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Hi all,
have spent my hole day at my brother but still no idea what this error could be. After having this project in APE 8.0 and editing it now with the newly bougt Verion 10.0, everything was fine... Opened and saved it several time but today there were suddenly problems: Even a complete new project with the same material and same cut is now broken after having saved and exportet it....
When we are trying to open the project, we're getting the error:
"Premiere Elements has encountered an error.
And in the next window:
Project could no be loaded. It's damaged oder has old elements (not same words, cause my brother is using the german version)
I have tried everything so long: new installation, opening the damaged project on another computer with ELements 8.0 (identical error also there), deleting cahe, deleting Prefs, loading Auto-Backup (also damaged) and so on... Another "Test-Project" I have created with 2 clips is working fine.... I have no idea what to to else... The project is just a "normal" HD project with 20 Minutes and 20 Clips...
Everything on google (about 8 sites) I have tried - no success until now... 😞
so: any ideas???
Thanks a lot!
Hi everyone,
after getting some hints from you about the possible cause of this error, I have been able to fix my project and I'd like to give you back my insights...
First, I uploaded the project file in the Windows Editor. By comparing the file to an earlier backup version which worked fine, I found the following:
At one point in time PE10 corrupts the .prel file by inserting "," in decimal numbers instead of the required "." for the <StartKeyframe> as well as for the <Keyframes> tags. The corre
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I am not familiar with that particular error, but I would immediately look in the PrE AutoSave folder, and Copy those PREL files to another folder. If the PrE 8.0 Project is still intact, I would do the same with the AutoSave PREL files from it to.
Then, I would explore Opening the AutoSave PREL's, to see how things behave. Note: AutoSave files are FIFO (First In - First Out), and are being constantly overwritten, as one edits over time. That is why I suggest doing the Copy action immediately. If the default has not been changed, there should be five PREL's, in each of those two folders (the PrE 10, and PrE 8 Projects' folder hierarchy). When looking at the files in Windows Explorer, set the View to Details, so that you can see the Date/Time of each file. The AutoSave PREL, marked 3, may well be more recent, than say 5.
Good luck, and maybe others will have more input, specific to the exact error messages.
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Hi Hunt,
thanks for your answer - but all the AutoSave projects are incorrect, too... Have already done the step you suggested - but they are all incorrect... That's what makes me so crazy...
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OK, quick question: As PrE will continue doing AutoSaves, while you edit, so that with a long session, if something has gone wrong early, the older AutoSaves will have likely been overwritten - on the PREL files, do any date from back when things worked well? If so, and as you say, they are also showing problems, my question would be, what has changed with the system, from the time that things worked, until now? Have you added any new software, or hardware? Have you reconfigured anything that you can think of?
As a test, create a new System Restore Point for now, and then reboot to Safe Mode, choosing to use another System Restore Point, from when things worked well. Reboot, and attempt to load one of the PREL's. Do you get the same errors?
Good luck, and let us know how this test goes, please,
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well, this could in fact track the error and of course I have changed a lot but just since the error came up the first time...
The give you the concrete example: the hole last week i converted two projects to AVCHD, MP4 in differenz bitrates... I wanted to find out the "perfect" bitrate for my purpose... Therefore I rendered the two projects alternatly.
On saturday then suddenly the error came up - so nothing changed in hardware (notebook) or software as I am writing my master thesis in these days and I would never change a running system! 🙂
The hint with the system restore point is a really good idea but I have to confess: I never worked with this feature so the there's no system restore point in the extended list - even if I check the toolbox "show all"...
I'm still hoping that the error can be fixed by adobe.... ?
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I don't have more solutions, but an observation on specific actions that may have caused this. I have created more than 10 DVD's with no problems. Then I used the "Fun in the Sun" disc menu on two projects an both were corrupted. Another video created between theswe two was fine and used a different menu. I always create a file version on my network storage to view for errors prior to burning DVD's. The menus did not work correctly on these disk based versions, although the moves did play. I just could not navigate the menu correctly (no highlights appeared). The only other difference I can think of is the use of fade in at the beginning and fade out at the end. I believe I have used this before, but perhaps not. Although I can't be 100% certain, I hope this gives Adobe a clue as to where to look and may help some of you.
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i have exactly the same problem. since i used it the first time. i really hate this programm!
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Try following which is workaround for this problem, should resolve the issue:
For the issue that ends up in a corrupt project, please do the following:
1. Download perl from
2. Open cmd prompt
3. Run this command from there
perl -p -e "s/([-0-9]+?),([0-9]{12,24})/$1.$2/g" damaged.prel >working.prel
4. Please specify the path for the prel files that cause the issue in place of the text “damaged.prel”
5. Reopen the project and let me know how it goes.
Exact command with paths should go like
perl -p -e "s/([-0-9]+?),([0-9]{12,24})/$1.$2/g" C\Users\...\Desktop\AVCHD.prel >C\Users\...\Desktop\AVCHD_working.prel
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Hi Tahseen,
thanks for your help but unfortunately the error is the same again... The Script is working as it's creating a new file named "XYZ_working.prel" - i just had to edit the path from d\project.prel to d:\project.prel
Any other ideas?
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Well, then share the project file with us. Sent you a mesaage about where to send the file.
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Hi Tahseen,
I have sent the projects via mail - hope you'll find a solution!
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Hello SedAdMichael,
it seems Adobe Software has problems on system using non-dot decimal separators. To verify this, could I ask about the decimal separator your system is using (language setting). Is it a comma "," or a dot "."?
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Hello Mohammad,
I get the same error Message after replacing the "," with "." in the Keyframe sections. Unfortunately most of the backup files contain the same error. Only those still existing from Premiere Elements 9 (still installed) are correct. Can you please give a clue what's wrong with the new files. - I could send you my project file too, if it helps.
I am using a German version of Windows 7 - 64bit and Premiere Elements 10 - 64bits.
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Hi Jens,
thanks for trying to help us... But unfortunately this didn't resolve the problem - I changed the separator to "." instead of "," but the same error occured when trying to open the project....
I habe already sent my files to adobe - hopefully they are able to find a solution... I already got some messages that also other people are having this strange error...
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Hi Michael,
> I changed the separator to "." instead of "," but the same error occured when trying to open the project....
it's correct that changing the dot separator will not make PRE 10 able to load the file correctly - I had no doubt in that, but having a system with "," supports my theory that this breaks the prel-files on saving. Using the dot separator in the system might not lead to corrupted files when saving the projects (that's my theory, I'd like to have confirmed).
> thanks for trying to help us... But unfortunately this didn't resolve the problem
I'm not just trying to help, I like my file getting fixed too
P.S. I hope Adobe will give us a patch soon and a fix-tool or a description how to fix the old files. Many language settings are using "," as a decimal separator, so whole countries are affected.
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HANDLE WITH CARE - I found a solution for my file!
My Theory seems to be working: It seems be the wrong interpretation of language settings.
1st fix (see above, you did this already):
2nd fix (I found out this works for me):
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Hi everyone,
after getting some hints from you about the possible cause of this error, I have been able to fix my project and I'd like to give you back my insights...
First, I uploaded the project file in the Windows Editor. By comparing the file to an earlier backup version which worked fine, I found the following:
At one point in time PE10 corrupts the .prel file by inserting "," in decimal numbers instead of the required "." for the <StartKeyframe> as well as for the <Keyframes> tags. The correct syntax of both these tags seems to be as follows:
xxxx is a 17 digit (integer) number
yyyy is either a (decimal) number z. or a range z.:z. or a boolean value (true or false)
z. is a decimal number (number followed by a ".")
In my corrupted .prel file, all numbers which were supposed to be "z." were actually "z," which caused the error.
Only some of the occurrences of this error can be captured by the script described above, namely replacing the "," followed by 12 or 24 "0" with a ".". Unfortunately, there are a lot of other occurencences which have to be dealt with in order to correct the .prel file. One can get a number of algorithms for speeding up the process of replacing the erroneous "," with ".",
e.g. search for ",000000" and replace it by ".000000" (similar to the scipt above) but you also have to consider
search for ",," and replace it by ".,"
search for "0,5" and replace it by "0.5",
search for ",<" and replace it by ".< etc., you get the idea....
This list is not complete, you still have to search manually for some odd numbers!! However, as you progress with replacing the erroneous "," you will see the perceantage of the .prel file loading successfully increase and at the end of the day (more an hour really) the file will load completely. I have not tried to fully automate the process. Hope this was a one time effort!
The above procedure is a pain in the neck, but if your son has spent an entire weekend on a project it is worth the effort! Hope this will work for you as well. Adobe should be able to fix this easily. Good luck!
Best regards, Rainer
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Hi Rainer,
that's it - everything is working... What have I done?
I used both (!!) scripts from cloud565 with the following command lines via cmd:
C:\Perl64\bin>perl -p -e "s/([-0-9]+?),([0-9]{12,24})/$1.$2/g" D:\We.prel >D:\We1.prel
C:\Perl64\bin>perl -p -e "s/([-0-9]+?)\.([0-9]{12,24});([0-9]{15})/$1.$2,$3/g" D:\We1.prel >D:\We2.prel
Note: C:\Perl64 is the install path of pearl, We.prel is the damaged existing initial project. We1 and We2 are going to be created by the script.
Then I opend We2.prel in notepad++ and followed the instructions of Rainer, but just 2 of them:
search for ,< and replace by .<
search for 0,5 and replaxe by 0.5
And that was all I had to to - after this PE10 was able to open the projects, I didn't have to replace other lines / expressions like Rainer.
So glad that the projects are working again, thanks all of you for helping us and leading us to the solution!
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Hi everyone,
I have the same problem after many hours on this project.
"Premiere Elements has encountered an error.
My project weighs 3 499 038 octets.
without explanation, suddenly, my project has been altered and also all versions of the same project automatically saved in Adobe Premiere Elements 10.
This is the first project that I create with Adobe Premiere Elements 10 on my new pc.
I use a Intel Core I7 with Windows 7 Pro FR 64bits, 120Go SSD Harddisk and 16Go DDRAM.
I have applied all solutions proposed above without success.
I would like to have your opinion on two points.
1 - do you think it is possible to find a solution to my problem?
2 - how to be on not to meet again this problem on other projects?
Best regards,
Balma, France.
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If your problem is exactly the same, you should start by using exactly the same solution that worked for the original poster.
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Thanks Steve,
but that's exactly what I did.
I applied SetAdMichael solution first
and after RainerBl solution
and after cloud565 solution
and even several times each. I thank them for their work.
I will completely recreate my project, if I have the same problem again I will choose, with regrets, another video editing software. Indeed Adobe seems unable to explain and fix this bug. Adobe Premieres Element 10 is not sufficiently reliable to be used resulted seriously.
It is unacceptable to lose the result of a several days, including backups.
I feel like I have been deceived by purchasing this version which ultimately cost me a lot of time and money spent unnecessarily.
Best regards,
Balma, France.
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Hi Kinou,
I know how you feel, it's really frustrating. Just one hint, though... In my solution, I did not list all erronous occurrences of "," ! I listed some of the common patterns, but there are other lines where you really have to do a search/replace on an individual basis. So, if you really want to recover your project, it is my experience that you have to go through the entire file looking for the tags and the syntax that I described above. One missed "," where a "." should be will corrupt the project! I could see my progress in the increase of the percentage the project loaded before I got the error message. Hope this helps...
Good luck, Rainer
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Adobe i have also this problem. I spend lots of hours to a project. All went fine till now with those error:
I don't have a D: drive ??
My project was ready in the first place. I saved it. The only thing i did was: Share it with YouTube. I choose the setting "High definition 1920 ...." rendering starts en uploaded it to Youtube.
I was very angry because the output on youtube was very bad. The 720p and 1080p where not as good as on my timeline. It was very late so i closed Adobe Premiere, and the pc asked me to save the file?
I thought: save the file? i did nothing change? ... but i did choose yes... stupid... maybe i must choose No.
Just now i would like to render again but i get the Keyframe problem..
Why Adobe why? Please can you fix this problem with a simple workarround? I have a deadline.
Have no time to do the scripting with Perl. Do you have a faster way.?
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I spend some time, same as you. Did al those 3 things. script1, script2 and replace ,, 0,5 and the ,< thing. But again same error.
And there is post above with text "This list is not complete"
What need to be done more?
I find this very annoying!
All Automatically created recovery/saved files have different date and timestamps and i thougth to use one of the latest. But that also does not work? Same Keyframe.h-142 error.
When will the fix come Adobe?
Please let us know if this is resolved or not.