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Adobe premiere elements 2022 is a scam

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Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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This is my second post i guess the first got deleted. I recently purchased adobe premiere elements from my local best buy and for the past 4 days i have been trying to simply use the program. After installation it opens the app i see the options for organizer, photo editor, and video editor and when i click on video editor because that's what I paid 100$ for in the store it ask me to log in. Which wouldn't be an issue if it didnt constantly tell me im not connected to the internet when I am connected via ethernet cable and I've even tried connected to wifi to see if it makes any difference and it doesn't. However if  it manages to get passed the connect to internet screen it as for my login which i use a gmail and when you click the button for social connection  to sign it the app goes blank and opens my web broweser taking me to a page that says.

You're all set!

You can now close this browser tab and go back to your application.


And sure enough everytime i do it the app does nothing and all I'm left to do is attempt to log in again but closing and reopening the app. I even tried to make another account using a yahoo email in which I was met with the same results. I also haven't been able to get in contact with a live representative in any for since this issue has occured. Many of the links or webpages on the adobe site seem to time out when I look through the help section so I'm not even sure if that have a way to get live customer support.


I've reinstalled Adobe premiere elements several times using the disc that come with the physical box and the download link you can get from the website and through either installation method the app does not go any further than the log in screen that goes to a blank screen after you input your login information.






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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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You need to provide details for anyone to help
Mac or Windows and exact version of the operating system
Exact Premiere Elements version (any updates applied?)
CPU brand and model and clock speed
Amount of computer memory (RAM)
Video adapter brand and model and driver version and amount of video ram
Number and size and type of hard drives


I have the 2021 version, updated to 2021.3 and zero problems

Windows 11 Pro 64bit

Intel i9 https://www.newegg.com/intel-core-i9-10900k-core-i9-10th-gen/p/N82E16819118122
Motherboard https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Prime-Z490-P/dp/B07ZT3F95V/
64Gig Ram https://www.amazon.com/TEAMGROUP-3200MHz-PC4-25600-Unbuffered-Computer/dp/B086X2FYW9/
GTX 1650 https://www.amazon.com/MSI-GeForce-128-Bit-Graphics-G165D6AIC1/dp/B08GL81369/
Studio driver version 511.09 Download/Install 01-18-2022
motherboard automatically turned integrated Intel video off when installed MSI
TEAMGROUP 512Gig SSD for Windows and programs and usual MS Office Documents files
500Gig SSD Temporary work files and output when creating new video files
1T SSD Video and sound files from camera and other sources
Tower Case https://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-Gaming-Computer-THOR-V2-W/dp/B005XUAAP2
CPU Cooler https://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-ACFRE00052A-Freezer-Pressure-Optimised-Technology/dp/B07LGSDQC2
DVD Writer https://www.amazon.com/Lite-Internal-Drive-Optical-IHAS124-14/dp/B00ERJXTE4/
850watt https://www.newegg.com/cooler-master-mwe-gold-850-v2-mpe-8501-afaag-us-850w/p/N82E16817171180





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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Adobe Premiere Elements 2022

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900KF CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Windows 11 Home

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

8.0GB Dedicated GPU Memory







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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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>NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070


nVidia Driver Downloads https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
-for all Adobe programs use the STUDIO driver, not the GAMING driver
-To achieve the highest level of reliability, Studio Drivers undergo extensive
-testing against multi-app creator workflows and multiple revisions of the top
-creative applications from Adobe to Autodesk and beyond





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Community Expert ,
Aug 11, 2022 Aug 11, 2022

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I'm not fond of the "splash screen", don't use Photoshop Elements (much!) and never use Organizer.   Instead I open the Premiere Elements program directly.  Would you try that?  Find "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2022\PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe" and try launching it.  I think it should ask for a serial number that is included with your boxed set.  






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New Here ,
Aug 11, 2022 Aug 11, 2022

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Neither installing the studio drivers as opposed to the game drivers or opening the application directly from the .exe had no effect. I'm still unable to use the program.





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Aug 12, 2022 Aug 12, 2022

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Sometimes apps or malware block access to Adobe. Worth looking at your hosts file in Notepad. The hosts file is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. You must also set Notepad to search for all files When opening. Let us know if any lines mention Adobe. 





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New Here ,
Aug 13, 2022 Aug 13, 2022

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I'm looking through the folder you reccommended and I'm not finding anything of signifacance and for a program that comes on a cd you buy from the store I feel like this even proves my point more. Why should a program you pop in the disk drive and install require me to look through my drivers or reinstall my drivers and still have no affect.





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