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The import function sorts the elements by file creation date as opposed element capture date. In case the elements have been copied from a disk to another, they all have the same file creation date. So when importing, the result is that all elements have the same date in the catalog.
I want to import and sort by element capture date (date and time when the picture was actually taken). This information is embedded in the picture. Windows Photo can sort by picture capture date.
Can Organizer 2021 do that ?
For the moment I have a catalog with all picture dates set to january 7, 2021. I can't use it.
I have not found an aswer in the posts on the same subject. Many thanks for your help.
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The organizer only knows and uses capture dates. So the question is what is the source of the dates in your files?
There has been reports of the downloader reading files where the capture dates (date_taken) has already been changed in the files by the creation dates.
What's your import workflow, from which cameras/phones and to which computer (Mac or Win)?
If you download files to your computer via the OS or another downloader, do the capture dates appear as correct? Then if you import from 'files and folders', does the organizer show the right dates?
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You don't answer my questions:
What's your import workflow, from which cameras/phones and to which computer (Mac or Win)?
The examples you are quoting seem to indicate that you are importing files on your computer which have the standard OS date fields; date_created and date_taken but not the date_taken (called differently depending on the platform, Mac or Win). Is there a valid date_taken in the files when you import them in your catalog? Are you importing from camera/card reader or from files already on your computer? How ?
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Here is my own workflow to import files from the Android phones (Samsung S7 and S8) of our family (no iPhones) into my Win 10 computer.
- The cameras are synced to Google Photos
- Selection of images in Google Photos
- Last icon on the top right bar (3 dots) "Plus d'options"
- "télécharger Maj + D"
- Result: a zip file with the selected photos in my 'Téléchargements' (downloads) folder.
- Unzip in a selected (maybe temporary) folder
- Import from 'Files and Folders' in my catalog from that folder.
In all steps above including in the organizer, the date_taken is kept and respected.
What is different on your side?
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In your previous posts, you insist on the way the organizer displays the thumbnails.
Let's agree on what you are seeing:
The files are not displayed in the expected order (capture date = date_taken) in the browsing space.
You don't say if the dates displayed under the thumbnails in detailed view (Ctrl D) are as expected and same for the date displayed in the properties panel on the right.
Now, Also check two important factors:
- the selected sort order on the button on the top left of the browsing space. It should be by dates.
- Your preferences for browsing dates: menu Edit >> Preferences>> general of the organizer. You can choose either all ascending or descending, If 'newest first' you can choose to display 'show oldest first in the same day' (my choice).
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Is it possible that Organizer2021 reads the date IN THE FILE NAME (for example IMG_20200607_222550.jpg) as opposed to FILE CREATION DATE (date_taken) ?
The organizer uses only the 'date_taken' from the downloaded files. Only that kind of date is taken into account in the catalog structure and its indexes. What you see in the properties panel as other kinds of dates in the 'Files properties' are informations read directly from the file itself, not the catalog.
So, the answer to your question is about what the downloader reads at which stage of the import.
If the correct date_taken field in the exif data at the last stage is missing, the organizer will assume another existing date type. For instance, scanned pictures don't have date_taken. It's possible that you can verify the last version read by the downloader at the last step. It has been reported that with phones (from Apple especially) the correct field has already been replaced by another date type. I can't exclude such a replacement in the case of Google even if I have not yet seen that happen. By the way, I also use Dropbox for a similar downloading workflow and I have never found such replacements.
Such an issue is much less likely to happen with direct reading of the data on the photo card in the case of normal cameras, not phones.
So, to check if the date recorded in the catalog and in the detailed view is the same, the shortest way is to compare the file name based on date with the detailed view and then with the different data types in the properties panel CAMERA DATA (Exif), not in the FILE PROPERTIES section.
I'll try to search for similar cases in my own catalogs.
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Here is a display setup you can use to control if the 'date_taken' is really taken into account in the organizer.
1 - In the folders tree panel, I have chosen for the downloader to create a subfolder based on the date (YYY MM DD)
2 - The selected picture is selected in the media room (blue frame around the thumbnail)
3 - The S8 Android Phone has created a file name based on the date taken.
4 - In the properties panel, the first section (File Properties) shows the two types of dates used by the operating systems for tasks like backup management)
5 - The first 'Date time original' is the exif field used for the dates by the organizer.
I have not displayed the IPTC panel, it would also show the same 'Date time original'.
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Many thanks for your valuable inputs and your time, I have gone carefully through each step.
Here is the summary result.
For the pictures that are not positioned properly in the catalog, the exif field "date" does not exist. For some of them, the whole exif panel does not even exist. I have checked in Google photo, the date is correct (info panel). (I have checked for 15 pictures). It seems the "date" information is lost in the flow.
In the meantime, Windows10 Photo sorts the pictures properly, so it must be possible....
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I have another finding to share :
For the same series of photos (10 pictures taken in the same minute), some happen to have the right exif information in the catalog and some don't have any exif panel at all. In the second case, the catalog uses the windows "modifié le" date as the picture taken date.
Is there any way to check the exif information of a picture without using the Adobe PSE ?
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I check original exif information of a picture using windows - right click - details. Then I compare it to the exif panel in the organizer. It can happen that some exif information is lost during the import. In that case Organizer creates a date for the picture, which can be the "fichier créé le" or "fichier modifié le".
For all the tests I have made, there is an exif date in the original file ("prise de vue" or "média créé" or "date de création"). Why does the Organizer not always use one of those 3 dates to create the date for the picture ? It seems that the Organizer focuses on the "prise de vue" date and if it is not present does not use the other dates present in the original exif information. Which leads to the problem.
Can we do something about it ? Many thanks !
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Hello, any suggestion about my latest post ?
Many thanks.
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Yes, there are a number of free tools to check the exif data.
You can do a search for 'exif tool gui'. I also use geosetter (not only for geotagging) and XnviewMP.
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I have another finding to share :
For the same series of photos (10 pictures taken in the same minute), some happen to have the right exif information in the catalog and some don't have any exif panel at all. In the second case, the catalog uses the windows "modifié le" date as the picture taken date.
I have no explanation for that.