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Photoshop Elements 14: reset activations

New Here ,
Nov 05, 2022 Nov 05, 2022

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I had installed these two tools, Adobe Photoshop Element 14 and Adobe First Element 14, on two PCs, including a desktop PC and a laptop, both running Windows 10. I gave my laptop to one of my children but failed to disable these two software first before removing them from Windows. I now have a new laptop on which I want to reinstall these two tools, but I encounter an impossibility, my installation keys are refused by the system on the grounds that the number of machines that can use this software is exceeded.


I used, after the fact, the special Adobe cleaning tool "AdobeCreativecloudCleanerTool" on the PC given to my son, but without result as far as I am concerned. Is there a solution that can help me?



[Branched from unrelated thread about PSE 2012 by moderator.]



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