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I'm very new at Premiere Elements so I have a feeling the answer is going to be simple. Anyway, I tried putting a few pictures in the timeline and adding an mp3 file - but I got no sound. The volume is at 95% on my computer so that's not the issue. Then I tried importing an mp4 video file that has music in it - but I got no sound. Then I tried importing a sound clip that comes with the program. Again, it played no sound. The mp3 file does make sound IF I run it in something like iTunes. The same is true of the mp4 video file - the sound is there if I run it in something Media Player. Is there some setting in Premiere Elements that defaults to being off? I've watched a couple of youtube videos and nobody else seems to have this problem. I just watched a tutorial where someone downloaded an audio clip that comes with the program and they were able to get both a preview and a playback.
Anyone got any suggestions?
1 Correct answer
In Premiere Elements there is a Preferences section in the Edit menu. Within that is a section for Audio Hardware. Change the settings. I can't tell you what changes to make because each computer has different choices. "Default Input" to "None" is often a good choice.
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In Premiere Elements there is a Preferences section in the Edit menu. Within that is a section for Audio Hardware. Change the settings. I can't tell you what changes to make because each computer has different choices. "Default Input" to "None" is often a good choice.
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That doesn't make sense. Here's what the Audio hardware looks like. As you can see the the speaker is RealTek and in the sound it shows it is the default device. In all other programs it works. And if I pull down the menu on the device output, the second choice is the same as the first one - that the realtek audio is not working.
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It may not be intuitive, but Bill's solution has worked for many on these forums.
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Bill, you are the best!! After trying everything I could think of, then following your advice, changing the audio hardware to "none" worked. Many thanks.
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Man do I appreciate the guidance. I had been fighting with this problem for several days and now it works perfectly. I think what happened was that I pulled out the USB cord to my ear phones and that reset something, but this solved it!
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I followed these instruction, and to my surprise, it worked. I didn't think it would, because my computer played sound on every other app except Premier Elements. I went to "Edit", then "Preferences", then "Audio Hardware", as Bill Sprague instructed. First I changed "Default Input" to "None." Then I changed "Default Output" to whatever other option was available. In my case, the default had been set on speakers. So I changed it to "high definition audio", which is my monitor. As Bill said, each person's audio options will probably be different. I'd suggest trying each option on the dropdown menu and then testing the sound. It should come on right away when you find the right setting. For me, this was a baffling and counterintuitive problem, so I appreciate the help I got.
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Thanks for the feedback Dianne. You're right that not everything to do with video editing is intuitive!
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it works on me, thank you
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Instead of using mp3 files, try converting them to wav before importing into Premiere Elements.
Mp3 files can sometimes do strange things in Premiere Elements
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Thanks for the imput. whsprague actually had the right answer but I was trying to do it in output instead of input. I finally called the 800 number today and found out what I was doing wrong. It's working fine now. Thanks to both of you plus the guy on the phone for helping me get it solved.
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Hi. I've just bought Premiere Elements 2020 and had exactly the same problem.
Using your posts above was very helpful clue (thanks) and I now have sound for my imported video.
In my case, I just needed to toggle off the input microphone.
Can I suggest that Adobe make this a default setting in future please ?
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It is the default setting, PJ. However plugging in USB devices (like microphones or headsets) can change those settings.
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Thanks Steve.
I don't use a microphone so was a bit puzzled as I only have some USB speakers plugged in. But that's fine. All I was suggesting is that with a new install the default should be "No Input" regardless of whether a microphone was detected as being connected. I have used several other editing software products over the years and this is the only one with this "quirk".
I'm now looking forward to editing in Premiere 2020 without the software freezing, something that so often happened with my 2018 version. The system is otherwise really easy to use, hence why I've upgraded.
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Hey Steve,
My sis gave me your book for my birthday. It's been quite helpful. Also founds some of your videos on YouTube and have learned a lot. Many thanks!
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Glad to hear they've been helpful, Coldhands!
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I believe NDI tools may also cause this issue.
Recently I installed NDI Tools on my machine. I use it often in live work, Great tool. I too was having this "NO AUDIO" issue. I searched for hours for a solution and came up dry each time. Disabled and Un / Re Installed drivers for sound and video included Premier Elements three times. I may as well have just reformatted.
Just a few moments ago, I noticed that an NDI plugin "NewTek_NDI_Transmit.prm" was loading last on the splash screen. I was able to find that network transmitter plugin in the program directory. By delete it and its co-hort "NewTek_Import_SpeedHQ.prm", my Premier Elements was working again.
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Hello. A also had installed NDI on my Macbook Pro but do not use it. HOw did you get to the "Program Directory to delete those two files? I notive they are loading even though I deleted the NDI files.
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I went into the adobe elements program folder and deleted the two plugins and it solved the issue. I am not sure how to on a mac. The files above are not in the NDI program folder they are in the adobe elements program folder.