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After two years of no problems with transitions... this past week when I move a cross dissolve between two clips it doesn't settle between both of them but to just one... and worse yet when I click on the transition to adjust it... there is no response. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this issue? I have a neat movie about water that I'm working on and need to get it finished. -Sky
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If one of your clips is trimmed and the other is not, the transition will land over the clip that is trimmed. That has to do with how transitions work. (I've got a tutorial on it, if you're interested.)
But if you're saying that when you add a transition to your movie, the Transitions Properties panel doesn't open -- and that it doesn't open when you double-click on on the transition -- then something is up with your machine.
What operating system do you have? Which processor do you have and with how much RAM?
What is your monitor's resolution?
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I don't know what you mean by "a trimmed clip have a shared cross-fade transition".
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I have experienced a couple of times what I believe the OP is describing.
The cause was a mini snippet between the two clips where the transition was to be placed.
If you move the timeline magnification to the right you then see this one or 2 frame clip & can delete it.
How do such things happen? Presumably by not having the TLI correctly placed when cutting....