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Necessary to uninstall PrE 17 version prior to installing PrE 19 version ?

Explorer ,
Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

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I was, till December 2nd, using 2019 i.e. 17 versions of PsE and PrE. On December 3rd I purchased online the 2021 versions of these softwares and installed them with success, without uninstalling previous 17 version.

I was successful in adapting a previous Element Organizer catalog to a 2021 version.

On the contrary, I face numerous difficulties in using a previous PrE 17 project: even after inactivating 2021 Autoanalyser on machine start, my PrE projects often crashes and an error generator is created: I just filled one and sent it to Adobe.

In order to be able to operate normaly PrE 19, should I first uninstall 17 and 19 versions, then reinstall the new 19 version ?

I have looked ad various Adobe help articles and did not found any answer to this simple question.

Last question : should I do the same with PsE, i.e. uninstalle 17 and 19 versions and then reinstall 19 version ? Indeed Element Organizer and PrE are linked and working together.

My current machine has following features:

  • Dell Precision 5820
  • Intel i7-98000X
  • RAM: 32 GB
  • NVIDIA Quadro P4000, 8 GB
  • OS SSD 1000 GB
  • Win 10 version 20H2

Thanks, in advance, for your suggestions and assistance.



Crash , Error or problem






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Community Expert ,
Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

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The versions of both Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements operate independantly.   You can have several installed on you computer.  You do not need to uninstall old version to use new versions.  


A problem comes in Premiere Elements if you try to open a project from an older version in the newer version.   Projects need to be completed in the versions they were created in.   It is not 'backward compatible'.   Old features may not be supported in new versions and new version have new features.   They don't mix. 


It can be important to keep old versions for any projects that may be ongoing.  





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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2020 Dec 06, 2020

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Many thanks for your answer to my post and your advice to "finish" any Premiere Element project with the PrE version which has been used for its creation.


My error has been decide to update PsE and PrE while I was making the final edition of a 90 min project: I thought that, just like Element Organizer catalogs, the new PrE software would be "backward compatible". While looking at various pages related to PrE, I did not found such information.


At this time, as I was suggesting in my previous post, I have uninstalled 2019 and 2021 versions of both PsE and PrE softwares, cleaned unused registries using CCleaner and after restart, reinstalled 2021 PsE and PrE softwares. It appears that this uninstalling and reinstalling operation do not solve my PrE crashing issues. Neverttheless I have noticed that such crashes appear always on the same timeline point. Thus, I am presently testing this long project time line in order to identify any crash at other timeline points. I shall let you know the results of such examination. Upon restult of such tests:

  • If "crash" sites are not too numerous, I may just replace them within my timeline, using the 2021 PrE version,
  • If "crash" sites are too numerous or clip replacement impossible, I shall reinstall 2019 PrE and finish this 90 min long project edition and production.


At this point, you may ask me why I have been so "stupid" to upgrade my PrE version while my project was almost finished? The reason is very simple: while editing my 2019 PrE project, I was discovering that numerous clips, in fact an increasing number of clips had their sound track eiter replaced or mixed with other clip sound tracks. This is quite anoying and I thought that updating my PrE version would solve such a bug. Have you faced any such issue and do you have any clue for the possible origins if it?


In advance, I thank you for your suggestions and assistance.









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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2020 Dec 06, 2020

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Here is the follow-up of the issues I have faced when editing a project created with 2019 PrE using 2021 PrE version.


2021 PrE appears to crash ONLY when a video clip sound track is added to a clip placed on the time line on the "Music" sound track. This operation was possible with 2019 PrE version (as well as previous versions) but appears to be forbitten using 2021 PrE version. Having discovered this specificity, I have moved such "Music" added clip sound track to the "Audio 2" (or more) sound track and my 2019 PrE created project works smoothly with 2021 PrE. My major problem is thus SOLVED.


My last unsolved question is why and how, when using 2019 PrE, a clip sound tranck placed in the time line could be either replaced by another clip sound track or "polluted" by another clip sound track. Since video and sound tracks appears to be treated separately, there may have been a database partial corruption. Why is the question! My only wish is that such issue will not be faced again when using 2019 PrE and Organizer Element versions. In addition, I have discovered that such sound track corruption or replacement may also be observed when opening this video clip on Element Organizer. Luckily the source clip on the computer HDD is not modified!


If anyone, on this discussion forum, has any clue on this last sound track issue, I would appreciate.








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Community Expert ,
Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

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OS SSD 1000 GB.

Wow what a waist. Get yourself a small SSD just for OS and Programs and use the 1Tb for all the rest.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 06, 2020 Dec 06, 2020

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"Have you faced any such issue and do you have any clue for the possible origins if it?"

When something goes wrong, the usual assumption by a user is that there has to be something wrong, or a bug, in the software. That's certainly possible.  Having participated in this user forum for several years, I have a different assumption.  When something as unusual as sound tracks getting mixed up, my assumptions go toward machine failures.  There may be a "bat spot" in the RAM, SSD or HDD.   In my own situation, I had a mother board crack causing the connection to the HDD to be oddly intermitent.  So, if I were to bet, it would be that you are looking at some hardware problems.  





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