 6, 8 and 9. Still same folders are missing.
Picture TWO. Here, you can see photos dated 2023, however, the 2023 folder in the View as a Tree doesn´t show up. This is the same situation for other years.
Picture THREE and FOUR. Many folders on the View as a Tree, show only one or just a few more photos, but in fact, there are many more in its corresponding folder on the PC/Picture Folder that are not displayed.
Creg, what would be the next step?
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Hmmm . . . thanks for all of the screenshots, but they have not yet helped me understand what is going on. So, lets get back to some basics
First, after opening the Organizer and without selecting any photos, what is the number of items stated in the lower left status bar? (I'm trying to figure out the scope of the problem, if you should have 50,000 items. (And what is the date range that is shown there?)
What happens if you right-click on one of the folders (in the Tree View) that has more photos than are shown in the Organizer, and you choose Import Media:
Do all of the missing files get imported?
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Thanks for getting back.
This is it and this is what happned:
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...and you can find them all and a mean ALL of them, on the multi-tag section on the right of the screen. See...
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OK. I think I understand what is happening. I believe your computer has duplicates of the files, perhaps in backup folders. The duplicates have been imported into your computer from a different folder than the one you think they are in. So, when you tried to import them from that folder, you get the message that they cannot be imported because they already exisit in the catalog. Under normal circumstances, Elements will not import duplicate files.
So, here are two more trouble-shooting tasks that should confirm my theory.
1. Select Find>All Missing Files:
If any files show up in the grid, it means that Elements cannot find the files in the location that it expects them to be. This can happen if you have moved or renamed the files outside of the Organizer, e.g. using Windows File Explorer.
2. Select one of the files that you can find using the Events tag (shown in your last post). Then click on the Location link found in the Information Panel on the right. This will take you to the folder where the image is actually located which may be different than the folder you have been looking at.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks Greg.
Trouble-shooting task 1.
Did not work, please see:
I had not moved or renamed the files outside of the Organizer, e.g. using Windows File Explorer. However, I found this:
Trouble-shooting task 2.
As I can see, the Organizer has taken photos of the same file from different sources: Widows C and E.
Question 1.What could I do so that, at the end of organizing this mess, the Organizer only could be connected to Windows C, and let E (SEAGATE) does its task of being just a Backup? Please see next series of screenshots:
Everything that should be done from "c" and "c_Archive", must keep the Tags marcked on thausands of photos.
Question 2. Meanwhile, I´ll identify from the very first year of the Catalog, the location of the photos that are connected to the Organizer.
-Do you agree?
Thanks in advance, Greg
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Hello, Greg.
Here are my findings about where the Organizer is connected to ALL photos even if they do no appear in the Tree. It is a mess.
E: > Toolkit > Backup > LAPTOP-R2726RS2_2 > c >Users > LENOVO Y530 CI7 > Pictures
E: > Toolkit > Backup > PC-RAYO > c > Users > LENOVO Y530 CI7 > Pictures
Windows (C:) > Usuarios > LENOVO Y530 C17 > Imágenes
To make the story short, my objective now is.
With the conditions known so far, and considering the fact that I have a Backup good enough on an external device of the Organizer 2019 (17), please could you let me know if point (1.) above is possible?
Or, I must fix the Organizer 2019 (17) first?
Please, let me know your thoughts.
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It would be appreciated.
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@Rayo said:
To make the story short, my objective now is.
If your backup includes all of your photos (which are now stored on two drives), I would suggest restoring the backup, using Elements 2023. This will convert the catalog to Elements 2023 and all of the tags will be preserved. As part of the restoration process, you can move the files to a new and simpler (flattened) folder hierarchy or to a new location with the same hierarchy. See this article for more details about how the folders will look under these options. I am not entirely sure, but the second option should copy all of the photos currently on your E drive to your C drive. (Be sure you have sufficient room on your C drive for this operation.) I am going to ping @MichelBParis, another community expert, to see whether he agrees with me about this.
Once the catalog has been restored and the media transferred to the new location on your C drive, you can use the Folder panel to click and drag your files to better organize them.
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Noted with thanks.
Should I wait for @MichelBParis input before proceeding with your suggestion?
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Yes, let's wait for @MichelBParis's opinion. I rarely use the Elements backup/restore process so haven't tried this in a very long time.
I seem to recall that Michel has mentioned this problem before and that when 2 drives are involved, the restore will try to replace each drive's photos back on the original drives.
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Yes, let's wait for @MichelBParis's opinion. I rarely use the Elements backup/restore process so haven't tried this in a very long time.
I seem to recall that Michel has mentioned this problem before and that when 2 drives are involved, the restore will try to replace each drive's photos back on the original drives.
By @Greg_S.
Indeed, I tried this a long time ago. In my case, I was restoring a catalog with files on different drives (internal or external) to a new destination folder on a single drive. The result was that the files of each different drive were restored under a new subfolder named after the drive identification. That was a common requirement long ago when different CDs or DVDs were used as external drives and most users wanted to group them in a single conventional drive or partition.
It would be easy to create a very small test catalog including files from different different drives and to see the result.
Same if your purpose is to restore the files on the original different drives. Logically, the destination should be to choose 'restore on original location', but I have not tested that. That would be quick to test.
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Thank you both.
This is my brain map of action:
Please, tell me if I am missing something or additional recommendations before I proceed.
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@Rayo said:
This is my brain map of action:
It would be more efficient to convert the existing 2019 catalog to 2023. This should happen automatically when you first install Elements 2023. When you first open the Organizer, you will be asked whether you want to open your existing catalog in Elements 2023. You should answer yes. The catalog that was last used in your prior version (Elements 2019) will be renamed with a -1 suffix and a new Elements 2023 catalog will be created (in the default hard drive location) with the original catalog's name. You will still have the ability to use Elements 2019 but may have to search for the renamed Elements 2019 catalog.
If you have already installed Elements 2023 without converting the old catalog, you can still do so by going to File>Manage Catalogs and clicking on the Convert button. See this article for more details.
We will be interested to learn the results of your tests.
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Thank you both.
This is my brain map of action:
- To do an Elements backup/restore process from Organizer 2019 (17) to Organizer 2023 (21) in the same PC. (From what I read in Adobe tutorials/article-links lately, there is no guides about moving catalog from one Organizer version to another IN THE SAME PC).
- To do in the same PC, the process in point “1.”, according to the Adobe many step-by-step guides when doing it from an old PC to a new PC.
- To do a Test including files from different drives by choosing ‘restore on original location’ and, see what happens.
- To do, if needed, a Test including files from different drives by choosing ‘restore on new location’ and, see what happens.
Please, tell me if I am missing something or additional recommendations before I proceed.
By @Rayo
Point 1 and 2: see Greg's answer. All you want to do is to 'convert', which means creating an updated copy (not a replacement) of the old catalog which is still available to work with the previous version of the organizer. Backing up the media files and restoring (= overwriting) the files which have not been changed is wasting your time. From memory, the restore recognizes that the files are identical and you are prompted to skip all identical files.
Point 3 and 4: Ok, good training for backup and restore. I'll try them myself and report.
Other possible situations:
You can move the whole catalog folder nearly*** elsewhere, including on a different drive. The contents of that catalog folder will be backed up in the backup folder. then restored (and converted if needed) in the destination folder beside the media restores.
*** not recommended on a NAS, but a backup on a NAS is ok.
You can have your media AND your catalog on the same external drive. That's the favourite solution to store the catalog + media between two computers with the same version of PSE. Another big advantage is when you upgrade your PSE version on the main computer. You just convert the catalog, then in the second computer, you just need to upgrade PSE similarly and no need to convert the catalog again.
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You may also be interested to know that Elements 2023 has a new feature that allows you to backup just the catalog without including the media files in the backup. My only caution if you do this is that any changes to folder structure that you perform with one catalog will not be transferred to a different catalog.
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Many thanks.
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Now starting:
4. Some new pictures of new folders in here...
…are displayed on the back and I will cancel the “the carpetas vigiladas” window.
5. I’ll fallow these instructions:
6. Instructions fallowed:
7. Result: Just the second window disappeared and de main and first window are still there.
8. Now I´ll click on the Convertir button to see what happens.
9. Result: something is in progress:
10. Result: I´ll click OK.
11. Result: The Conversión finalizada window disappeared. I´ll click on the Hecho button on the second window.
12. Result: The first window now shows, “Mi catálogo 1”.
13. I’ll click Abrir.
14. The Catalog is being loaded.
15. Result: What I got now on the version 2023, is the same content I had in the previous version with the seam conflict:
So, exactly the same problem is to be solved now on the 2023 version.
I wonder if there is any way to ask/provoke in this version, to disconnect all content and then reconnect it all. This, may take me to what happened in this conversation in Mar 10, 2023.
Please let me know the next step.
Thanks again.
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Additionally to my experience above (still to be fixed), this morning when opening the Organizer 2023, a prompt window alerted me about an App-update regarding corrections about several errors in it. The App was updated.
The following screenshoots were shown and after the process finished, just one carpet was brought to the Organizer 2023, all the others missing did not.
I left the above process run for more than ten hours. Then, I did not have other option but re-starting the App and this is what I got:
Then, I just click Importar.
I'm looking forward to reading you both again.